Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1448

Chapter 1448


It just so happens that the two little ones are the most difficult to deal with, and they can't afford to mess with diapers.

"What are they going to do?"

The little guy asked curiously, blinking and blinking at a group of people, they spoke so softly, and looked at them from time to time with strange eyes.

"I don't know, it's definitely not a good thing to be sneaky," Beibei said.

"Sister, why don't we go back."

"Follow me, let's go back, they have no money."

She was willing to leave after all the spirit stones had been pitted, otherwise the little guy wouldn't be able to pull Beibei.

"Little princess, where are you going?" President Ma stopped their way with a somersault.

"Hahaha, little princess, you are really too cute." President Monkey looked up to the sky and laughed, wanting to escape from their hands?That was wishful thinking, and I secretly laughed in my heart.

"Catch them."

President Pig immediately waved his hand and gave an order!
"Follow us obediently."

"We won't hurt you."

After all the words were said, President Monkey and President Ma slowly approached them, and the others also shrunk the encirclement.

Facing the siege of more than a dozen people, Beibei revealed a hint of disdain.

"Sister, they left it to you."

In her eyes, the opponent's strength was really too weak, and she didn't even want to make a move.

The little guy nodded, as if there was no problem!
"Everyone, grandpa, don't catch me, Sissy is very obedient."

A milky voice stunned Beibei, telling her to make a move, not an exit!

The opposite side is full of bad guys, what's the use of being cute, Beibei is also drunk.

"Hahaha, we know you are obedient, you follow us obediently, and soon you will be able to see Lord Pluto." President Ma said.

"We're not arresting you, we're asking you to come to Grandpa's house as guests."

President Niu brushed off his slender beard and said with a smile.

President Pig said: "Later, the old monkey and I will bring the little princess back to the Tianxiahui, and you will stay with the president."

They are here to save Guild Leader Yang and Guild Leader Long, and they must leave some people behind. This is the last three days of Queen Yaoyue, the latter's base camp.

There are so many people that it is easy to make a fuss, so that Queen Yaoyue knows that they will not be offended by the world.

And the little guy continued: "Hurry up and go, or my sister will do something, she has a bad temper."

She couldn't bear it, if this group of people really did something to her, then Ling Yun would kill them, and just accepted their gift, he didn't want this group of people to die.

Hearing that Beibei's mouth twitched, why did she lose her temper, but she didn't open her mouth to refute anything.

"Do it? Hahaha!"

"This old man is laughing to death."

"Just the two of you... Hahaha, it's really funny."

President Pig shook his head, and then suddenly appeared in front of them, and lifted the little guy up with one hand. The latter's punches and kicks were useless.

Everyone looked at such a cute little guy and laughed out loud again.

Guild Master Pig suddenly widened his eyes, and his body trembled violently. Seeing this, everyone immediately distanced themselves from him, shouting Pluto.

He looked back in pain, but saw an extremely familiar face!

"grown ups!"


These were his last words. Ling Yun stabbed his heart with one finger, and the terrifying thunder and lightning power quickly destroyed his internal organs, and even Yuan Ying couldn't escape.

There was still this thunder and lightning in the air, and there was a sizzling sound, and everyone held their breath!
The little guy landed safely, and President Pig's body fell slowly.


"It's great that Shuai Shuai is here, Bei Bei misses you to death."

"Death is not a pity." Ling Yun said in a deep voice, and then, as if he had changed his face, he smiled brightly at the little guy and Beibei.

"Subordinates see His Royal Highness Pluto!"

The remaining four presidents of monkey, cow, horse, and tiger followed the reaction of the crowd, and knelt down in unison, with great momentum.

Ling Yun touched the heads of the little guy and Beibei, smiled slightly, and then turned his serious face to everyone in the Tianxiahui.

"Tianxiahui, you guys are really nice."

"Your Highness, we..."

"Why did you kill the old pig?"

"Your Highness, he didn't intend to hurt the little princess, but for you. He deserves death."

"We are all your most loyal subordinates, and we have no second thoughts."

Everyone questioned and explained again!

"Presumptuous, you trash, you don't deserve my approval."

Ling Yun raised his right hand, he was very angry, when he was doing things, it was others' turn to criticize him.


The void exploded layer by layer, and terrifying power swept across the world. Everyone in the Tianxiahui saw this and did not escape, waiting for Ling Yun to judge them.

After one move, everyone scattered, and none of them did not vomit blood.

But they immediately knelt down again, and said to Ling Yun in unison: "His Royal Highness Pluto calm down."

A gleam of light flashed across President Monkey's eyes, he secretly looked at the little guy, and a murderous intent suddenly rose in his heart!
It's her!
Had it not been for her appearance, Pluto would not have treated them like this!
After their investigation for the past two years, the former master of the Temple of War God died in the hands of Hades, who also killed many guardians of the Temple of War God, all because of the little princess in front of him.

And now!
President Pig sacrificed because of the little princess, it is really hateful.

"His Royal Highness Pluto, calm down first, about President Pig!"

"Old Monkey, don't talk about it, don't mention Lao Zhu, don't mention him."

"Okay, don't mention it, don't mention it." President Monkey wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was under too much pressure, and his heart was flustered and confused.

"The Twelve Realms belonged to His Royal Highness Pluto, and it's time for you to unify the Twelve Realms, for the sake of the common people." President Ma laughed.

Ling Yun: "..."

Chairman Hu then smiled and said: "Yes, as long as His Royal Highness Pluto gives an order, we will call for battle immediately. What kind of God Lord? It has a universal fragrance?"

"It's not up to you to make decisions about my affairs, you are really too presumptuous." Ling Yun's whole body was covered with black energy, and his murderous intent was like a biting cold wind.

President Monkey saw the right timing, and he was right behind the little guy!

"If the old man kills you, Pluto will have no bondage in his life. The Twelve Domains can't wait any longer. It needs a strongest man to control it."

He directly operated the secret method, causing his strength to skyrocket again.

With his hands pinching the Yin Jue, he displayed a powerful martial skill.

At this moment, the aura released from the other party has surpassed the power brought by the general Immortal Emperor Eighteen, releasing an even more terrifying aura.


His firm heart became frightened, and he found strangely that the air around him, time had stopped, it was quiet, very scary.


What is going on with all this, he has never encountered such a thing before, and his momentum does not weaken, so does his strength, but he cannot move his body.

(End of this chapter)

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