Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1452

Chapter 1452

A face appeared in Jue Wuxin's mind, he finally remembered it, no wonder it was so familiar!

All of a sudden, his whole body was filled with killing intent. As long as he killed the little princess, Pluto could return to the previous life of killing Miao.


Could it be that they still disliked that Ling Yun was not enough to kill Miao? It was really absurd and ridiculous.

Beibei immediately pulled the little guy, it's better to run first!

With such a strong killing intent, she is discouraged, and she is not good at close combat, so she has no intention of being close at hand! !

"Look...there's a plane."

Seeing that she was about to be caught up, Beibei suddenly turned her head and pointed to the sky behind Jue Wuxin.

Jue Wuxin sneered: "A child's trick."

Who is fooled by this trick.

He is the president of Tangtang Tianxiahui!
A killing intent soaring to the sky swept over, and then a figure like a demon rushed over, carrying evil and murderous aura that swept the world.

He immediately caught up with Beibei and the others, no matter how fast they were, they would still be chased, absolutely Wuxin was really extraordinary.

"You can't escape, you must be killed."

"So bad!"

Beibei breathed a sigh of relief on his fist, and suddenly turned back to strike!

God fist now!

There was a sudden sound of spurting blood, and Jue Wuxin's strength was directly crushed by Beibei's terrifying fist, and the whole person was shocked back again and again, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Jue Wuxin backed up again and again, and he stepped on the ground with footprints as deep as ten centimeters, which shows how powerful the impact is.

"How could it be so strong, what kind of little monster are you?" Jue Wuxin's eyes were full of shock, and he covered his heart!
He swallowed a pill without hesitation, just now he was injured a little bit, and his internal organs were bleeding.

"Aha, let's see if you still chase me, I hate it, Sissy is so cute, you actually want to hit me." The little guy suddenly muttered, looking at Jue Wuxin with a look of incomprehension.

"I, Beibei, am here." Beibei immediately protected the little guy and stood up immediately.

"I must kill you."

The murderous aura in Jue Wuxin's eyes screamed, and with a flip of his palm, a dazzling mask of true energy was condensed and turned into a huge golden knife of true energy. This momentum, like the wrath of a king, will make all living beings surrender.

Seeing this scene, the little guy gently pushed Beibei away, she raised a finger herself, and a small black energy ball appeared on the tip of her finger, the size of a marble!

"Haha, I finally did it."

I thought that the victory was within my grasp, but I had no intention of showing excitement and joy.

The power on the little guy's finger is a vast wave, overwhelming the sky, first flooding the world, and then turning into an extremely sharp black light, full of the power of God.


Jue Wuxin couldn't hold back anymore, he sensed the color of death, and his sword glow came slashing across, like hot water boiling, terrifying to the extreme.

It made the void tremble, shattering like glass, and finally came to the front, colliding with the black light bursting out from the little guy.

When the sword light came, thousands of runes condensed into a huge sword, as big as a mountain, like an eternal pillar of heaven, shaking it hard.


The sky fell apart, and the terrifying fluctuations were like the ripples formed when a stone fell into the lake, spreading outward continuously, one after another.

A power that can't breathe, is completely stretched, and Jue Wuxin is swallowed up, and other places are affected, all of which are destroyed by black light.

No matter how many pieces of armor he wore, it was useless. He retreated in a row, his body was pierced, scorched black, and he couldn't bleed out.

This collision was not only massive, but also destructive.

The force that pierced through Jue Wuxin's body swept across the rear, and the surrounding mountains were directly flattened by tens of meters. A large number of rocks were shaken into dust, flying everywhere, and all the forests were wiped out.

The little guy covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly at him. He said in a milky voice, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you are so weak. If you want to know, just use a little strength."

Absolutely never wanted to die and didn't hear this sentence, he was already dead at that time, coughing up blood now is an instinctive reaction of the body.

Beibei's jaw almost dropped in shock, her eyes were still wide open!
"That's so powerful, that little Bozhu is so awesome."


The power of shaking for three days, what happened here immediately attracted a lot of gossip.

"Just ahead, the residual breath of that power is fine."

"Is there any treasure born?"

"Jie Jie... first come, first served."

"Then I'm welcome."

The gossip crowd flew over like desperate people, and there was still thick smoke and dust around the outer part of the imperial city.


Ling Yun sounded like a bell, and everyone was shocked back!

"Fuck, who is this!"

"Hahaha, he must be a ruthless person."

"Thinking to scare us away with the sound, there is no door."

Ling Yun's warning was useless, this group of gossiping people who were not afraid of death and wanted some treasures didn't take their words to heart.

Queen Yaoyue and the others also came, but with such a terrifying power, she was sure it was Pluto, so she also warned those people.

"I'm stubborn." Ling Yun put away the trapped formation, and with a wave of his hand, the sky and the earth changed color, black clouds pressed down on the city, and the dark clouds covered it.

For a while, there was a strong wind, heavy rain, and thunder and lightning from the sky from time to time, and many people suffered.

The corner of Yaoyue Queen's mouth twitched, is this a warning?They all killed.

"Papa, there was a fool just now, look...he's lying on the ground again." Seeing Ling Yun, the little fellow ran over with short legs, pointed his little finger at the ground, and frowned slightly.

Ling Yun said: "He is stupid, you don't have the same knowledge as him."

"I didn't, who knew he wouldn't be able to fight." The corner of the little guy's mouth twitched!
"Okay, let's go back to the palace."

Lingyun's affairs in Foyuan Pavilion have been dealt with, Master Xuanzhen's little apprentice Dan Tian has recovered, the latter is 15 years old, and is no longer that little monk!

Even if the two little guys saw it, they wouldn't recognize it! !
With the disappearance of Ling Yun and the others, the surrounding area became quiet until one or two brave people explored in.

I rely on!

What did they all see, including Queen Yaoyue were shocked.

Isn't that the Absolute Wuxin of the Tianxiahui?
The death was so miserable, the body was pierced through, and there were so many ice slags, blood left, stone people, and corpses on the ground not far away.

Everything here made their scalps tingle, recalling the warning just now, they felt a chill down their backs.

"The world will be over." After Yaoyue Queen said this, she felt extremely relaxed. This powerful force was finally terminated by Pluto.

Everyone looked at those corpses, unable to recover for a long time!
They will all think in their hearts, the world will end like this, who will do it?

Jue Wuxin, who can fight against Di Ya, is dead!

(End of this chapter)

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