Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1435 Don't Let It Go

Chapter 1435 Don't Let It Go

Beibei opened her mouth wide in surprise, and then her eyes started rolling again!
The leader of the Five Elements and Grandma Qu on the side were also shocked, their minds were full of what happened just now, how could that golden arc be so terrifying.

Only the Yaoyue Empress guessed right, that golden arc was the power that contained divine power, and its destructive power was terrifying.


Queen Yaoyue didn't dare to be too sure, if she was a god, it would be ridiculous.

"I am me, a lovely child, Papa's child." The little guy laughed loudly.

Beibei said: "My sister is very powerful, I know it!"

Queen Yaoyue shook her head. In order to reconfirm the power, she took the little guy's fingers and plucked the strings lightly.

A crisp and melodious sound of the piano sounded, and the sound of the piano was melodious, like a magic sound filling the ears, making people's consciousness involuntarily confused, and the mind seemed to be addicted.

The terrifying scene once again shocked everyone's eyes! !
The flashing arc of golden light cut out a piece of brilliance, and the sound waves alone made people lose their minds. The golden road couldn't bear it, and it was fragmented.

"Hateful Yaoyue!"

The remaining team leaders of the Emperor and Second Army stared at Queen Yaoyue with angry eyes, looking like they wanted to eat her alive.

Maid Yin's figure flew out from the golden avenue, with a trace of fear, she felt death inside, thankfully she ran fast, otherwise she would have confessed inside.

This time, Queen Yaoyue swallowed her saliva, confirming that the unknown power was very powerful, but she still denied that it was a god!

Beibei laughed out loud and then she took away the hand of Queen Yaoyue, and it was her turn to play the strings.

"Auntie Demon, look at me!"

"You seem to know a little bit." The Yaoyue Queen put the little guy aside, and then she was going to teach Beibei a few times.


Beibei shook her head, rejecting the hand extended by Queen Yaoyue, she wanted to play by herself.

As Beibei plucked the strings for the first time, there was a trace of abnormality in the air.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched!
Isn't this the only mother in the world!
Although Beibei only played it once, Ling Yun is very sure that only mother is good in the world!
Following Beibei's extremely unfamiliar movements, sound waves poured out all around. After hearing this, everyone felt very depressed!

"I am ashamed of my parents and unworthy of being a human being."

"Yeah, let me die, let me die."

Anyone with a low cultivation base must kneel on the ground, confessing to himself, with a look of annoyance and frustration on his face.

Ling Yun was quite surprised that Beibei's piano sound could make people feel an irresistible negative emotion, and the scope of influence was too wide.

The corner of Yaoyue Queen's mouth twitched fiercely, she was a little depressed, and almost confessed herself like them.

The Master of the Five Elements and Grandma Qu are smarter and have sealed their sense of hearing so that they will not be affected.

But Fairy Cold...

She was just like an ordinary person, listening to the music, she was in a bad mood, as if she had lost the meaning of life and was about to kill herself.

Just when she drew her sword and stood up, Ling Yun flicked her fingertips and saved her, and the latter came back to his senses from the song.

"It's too powerful, I fell into a state of mind just now." Fairy Leng recalled, her scalp was going numb.

Maid Yin went all out, and while Beibei was still playing the tune, she killed the captains of the three major armies with all her might and arrogance!
Beibei's abilities were limited, and his body was a bit overwhelmed. He shook his head and refused to play before he finished playing, which made the Diya Army gradually wake up.


A beam of sword energy came vertically and horizontally, and Queen Yaoyue blocked it with a wave of her hand. The terrifying fluctuations set off bursts of thick smoke, and the surrounding area was shattered.

Captain Zhang, the most powerful, glared and said sharply: "If you are here, our Lord Diya will take care of you. Now all follow my orders and retreat!"

He has no way to defeat Hades. Maybe he thinks that only Diya can shake the ancient Hades. If he insists on capturing Zhongtian for three days, he may never return.

Hearing this, Queen Yaoyue stomped her feet angrily!

"I'm going to escape, if you have the ability to stay, I will fight the emperor to the death."

No matter how the Yaoyue Queen used words to attack, the Diya Army began to leave in an orderly manner for three days, dissipating like a black mist.

The little guy said: "Aha, run away... run away if you can't beat it, this is what my papa taught me, I didn't expect them to learn it too."

Beibei: "..."

Ling Yun didn't say anything, and it's impossible for him to agree!
"Since they're all here, let's leave them all."

There was a majestic murderous intent in Ling Yun's stern tone, which immediately made everyone in the middle three days gasp. At this moment, it was as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and the hairs on their bodies stood on end.

Ling Yun grabbed the air with his hands, and the void twisted, and everyone was stunned by the terrifying scene.

The Diya Black Legion was thrown down violently, as if punched by the sky, and fell vertically, setting off gusts of wind.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, layer after layer, and the terrifying power of thunder and lightning is raging.


At this moment, the terrifying aura shattered the heavens and the earth, and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers roared!

In the sky, countless thunderbolts interweave together, forming an incomparably huge mountain of thunder, which is crushing down fiercely, as if it wants to shatter the world.

In this thunderous mountain, there was a sizzling sound echoed, and the trembling Diya Black Legion below, after hearing these sounds, their expressions instantly became dull.

This kind of thunder and lightning, forming and emitting, is only in an instant, gathering the power of ten thousand thunders, like ten thousand demons coming to the world, and striking with all their strength.

Suddenly a muffled thunder resounded in the sky. It was as black as ink and as thick as a mountain. The entire sky seemed to have fallen into a dark and deep abyss.

The Yaoyue Queen had never seen such a powerful divine punishment. How much power did she use?She really can't imagine it.

The Master of the Five Elements and the others felt a cold air rushing towards Tianling Gai, the chrysanthemum tightened, and there seemed to be a cold snake crawling on their backs! !

It's not just about destroying the Diya Black Legion, it's about destroying the rhythm of the three days!

Empress Yaoyue panicked and said: "Dijun...stop it!"

"What are you afraid of!"

Ling Yun smiled indifferently, let Diya Black Legion go at this moment?It's like letting a tiger go back to the mountain, he is not a fool, the golden road gives him a sense of familiarity!

The mysterious person who participated in the God Realm War last time must be inseparable from Diya. The one who exists is Diya's legion, which is lawless, and they must be taught a lesson.

The little guy looked stunned, and the little mouth opened slightly again unknowingly, it was so cute!

The Thunder Mountain fell like a cannonball, approaching the Emperor and the Second Army. They had no escape, and there was a lot of screams!
The sky cracked, and the color of the universe changed.

Terrifying and majestic thunder and lightning are raging, like an endless ocean, sweeping across the world.

Even if those army captains tried their best, they could only hold on for a second or two.

(End of this chapter)

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