Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1411 Smooth Entry

Chapter 1411 Smooth Entry
He couldn't imagine that he was beaten by a child, and he didn't dare to fight back!

"Uncle, you go away, don't babble, it's too noisy." Beibei rolled her eyes again, there were many voices around, and this annoying uncle babbled again, she must be displeased.

The monkey-cheeked man nodded and fled immediately.

The deacon of Shengshi Auction is an old man, who looks like a sinister villain, Deacon Lou of Immortal Emperor Seventeen.

He walked out with a smile, looked at so many people present, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you fellow daoists for coming so far. On behalf of the Shengshi Auction, I welcome you all. Those who have tokens can enter now."

Hearing that, the people at the gate swarmed up and couldn't get in.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched into a smile, and then he didn't take the usual way, and went directly to the back door.

Sure enough, as Ling Yun thought, there was no one extra behind, only two guards guarding the back door.

"Notify the person in charge here that I have something to auction, which can be used as the finale item." Ling Yun said to the two guards as soon as he arrived.

The fat guard cast a glance at Ling Yun, and then ignored him.

"Your attitude...hahaha..."

Ling Yun smiled, really ignorant guard! !
Another thinner guard said: "This is the back door, if you need anything, please go in through the door."

"Hurry up and report that my handsome Shushu is here." Beibei pointed at the fat guard.

"Hahaha...just him? Don't make trouble, go in through the front door."

"It seems that you have to choose to die." Ling Yun's cold tone suddenly sounded, and a trace of murderous intent danced in his eyes.

The skinny guard slapped him fiercely, and then said: "Master... calm down, this is also the rule of the Shengshi Auction, we can't change it if we want to."

Just when Ling Yun was about to kill them, a voice came from inside.

"What did he say he came here?"

The skinny guard immediately asked: "Master! Why are you looking for our person in charge?"

"I have something for auction." Ling Yun replied calmly.

"Oh? What! If it's not a good thing, the consequences will be serious."

The sound got closer and closer, until a hunched figure appeared at the back door. It was an old man bent over. He looked as if he was sick, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Ling Yun smiled and replied, "Look, see if this item of mine can be auctioned."

He casually took out a jade slip, looked at it, and nodded with satisfaction.

This jade slip was the core of the sealing circle that trapped the soul demon when he killed it in the Wuhun Continent.

Now that Ling Yun got it, it has been completely transformed into a huge trap, very domineering.

The rickety old man narrowed his eyes for a moment, and suddenly smiled.

"Hahahaha, good thing, good thing, dare to ask little brother, where did you get this thing?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, just take me in." Ling Yun smiled, and he discovered that there was an incredible medicinal material in today's Shengshi Auction.

No wonder it attracts so many people!

"Little brother, please come in! Please come in." The crooked old man immediately greeted him with a smile, secretly thinking that Ling Yun is the main guest, and today their Shengshi Auction got shit luck.

Ling Yun didn't move a single step...

The two guards next to him were sweating profusely!

"You guys do it yourself, or I do it." Ling Yun looked at them coldly, they were already trembling.

The crooked old man frowned, glared at the two guards, and asked, "What's going on."

The skinny guard knelt down immediately: "Elder Hong, please forgive me, yes... yes... it was we who neglected this master just now."

"Hmph... dog eyes look down on people, I really blinded your dog eyes!"

The crooked old man sent them flying with one palm. After the two of them landed, they could hear the sound of bones breaking, but Ling Yun frowned.

"Forgive me, forgive me, my lord, you little ones have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, please let us go."

"Little brother, forget about it, the old man has already punished them."

Ling Yun didn't intend to let them go, but the little guy said in a childish voice, "Papa...don't worry about them."

The meaning of these words is obvious, let Ling Yun let them go.

"Who is the biggest at the Prosperous Age Auction here?" Ling Yun nodded, and then asked the crooked old man.

The crooked old man was a little surprised by Ling Yun's question, which is not usually asked by people who come here, but he looked Ling Yun up and down, and saw nothing unusual.

If he was a little surprised, it was Ling Yun's courage. A mere true immortal with two children, and dared to bring such a precious formation, came to the Shengshi Auction without rushing.

"It's Grandma Qu!" The crooked old man answered truthfully, his eyes always resting on Ling Yun.

It's a pity that Ling Yun just nodded, showing nothing.

Then the crooked old man took Ling Yun to the backstage, went through some procedures, and explained some problems.

"What's your name?"

"what ever."

"Hahahaha, I just like the boldness of the little brother."

Seeing that Ling Yun didn't speak, the crooked old man said again!

"Arrange a VIP room for this little brother. Our Shengshi Auction will charge [-]% of the revenue. You can watch the auction all the way, and you can take pictures if you need it."

"it is good!"

To be honest, Ling Yun is not satisfied with such an expensive extraction fee, but there is nothing he can do about it, all the rules are like this.

The crooked old man asked a maid to lead Ling Yun away from the backstage, and he turned around and went to the highest floor.

"Papa, did you just come in like this? It's so simple, I will too."

"Handsome Shushu, did you give them any treasure?"

Beibei wouldn't even believe it, that jade slip is not a treasure.

"Hey... it's all rubbish, inconspicuous." Ling Yun shook his head and said, he was telling the truth, it is generally impossible to use formations, and the latter is too tasteless for him.

The maid smiled!
That formation was at the supreme level, Elder Hong specially asked her to greet the man in front of her, and now he is talking rubbish?She knew that this man would coax children.

"Big sister, don't laugh." The little guy blinked and said.

"Well, don't are so cute, how old are you?" the maid asked.

"Three years old."

The little guy replied in a childish voice.

This age surprised the maid a little.

Beibei said: "My name is Beibei, why is eldest sister a maid?"

She will break the blind eye, and don't understand that the person whose strength is the immortal emperor is a maid, because in the background, she is the only one who is equal in strength to that crooked old man.

The maid was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly: "Life is forced, for two meals."

Ling Yun didn't speak, and let the two children chat with the maid.

Maybe it's fate, they chatted very well, because Elder Hong specially confessed.

This maid is only in charge of the VIP room of Ling Yun and the others, so the latter is almost inseparable, and the little guy still likes her embrace.

(End of this chapter)

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