Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1422

Chapter 1422

Everyone in the private room has learned a lot, especially Beibei, holding it carefully like a treasure.

The little guy asked: "Papa, have you eaten?"

Her intuition told her, it must be!

And Ling Yun didn't lie, and nodded directly: "Yes, who is your father, this thing can only be my daily thirst-quenching fruit, similar to fruit."

Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of Queen Yaoyue, Maid Yin and Fairy Leng twitched violently.

Pluto is too prodigal!

"Is it the smell of little tomatoes?" The little guy asked, licking his mouth.

"Does it taste like cherry tomatoes?"

"It's not like grapes. It has a strong fruit juice aroma." Ling Yun smiled and knew that the little guy wanted to eat it, but this blood bodhi was only one, and it belonged to Beibei.

Beibei said: "Grapes, my sister likes grapes, so I don't need to eat them, and eating grapes is the same!"

Hearing this, the little guy suspected that she had been abandoned, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he froze.

Queen Yaoyue is a fair person, she touched the unhappy little guy: "Sissy, this is a gift from the emperor to Beibei, it belongs to her, don't make it difficult for her, turn around, Ben The emperor asked her to eat it right away, so you can feel at ease."

"Yeah, okay." The little guy lay in Ling Yun's arms, and said in a childlike voice: "Sister, eat quickly, I won't watch... don't peek!"

Beibei: "..."

"Cissy, Blood Bodhi is not very tasty, it's not as good as the King of Beasts fruit you ate."

Ling Yun was quite amused, and then carried her to the window sill, he was going to witness the grand auction of the supreme class, and the little guy covered his eyes, she had eaten four king of beasts before... none of them was left behind.

As the eyes of the two father and daughter were fixed on the high platform, the little guy only saw a group of jade slips wrapped in golden light, which was the Supreme Formation that Ling Yun wanted to auction.

And Beibei ate the blood bodhi in one bite, it was really like Ling Yun said, it can only be used as a fruit, and the body changed a little.

"Papa, is that the rubbish you mentioned? The whole thing is so flashy?" The little guy looked a little dizzy.

"That's right, the rubbish you pick up is not worth mentioning."


If other people hear that they don't know, they will say that Ling Yun is bragging or that he is ignorant.

In today's Seven Great Domains, if you want a supreme formation, that is a luxury.

After the master of ceremonies introduced the origin of the jade slips, the cheers of the audience were no less than that of Tianshan snow lotus.

"I'll pay one hundred thousand."

"Go away, don't make a sound if you don't have money, you just want to take away the Supreme Formation for a mere [-], are you out of your mind?"

"What are you talking about? Say one more thing!!"

"If I have the ability, I won't think about it once..."

"Fuck... Do you want to fight?"

"I'll pay 17." Wang Gaowen, the stooped old man's nephew, shouted.


The three presidents of the Tianxiahui were watching a show, and they would sell if the price was about the same.

This is also the last auction item, and the next one is Tianshan Snow Lotus!
A few minutes later, no one dared to bid after President Long's bidding.

With a transaction price of 130 million, no one has such a big deal.

The transaction went smoothly, even if Grandma Qu wanted to stop it, after all, it was a commission from Pluto, how dare she have the guts.

The crooked old man walked into 303 tremblingly. To be honest, he really didn't want to come in, but he had no choice but to send money to Hades.

President Long's only request was to pay Ling Yun face-to-face with 130 million top-quality spirit stones, but the crooked old man refused. This is the rule of the Shengshi Auction and must be kept secret for the client.

President Long had a look of anger, but he was helpless.

"I have seen Lord Pluto." The first thing the stooped old man did when he entered the private room was to kneel down to Ling Yun.

"You don't need to be so polite to me, maybe you will die in my hands later." Ling Yun looked at the crooked old man with a half-smile, who was half-dead from fright.

"I... I didn't say anything..."

"The Supreme Formation is 130 million. After deducting others and repaying the debt, a total of 93 top-quality spirit stones will be paid to you. Please have a look." Go to the top floor for now.

The corner of Yaoyue Queen's mouth twitched, so this supreme formation belongs to Pluto?

Maid Yin immediately understood why the crooked old man asked her to greet Ling Yun well. It turned out that she was the client of the Supreme Formation when she didn't know her identity.

Fairy Leng took a breath...

Only the little guy took the storage ring handed over by the crooked old man, which was full of spirit stones, how could she let it go.

"I didn't expect that trash to be so valuable?" The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, and he wiped his storage ring, looking very funny.


Queen Yaoyue was amused by her, what kind of rubbish?That is the supreme formation that everyone wants to get! !
"The younger one will leave first." The crooked old man didn't dare to stay any longer, so he immediately proposed to leave.

Ling Yun smiled, but didn't stop her. Queen Yaoyue thought something would happen, but she was a little disappointed in the end.

The Shengshi Auction will only have the last Tianshan snow lotus left in this auction.

A lot of people wanted to stay and see who took the photo of Tianshan snow lotus in the end!

Boom! !
There was a loud noise outside the gate, and everyone looked over calmly, only to see a shaky figure walk in, and the two front guards were killed by a sword energy!
When everyone saw the figure, Qi Qi opened his mouth wide, expressing his surprise.

That person is the Wuji Sword Master who was driven out by Elder Feng before!

He walked in with a head in his hand, with a constant smile on his lips, and everyone looked at the blurred head and couldn't tell who was coming, so they could only guess wildly.

Elder Feng frowned, and said in a stern voice: "Wuji Sword Master, you are too presumptuous."

"I didn't come here looking for you." The corner of Wuji Sword Master raised his mouth, and then he came to the side of the high platform and knelt down: "I will live up to your lord's order, the head of Master Jianglong is here!!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked!

Isn't Master Jianglong in his private room?How could he be killed?
Looking at the injuries on Sword Master Wuji, they must have had a great battle, and Sword Master Wuji was slightly better!
The direction to kneel down is 303, all eyes are on 303 immediately!

Grandma Qu's eyes were beating with a cold light. This was the order of Hades. She should have known from the beginning that according to Hades' style, Master Jianglong, who had always been against him, would not be alive.

What surprised her was how Venerable Jianglong was killed by Master Wuji Sword outside, he should be in the private room.


He killed Venerable Jianglong!
Elder Feng glared at Wuji Sword Master, and without saying a word, he just slapped him!
At this time, the Wuji Sword Master was exhausted and couldn't even return his hands. He could only watch the terrifying palm attacking him. He had no choice but to close his eyes in despair, and smiled at the corners of his mouth...


303 burst out a wave of fingertips, easily breaking Elder Feng's palm, and saved Wuji Sword Master!

The atmosphere of terror spread throughout the auction house...

(End of this chapter)

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