Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1437 The True Eye of the Evil King

Chapter 1437 The True Eye of the Evil King
The people around Lingyun now are only the three old men from the Immortal Palace, as well as the leader of the Five Elements, Qu Wanyan, Maid Yin, and Wuji Sword Master!
Their current strength can compete with Diya's army commander.

Queen Yaoyue sighed, these are free people, you can also say that they listen to Ling Pluto, it has nothing to do with her.

Wuji Sword Master was the first to express his opinion: "I am willing to obey the arrangement of Lord Pluto."

As long as Ling Yun speaks, he will go through fire and water, and he will do whatever he wants!


Ling Yun shook his head and said, "Follow your own hearts, and I'm just an outsider, so I won't ask you anything."

"Papa... why don't you throw them all into the Moon Town Demon Tower." The little guy's eyes were gloomy.

Ling Yun: "..."

He didn't understand at the moment, why did these people take them in?
Beibei said: "It can't be accepted, they are all partners fighting side by side."

"Is that so!"

Although the little guy didn't understand, he still nodded.

Hearing this, the three old men of Asgard were relieved!

The Lord of the Five Elements and Qu Wanyan expressed their willingness to stay and serve the Queen Yaoyue, so the three old men naturally joined.

Although the three of them are unwilling, but there is no way, the leader of the Five Elements has decided!
They wanted to revive the Asgard before, but it seemed hopeless.

and so!
These people all belong to the Yaoyue Queen's subordinates, which makes the latter ecstatic, that Qu Wanyan's strength is similar to hers, and now she is her subordinate, how can she not be excited!
Ling Yun suddenly looked up at the sky, and the clouds in the sky began to rotate, forming a huge Tai Chi mark! !
Queen Yaoyue also watched, her eyes full of doubts, what is this Supreme God doing.

"You can't escape!" Ling Yun smiled strangely, and his figure disappeared in an instant, but suddenly there was a little guy in Yaoyue Queen's arms, the latter was stunned, where is her father!
Everyone looked at the changes in the sky at the same time, and saw a golden light glowing from the black clouds, and Ling Yun was in the center of the Tai Chi imprint.

The next scene made everyone's heads buzzing...

The Tai Chi mark is actually a passage, and the environment on the opposite side is clearly visible, it is an elegant mountain peak!

A young man stood quietly by the lake and stared into the distance, watching the fish swimming in the lake frowning slightly, while red blood was kneeling next to him.

The boy's cheeks were slightly upright, strands of women's soft hair draped over his shoulders and hung on his chest, dancing slowly with the breeze, his clear eyes were like pearls bestowed by heaven, shining with little light.

At night, the clear moonlight swayed the fragrance of tears, covering the Ruoduo mountain peak under a layer of silver sand, looming, and the brightly lit palace infected the endless noise and commotion, planting the joy of the world.

Such a beautiful environment, he suddenly frowned, staring at the sky and swallowing his saliva!

"Red blood...he's coming!" The young man couldn't calm down at this moment, his face showed a trace of solemnity, the void behind him was very strange, and he could feel it without looking.

After crossing such a long distance, Hades still found it!
Hearing this, Chi Xue stood up immediately, and was shocked when he turned around suddenly.

With terrifying power, Wanshan shook, and Ling Yun was like a god descending from the earth, with a sneer on his lips, he walked over easily, came to the opponent, and blasted out a fist like a millstone.


Chi Xue was shocked, and quickly used secret techniques to resist, but was still sent flying, and half of his arm was blown into blood mist, making him invincible.

But the young man never looked back, as if he seemed so powerless.

"Cough cough..." Chi Xue suffered from pain, and fell five or six meters away, feeling that many bones were broken all over his body!


It was just a punch, but he couldn't hold it back. He recognized his own strength very much.

The young man turned his back to Ling Yun and said, "Ancient Pluto, and Jiuyou Mingze again, I know you, you are very powerful."

"Who are you?" Ling Yun looked the young man up and down, but there was nothing special about him, but after he opened the Eye of Delusion, he was actually not calm at all.

This boy has lived for a long time, the power in his body is also in a sealed state, and there is still a trace of evil spirit emanating from his body.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but whether it's you in the past or you in ancient times, I know a little bit more, let's bleed red." The boy said.

"You came out of the Demon God Sea, the super legend who survived from ancient times. I'm really curious how you came out." Ling Yun suddenly smiled, and seemed to be indifferent again.

"I have vision, but... I can't tell you about this problem."

The young man also smiled slightly, but how he got out of the Demon God Sea appeared in his mind!

If Ling Yun was present, he would definitely recognize him as the Immortal Robber who possessed peerless supernatural powers, and the latter helped the young man.

"Maybe the way of heaven is blind this time, even you let the bloody debtor go, and turn a blind eye?" Ling Yun said.

"What qualifications do you have to say about me? We are both in love with each other. Besides, I don't agree with you saying that the way of heaven is blind. If a thunder falls from the sky, I will not be the one who suffers." The young man finished speaking. Then he turned to face Ling Yun.


The thunder sounded, but no thunder dared to fall, the young man smiled, guessing it was because of him, not because of Ling Yun!
"No... it is indeed blind." Ling Yun shook his head and denied it!

Ling Yun said again: "You are the owner of Tianshan Snow Lotus. I don't understand why you choose to auction it. Is it not fragrant for cultivation?"

The young man laughed loudly: "I don't need it, it needs to be reserved for a capable person, but I never thought that it could attract such a giant like you."

"I really need it, whether you intend it or not, I still thank you very much. I accepted Tianshan Snow Lotus. I don't have the 200 million top-quality spirit stones for auction." Ling Yun shrugged!

"I know you took it, and I don't intend to ask for it back." The young man was speechless, and he is not that capable of asking for it back!
Afterwards, the boy continued: "Then... you can let the red blood go."

"One yard is one yard, red blood? There's no need for him to survive." Ling Yun shook his head, showing no face to the boy.

Chi Xue, who was lying on the ground, gritted his teeth in hatred, and said, "Lord Xie Wang Zhenyan, you are an ancient demon god. How can you bear it if an ancient Pluto dares to act presumptuously in front of you."

"shut up!"

The young man was furious, Chi Xue trembled with fright at just one look.

Ling Yun sneered and laughed loudly: "It turns out that he is one of the ten evil kings of the Demon God Sea, no wonder he is full of evil spirits."

"I made you laugh, Jiuyou Mingze!" The Xie Wang's real eyes changed, and the invisible pressure was creepy!

(End of this chapter)

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