Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1442

Chapter 1442

The hateful evil king asked the crime to destroy Suolong Pagoda, but he still targeted so many innocent people, Ling Yun frowned.

As soon as Beibei heard that the cute little monk had an accident, his whole face was covered with chills, and his brows were slightly frowned, muttering.

Those spirit stones were originally for the little monk to heal his illness, and they are in Beibei's hands at the moment. The latter shook his head, and put the storage ring on his heart to cover his heart, reluctant to take it out, and looked at Lingyun eagerly.

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the little monk had to be treated now, Bei Bei wouldn't take out the storage ring in his pocket, this little money addict.

"I'll take care of this later."

Hearing this, Monk Shura was very grateful, the worries of these days were finally resolved.

"Uncle Great Monk, Amitabha, don't worry, leave it to me, Shuai Shushu, he will definitely go out!"

Bei Bei spoke a milky voice, which made Ling Yun laugh out loud.

"Dijun, can you really restore the dantian?" Queen Yaoyue blinked and asked.


For Ling Yun, it was too easy to repair his dantian, but in order to avoid frightening the world, he planned to use the method of elixir.

"Master Dijun, please save that child."

"Well... these are the medicinal materials needed to repair the dantian, you go and buy them all." Ling Yun took out a piece of paper, then wrote five or six medicinal materials on the paper, and put it on the table.

The meaning is obvious, that is to ask Monk Shura to sell back the medicinal materials. Ling Yun does not have these, and Monk Shura did not refuse, as it should be!

"Your Majesty, wait here for a while, and the monk will come back as soon as he goes."

Monk Shura got up and bowed to Ling Yun with great respect!

"Take Beibei, let her learn more."

Hearing this, Beibei burst out laughing, and immediately ran to find the little guy!

"Handsome Shushu, I'll wait for my sister..."

"Then just wait."

Ling Yun nodded.

Second floor!

The little guy scratched his head and was looking at the old monk opposite!

This monk...

She immediately recognized that it was Master Xuankong who was already blind.

"The benefactor wants to tell a fortune?" Master Xuankong said lightly, with a kind face on his face, he was still wearing the pair of sunglasses that the little guy gave him back then, no different from a charlatan stick.

The little guy rolled his eyes gloomyly, then covered his mouth and smirked, pressed his throat and said, "Forget the master really accurate?"

"Hahahaha, it's not allowed not to accept money." Master Xuankong folded his hands together, laughing all over his face.

"I don't believe it." The little guy scratched his head!
Master Xuankong immediately counted with his fingers, then his body trembled slightly, and then he said with a smile: "Little princess, I know it's you."

"Aha, it was discovered."

The little guy began to wonder, this master Xuankong was blind, and he didn't use his divine sense just now, how did he know her identity.

Master Xuankong showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, very proud: "Small idea!"


What kind of fortune-telling and calendar harm, bah...

He could clearly hear the loud voice from downstairs, the Lord Dijun that Monk Shura was talking about, and he was not deaf.

Only the innocent little guy was successfully fooled by him! !
Master Xuankong was very happy, because he could see the Buddha belief in his heart again, the Supreme God Lord, the latter is the ancient true Buddha, the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas to him!

"It's so terrible, then have you calculated it for yourself?" The little guy asked in a childish voice.

Master Xuankong said: "Yes, the old monk did some calculations recently, and found out that many years later, the old monk will have a catastrophe."

"Many years later?" The little guy scratched his head, staring at Master Xuankong with his little head askew.

"Yes, after many years."

"Then have you figured out why?"

"I don't know, maybe the heavenly secrets should not be leaked, I can't see it, I can't figure it out!"

The little guy pouted, didn't you know?Also said that the calculation is accurate!

"Your grave must have been dug by someone else."

Hearing this, the corners of Master Xuankong's mouth twitched violently, and the little guy couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

Master Xuankong recognized the voice, and immediately smiled: "The eldest princess is well."

Bei Bei laughed loudly: "Master Monk, you Amitabha, hello, hello!"

This milky voice made the little guy's stomach ache from laughing again!
"Are you two wondering why the old monk is here?"



The two little fellows shook their heads, they were not curious at all, while Master Xuankong felt a sense of frustration and deeply helpless.

Beibei went upstairs to find the little guy, and then dragged the latter downstairs, and Master Xuankong was going down to see the Taishenjun, so he got up and followed.

"Handsome Shushu, let's go."

"Go and come back quickly, don't be naughty." Ling Yun warned, and then the two of them waved their hands and followed Monk Shura to buy medicinal materials.

Master Xuankong knelt down to worship Lingyun and recited Buddhist scriptures, and then he asked Lingyun some Buddhist questions, while Queen Yaoyue listened quietly.

A guard ran in at the door, and he immediately knelt down: "Your Majesty, I have something important to report."

His eyes squinted slightly at Ling Yun and Master Xuan Kong!
"Let's talk, they are not outsiders." Queen Yaoyue said.

"I just received the news that Jue Wuxin from the Tianxiahui came down with his hands, looking menacing."

"The world will meet!"

Queen Yaoyue glared at Ling Yun, who was calm and calm, with resentful eyes.

"The subordinates estimate that they have been lurking in the sky for three days. Do we want to hunt them down?"

"I will go back to the palace immediately, and plan slowly. After all, the provocations have reached the gate of the house, and we must not let them run amok."


After the guards left, Queen Yaoyue stood up and said to Ling Yun, "You won't stand up."

"will not!"

"That's good. Say sorry to Sissy and the others. The emperor will take a step first. Come back when you are tired from playing."

After explaining clearly, Queen Yaoyue also left Foyuan Pavilion.

The world will meet!
Ling Yun frowned, secretly thinking about this group of lifeless things.

"My Buddha should talk to Jue Wuxin, maybe we can avoid a fight." Master Xuankong said.

"What are you talking about? There's nothing to talk about. They are just militants. If they don't learn their lesson, they won't repent. It's best for Yaoyue to kill them."

Master Xuankong said: "Since this is the case, there should be no people in the old lair of the Tianxiahui. My Buddha can take it away, and there will be no Tianxiahui in the seven major domains in the future."

"That statement makes sense!" Ling Yun stroked his chin lightly, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

Master Xuankong smiled in relief, feeling that he had done a good deed.

Ling Yun snapped his fingers lightly, and a black hole appeared in the void from dots to circles.

"Longhua, go and take over the Tianxiahui!"

Opposite the black hole was Long Hua, the acting master of the Temple of War God. He was both surprised and delighted when he saw the black hole.


Without any doubts, Long Hua directly obeyed all the orders of Pluto.

(End of this chapter)

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