Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1418 Interrupt

Chapter 1418 Interrupt
These male favorites don't know Ling Yun, just looking at the latter makes them jealous and feel inferior.

This kind of look makes Ling Yun very disgusted, plus the words of a certain male favorite...

"Little boy, you have a bit of beauty."

"Do you want to follow Grandma Qu?"

Hearing these two words from the male pet, Grandma Qu's expression froze. She didn't expect that the male pet would say these words. Didn't she want her to die?

"To shut up."

Grandma Qu trembled with anger.

As soon as the words fell, all the male favorites were killed by Ling Yun with a wave of his hand, leaving no scum left.

"I'm sorry...Master Pluto, I'm the one who can't discipline you well."

He said it was an apology, but his tone was sincere, but Grandma Qu's body seemed to be stiff as she sat at the table.

Scared to death, the man she liked just died like this, it's a pity that she doesn't deserve sympathy, the man is just good-looking, just like a maid, no man has ever entered her eyes.

Maid Yin was startled suddenly, she looked at Ling Yun and Bei Bei, and immediately the image of Taishang and the little princess appeared in her mind.


They were really the two little princesses from the God Realm.


Ling Yun said calmly.

Grandma Qu's eyes stopped for a moment on Ling Yun's cheek, and then she stepped out of the private room door.

Lord Pluto is at the Shengshi Auction, and he wants to auction the Tianshan Snow Lotus. No matter who takes the auction, no one can deal with him. It will be a bloodbath.

Beibei took out her pocket, took out a healing elixir and gave it to Maid Yin, who was very grateful!

"Thank you...thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome, saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, baby, my Amitabha Buddha."

Beibei looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and put one hand upright next to his mouth.

Ling Yun was even amused by her, and then Beibei laughed loudly and said, "You are handsome, you laughed so happily, why don't you give Beibei a can of Wangzai, just one can!!"


The kid started cheating on him again, Ling Yun's smile froze on his face, he couldn't laugh or cry.

These words attracted the little guy, the latter's eyes turned gloomy, cheating on her father, how could she be without her.

"Papa...I've drank a lot of Wangzai these days, but my sister didn't get one can, one can, one can."

After she finished speaking, she stuck out her tongue a little bit, and looked at Ling Yun with blinking eyes. This small look is unbearable...

"Aunt Qin will be very sad knowing that my sister doesn't have to drink Wangzai."

Beibei added a knife: "My mother said that I lost weight."

"No, here you are..."

Ling Yun stroked his forehead, expressing his helplessness.

Beibei who got a can of Wangzai pointed to the little guy!

They were probably asking Ling Yun why her sister didn't exist, the two sisters were always of the same mind.

The little guy licked his mouth, then shook his head: "I'll just watch you"

Ling Yun: "..."

Just look at him and don't look at him with that wronged little eyes, how embarrassing.

"No, take it."

The little guy got Wangzai and smiled happily. This is really a happy child.

The auction has already bid for more than 200 million top-quality spirit stones, and many private rooms have been questioned whether there are enough spirit stones.

So they stopped for five or six minutes, and Grandma Qu returned to the top floor again, contacted the senior management of Shengshi Auction, and told everything here.

As the person in charge of the Shengshi Auction, that is the elusive Juetian Great Emperor, and those who can become great emperors are all ruthless people.

When Emperor Juetian heard that Pluto wanted Tianshan snow lotus, he laughed at first, and then gave an order to Grandma Qu.

Even if the Tianshan Snow Lotus is destroyed in the three-day prosperous auction, Pluto can't get it. Let everyone compete first, and they will benefit in the end.

The general situation of the private rooms in the entire building has been revealed. There are more than ten people who are qualified to participate in the competition of 200 million top-quality spirit stones.

Fairy Leng said: "Your Majesty, we don't have so many spirit stones here, let's give up."

Empress Yaoyue patted her forehead with a headache, sighed and said: "That's the only way, damn it, if they didn't get involved, the 200 million prepared by the emperor wouldn't be enough."

Then she stared coldly through the window at the Fourth President of the Tianxiahui below.

By the high platform!
Guild Leader Snake whispered: "Are we really going to spend several million to buy Tianshan Snow Lotus?"

President Long said: "You mean that we join forces to destroy the Shengshi Auction, and then snatch the Tianshan Snow Lotus?"

President Dog frowned, and immediately shook his head and said: "No, there are so many masters here, and the people hiding in the private room don't know their identities, and they will cause trouble for the world."

The Snake Club rolled his eyes at him, and said displeasedly: "What are you afraid of, how many strong people can there be here? I don't believe the four of us can't beat it together!!"

"The one on the top floor is a tough one. Grandma Qu is a poisonous woman. To mess with her? It's just a matter of death."

"Is she really on the top floor?" President Dog swallowed, and asked in a tone of disbelief.

The master of ceremonies interrupted their conversation, and the auction resumed.

Ling Yun frowned, this matter gave him a headache, if he wanted to grab it, he was worried that the little guys would learn it, and if he didn't grab it, he wouldn't have so many spirit stones.

Elder Feng cautiously asked in the ear of the crooked old man: "Who is 303, can he really have so many spirit stones?"

To be honest, he never believed it!


The crooked old man nodded heavily. The name alone is priceless. You can say whether it is worth it, but he can only nod. As for the others, he doesn't want to die, so he won't say anything.

Grandma Qu's voice came upstairs: "Elder Feng, please terminate the auction immediately. Let me tell you some bad news. We have some unpleasantness with the client. The auction of Tianshan snow lotus will be later."

what the hell!

There was dissatisfaction in all the private rooms.

They came here to watch the excitement, and now that the biggest excitement is not going on, why are they staying? A lot of people said they wanted to leave, what the hell is the auction house.

Even Elder Feng was stunned...

"This is the Prosperity Auction, not the streets and alleys. What's the noise? If anyone wants to leave, just leave." Grandma Qu's displeased voice came again, her tone full of threats, which made people tremble.

Empress Yaoyue said: "There is no need to stay here, I will go to 303 with the empress to see this child, Qianqian. I haven't seen her for a long time, and I miss her very much."


Fairy Leng nodded, wondering why Grandma Qu did this.

Everyone was just trying to scare Grandma Qu. The auction here is not over, and there are some good things on the list later. They can't point to Tianshan Snow Lotus, so they must buy some other things.

Grandma Qu snorted coldly, her face was full of frost! !
After Elder Feng came back to his senses, he muttered to the master of ceremonies: "You jump over the snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain and move on to the next game. I will go and see what's wrong."


Although the master of ceremonies was full of doubts, he was not in charge of these matters, and was only responsible for carrying the auction to the end.

Ling Yun muttered in a cold tone: "A group of evil people, looking for death!"

(End of this chapter)

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