Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1472 Surprised Medicine King Cauldron

Chapter 1472 Surprised Medicine King Cauldron

Roar! ! ! !

Seeing that Ling Yun looked down on it, the giant centipede roared at them, it was deafening.

"Suppression, one sword and three lotuses."

As soon as the words fell, three terrifying sword qi burst out from Ling Yun's hand in an instant.

I saw the huge centipede was full of fear, and then kept rolling its body, it was too late to escape.

The centipede's face was first split open by the terrifying sword energy, and then under the terrifying sword energy, its huge body disintegrated piece by piece.

After a few breaths, this huge centipede that was hundreds of miles long was completely wiped out in the dust, leaving no corpse behind.

Queen Yaoyue and the others were dumbfounded.

Ling Yun was serious, his eyes filled with killing intent.

"This is just the beginning, Babao garbage, I will definitely make your life worse than death."

The little guy's eyes were gloomy, and she tiptoed away secretly.

She also found the little thing that looked like a small wine glass not far away, and the latter looked around, very afraid of Ling Yun.


The little guy walked up to it and greeted it warmly, and the latter gave it a big shock.

Hearing this, the little wine cup trembled with fright, and dared not move.

It was found.

"What are you doing here?" The little guy scratched his head, then poked the small wine glass with his little hand.

The little wine glass swayed and hid behind a stone, peeping at the little guy with a pair of eyes from time to time.

"Oh, then you follow me, you have to go." The little guy was very friendly and stretched out his hand directly.

There was some hesitation in the small wine glass this time, but it still jumped into her palm.


The little guy smiled, this is a good baby, she felt that it was right, and kept stroking it with her little hands.

It is true, that small wine glass is one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times, the Medicine King Ding. The Medicine King Ding can change in ever-changing ways, and this small wine glass is another form of it.


"Here, Papa, I'm here." The little guy quickly responded to Ling Yun, and then ran back with a small wine glass.

"What are you running around?"

Ling Yun didn't blame her, but Empress Yaoyue was a little angry.

Beibei blinked and blinked, wondering why the little guy had something extra in his hand.

"Sister, what is this?"

"'s a bronze artifact, it's amazing, I picked it up, and it's over there!" The little guy's eyes were gloomy, and he pointed to the place where he found the Yaowangding.

The corner of Yaoyue Queen's mouth twitched, but she couldn't tell it at all. The first thing she felt was a bronze wine glass, which was too trashy.

"It moves?"

The careful Miao Xin immediately noticed the unusualness of the wine glass.

The little guy quickly covered his heart, and said in a baby voice, "Mine... mine!"

Ling Yun frowned, just looking at the surface, the small wine glass is indeed very ordinary, but it is conscious, which is unusual.

Since it has no malice towards Qianqian, Ling Yun just let it go.

Beibei also imitated the little guy to poke the medicine king cauldron. Seeing that the latter was a little timid, he scratched his head and asked curiously: "Handsome Shushu, what is it?"

"When I destroy this weird ruin, there will be an answer."

In fact, Ling Yun stared at the medicine king tripod, and the trembling of the latter showed a problem. He guessed that the small wine cup was the medicine king tripod, one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times.

Although unable to use the eye of delusion, Ling Yun is still very observant. A wine glass has no smell of wine, but a faint scent of medicine, which cannot escape Ling Yun's nose.

And Yao Wangding didn't speak again, but just stayed in the little guy's palm timidly.

"Let's go, time is a little tight." Ling Yun said.

"Papa, let's fly."


"No, you two follow me obediently, don't mess around."

Ling Yun doesn't allow it, because it's dangerous to step into the air here, and the air is filled with a layer of poisonous gas, which is not good for their children's health.

Not long after they left, the picture that appeared in front of their eyes made everyone hold their breath!

A dense forest suddenly appeared in front of their eyes!
It was a forest covered by hoarfrost. The hoarfrost covered every leaf, covering it with a layer of white tulle. The thick and thick trees criss-crossed and blocked the road ahead.

In the dense hoarfrost forest, a large bombarded area is full of fallen thick trees. Obviously, it was Ling Yun's attack just now, which not only penetrated and destroyed the entire ice spike layer, but even affected this area. Part of the front of the forest.

But under the fallen trees, there was a strange scene. Green pus continuously overflowed from the broken tree trunks, covering the ground and covering the whole land. But it was not frozen, and bursts of pungent smells were continuously volatilized from the pus.

That smell made Ling Yun feel very familiar, and the toxin mixed in the thick fog under the cliff came from it.

"It turns out that you are the ones releasing the poison gas." The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he thought it was some expert poison user.

"What the hell are these trees..." Queen Yaoyue stared at the strange Mi Lin.

"It's all poison, how did it grow." Miao Xin swallowed hard.

"Want to know? Then ask." Ling Yun suddenly smiled strangely.

It crushed the ground with one foot, and a wraith came out from below. As soon as it appeared, Ling Yun grabbed it and screamed in pain.

After Ling Yun's cross-examination, he finally knew the origin of these trees.

Those big trees grew strangely, with twisted trunks and many branches, but each leaf was extremely thick and wide. The leaves covered with hoarfrost looked like large snowflakes in the thick fog, and vines covered with hoarfrost crisscrossed and criss-crossed the trees.

If it weren't for the dark and terrifying place, this picture would be called beautiful, but in this thick fog, the trees covered by hoarfrost suddenly looked over, which was very frightening.

The growth of this kind of tree itself is different from that of other trees. It does not need soil, not even water and sunlight.

The growth of each death tree is extremely bloody, and its seeds are to be buried in the body of the dead.

The death tree will absorb the essence of flesh and blood in the human body, and take root and germinate with the corroded flesh and blood of human beings as the soil.

When the death tree first grows, it will absorb the flesh and blood of nearby monsters and crack its shell.

Absorb it as the last nutrient and take root in the soil. It can be said that the death tree itself is a kind of monster.

After the ground is broken, it needs to be watered frequently with the poisonous juice made from five-poisonous insects and twelve-poisonous weeds, so that the dead tree can absorb the poison and grow slowly...

The growth period of the rotting bone tree is extremely long, but after the ground is broken, it does not need to absorb human flesh and blood to survive. After the venomous juice is poured until the leaves grow, the rotting bone tree can produce a strong corrosive venom by itself. self-sufficient.

The dead tree is highly poisonous from the trunk, root system, to the leaves. Don't talk about taking it, as long as the skin is contaminated with a little bit, it will be poisoned.

They don't know how vast the forest of dead trees in front of Ling Yun's eyes is. How many dead trees have been planted here is simply an incalculable number.

(End of this chapter)

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