Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1459 Divine Beast?

Chapter 1459 Divine Beast?


Cracks opened in the void, and the sword qi leaped into the red forest. The evil red sword qi was like a demonized dragon, carrying a frightening and terrifying power, bombarding Jian Chi.

Once again, winds and clouds surged above the sky, forming a huge tornado vortex, and there were constant shocking scenes of lightning and thunder in the vortex.

The sword energy was cut across, cutting through the void of hundreds of feet, leaving terrifying sword marks, as if opening up a broad road.

Look back at Sword Chi!
His body was covered with sword marks, and the sword in his hand was shattered all over the ground. No matter how powerful that move was, it was still no match for Hades' half move. Did the latter really try his best? Anyway, he tried his best.

With his smile, his body was shattered to the ground like glass, and finally turned into dust in the air, leaving no corpse behind, it was terrifying.

This powerful swordsmanship attracted Beibei again. When the latter saw the end of the battle, he waved his hands and ran over with short legs.

"Handsome, can you teach Beibei the move just now? Beibei is so smart."

"Isn't Beibei very smart? Why can't I understand it?" Ling Yun put away the demon sword, then squatted down, and rubbed Beibei's forehead rather amusingly.

"It's smart, you can be a genius, but you can't learn it all at once. Didn't you say that you have to eat food one bite at a time, and the road has to be taken step by step."

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad, you're really quick to learn." Ling Yun said.


Beibei also laughed out loud, with a mouthful of small white teeth, making the whole child very cute and cute.

"At a young age, don't learn so messy, learn piano skills from me, and put the rest aside."

Empress Yaoyue is more interested in Beibei's music, which is more prominent. Of course, she has never seen Beibei use a sword.

The little guy seemed to think it made sense, and kept nodding.

"Stand there and don't move, there is a nasty breath coming."

Something so big happened here just now, something must have been alarmed.

"Whoever trespasses here will die!!!"

At this moment, a low roar sounded suddenly.

A huge, blood-red beast with thick limbs appeared in front of Ling Yun again, exuding a terrifying aura comparable to that of a demigod.

The voice just now was what it said, and it is also a divine beast.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, could this also evolve into a divine beast?It's too fake.

"Wow, what a big monster."

"Will it breathe fire or water?"

The strange beast in front of him is the type that was killed just now. It looks weird, but it can only talk, and the difference is still a divine beast.

Seeing this divine beast, Queen Yaoyue's eyes froze.

"Probably not, it's just a mutated monster, what an insolent thing, rubbish."

Ling Yun looked at the beast and said.

"You all deserve to die for killing my people!" The divine beast uttered words and shouted coldly, staring at Ling Yun with cold eyes.

Apparently it was referring to those fierce beasts that were killed by Sikong Stealing Star before.

"Hmph, let me drop it firmly!"

At this time, Queen Yaoyue said, looking at the beast with disdain in her eyes, she couldn't beat the half moon just now, and she was holding back her anger.


The divine beast snorted softly, and suddenly an invisible energy spread out.

Queen Yaoyue's complexion suddenly changed, there was something wrong with this energy.

"What's going on? My strength has been suppressed!"

The Queen Yaoyue's face darkened, and said suddenly.

"In this ruins, no matter how strong you are, it's useless because of my existence."

The divine beast snorted coldly, and then fixed its eyes on Queen Yaoyue.

"Kill my people, you all deserve to die!"

The beast roared violently, and its huge body shot towards Queen Yaoyue.

The huge claws came directly to kill, and the void was torn open.

The terrifying aura swept across, and the Yaoyue Empress was so shocked that she backed away again and again, her complexion turned pale, and she felt that she had stopped breathing.

You know, she is suppressed at the moment, and she only relies on her physical body to resist.

"Dijun, the emperor has no power."

Seeing this divine beast rushing towards him, Queen Yaoyue seemed to be frightened.

Ling Yun snapped his fingers lightly, and all the power in Queen Yaoyue's body gushed out, and the latter was even more stunned.

roar roar...

"You guys are going to die... this!"

Seeing the aura emanating from the Yaoyue Queen, the fierce beast was startled, and said that this is impossible.

Queen Yaoyue immediately took out the lady's piano, and the golden light shone like a scorching sun.

Even if it disturbs other beasts in all directions, Queen Yaoyue doesn't care so much. Without Lady Qin, her strength will be halved, and she will be completely invincible to this beast.

Nine cyan shadows erupted directly from the lady's piano, forming a nine dragons equal to the sky, blasting towards the divine beast exuding supreme power.

The little guy opened his mouth wide and saw the dragon again.

"Aunt Yao is so powerful, that fake thing can't be real."

She began to seriously doubt that the lady's piano in Yaoyue Queen's hand was real, otherwise how could it be so powerful.

"Handsome Shushu, is it real?"

"No, it's also an artifact, very powerful." Ling Yun said truthfully.


Queen Yaoyue mobilized all the power in her body, and mobilized the power of the nine blue shape-changing dragons to the extreme.

Exerting a terrifying blow, coupled with the power of the lady's piano, showed terrifying power.

With one blow, the sky was darkened, and the world in the surrounding area seemed to be blown up.

The dazzling golden light shone, making it impossible for people to see clearly the situation of the Yaoyue Queen and the beast.

Terrible fighting energy spread like a tide, Ling Yun led the little guy and Beibei, they were all shocked back again and again.

When the energy light dissipated, the figures of Queen Yaoyue and the beast appeared.

Queen Yaoyue backed away again and again, her complexion turning pale.

The body of the divine beast was also injured by the nine cyan rays, and it retreated more than ten meters in a row, spitting out blood from its mouth.

The power of Yaoyue Queen's move is indeed terrifying. With a full blow, even the powerful false gods in ancient times can injure or even kill.

It is also very powerful to hurt this divine beast.

Roar! !

At this time, the injured divine beast stared at Ling Yun, and rushed towards them again regardless of the injury of its body, and it was bound to kill it completely.

If you can't bully the Yaoyue Empress, then use Ling Yun as a knife. When she sees Ling Yun's cultivation level, she is really immortal!

If you don't abuse him, how can you control the place? His tribe doesn't believe it when he tells it that he was beaten by a woman.

Ling Yun said: "Bastard, have you lost your mind?"


say it!

Hearing this, the beast was furious beyond words. It stared at Ling Yun, and its terrifying power directly shattered the air.

Empress Yaoyue was taken aback, thinking in her heart that the strength of the divine beast surpassed that of the Immortal Emperor, otherwise it would be impossible to shatter the air with its external power.

(End of this chapter)

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