Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1474

Chapter 1474

Just the murderous aura released from Ling Yun's body killed the tree demon. The latter's eyes were wide open, and he could not rest in peace.

Maybe it won't understand why Ling Yun wants to kill it, and its power is so strong.

The corner of Yaoyue Queen's mouth twitched violently, she said speechlessly: "If you kill it, it will be harder for us to leave?"

Miao Xin was too humble to speak.

"I let it out to kill it, why keep it, you have forgotten the pain that the Babao Heavenly Emperor gave you!" Ling Yun shrugged, acting indifferent.

Queen Yaoyue shook her body slightly, and immediately said: "I can't forget, you avenge me."

It is certain that she has no ability, and she can only rely on Ling Yun.

"I can't forget, you can use his subordinates for surgery, everything here is our enemy, remember."

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he waved his big hand, and black power swept across the world. In an instant, a storm surged, and all the death trees were disintegrated and turned into dust.

Empress Yaoyue and Miao Xin felt their heads buzzing, who are these people, people compare to others, they are so pissed off!
What kind of power this is, Queen Yaoyue doesn't know, she simply thinks it's all about Ling Yun.

"Emperor, have you exhausted your strength just now? Do you need to take pills? I have Juling Pills."

"No need, the strength just now, I don't want to say it, I'm afraid I will scare you." Ling Yun smiled at Queen Yaoyue with a half-smile.

The power in his body is inexhaustible. It is hard to say that he is really afraid of hitting the Yaoyue Queen, but the latter will not believe it. There is no one in the world who has inexhaustible power.

Are you kidding, what is the concept of endless use, but Ling Yun is indeed, in short, he doesn't need to recover.

"By the way, what about your Thunder Gate, Dijun, let's go directly to the Eight Treasures."

Queen Yaoyue questioned.

Ling Yun: "..."

Speaking of this, he had a clue. There must be a huge formation here, and it was accidentally opened by someone, which caused his ancient magic power to fail.

The little guy pouted: "It can't be used."

"Otherwise, we'll be there right away."

Beibei gave Ling Yun a blank look, the latter was speechless, he suspected him.

"Let's go, let's go ahead and have a look." Ling Yun immediately picked up the little guy and Beibei, and his figure rose quickly.

This time there was no poisonous mist, Ling Yun walked directly through the air, very fast, Queen Yaoyue and Miao Xin followed, like shooting stars.

After a while, the temperature began to rise, and a desert appeared in front of them. It was cold and cold in winter before, but now it is extremely hot.

The little guy was stunned, and said in a baby voice, "Papa, is that giant? It's so big."

She saw the remains of a giant that was quickly weathering, with a huge sword stuck in its body, and her eyes were full of vicissitudes.

Beibei's jaw was stunned, why is there such a big gap between the front and the back.

"This...what the hell..." Miao Xin stared dumbfounded at the yellow sand all over the place, the scorching heat caused his pale face to turn red in an instant.

"Why stop, it's very dangerous here." Queen Yaoyue asked.

The extreme temperature made them all stunned. This kind of contrast that violates the laws of nature is simply unbelievable!
It is only one step away, but the division of cold and summer is so clear that the end of the death tree is like a nodule opened by someone, dividing the two seasons.

The dense fog that had surrounded everyone for a long time dissipated, and the wind and sand blown up by the strong wind roared past, as if covering the desert in front of them with a veil.

It is obviously a short distance, but the temperature on both sides can differ by tens of degrees.

One step back is the bitter cold winter, and one step forward is the scorching midsummer.

It is impossible for this weird temperature and environment to exist, but it happens that it really appears in the

"how did you do that?"

Miao Xin's face was covered with sweat, this rapid alternation of hot and cold made his body have no time to adjust itself.

It's like someone who has been soaking in the cold pool for several days is suddenly thrown into the charcoal fire to bake, his body will almost explode, it is extremely uncomfortable.

This kind of situation is absolutely impossible to be formed naturally, is it to the point where the ancient Haotian Sword Sect can manipulate the weather?
Ling Yun said: "It's a forbidden area. It was formed after the war. Of course it can last for so many years. There must be someone controlling it."

He sensed something here...

Queen Yaoyue tried to take a step, but found that the yellow sand under her feet was so soft that she couldn't use her strength. When she stepped on it, a large area was sunken, and the surrounding fine yellow sand covered it, and her feet would soon be covered. submerged.

But this road makes people unable to get off.

Depend on!
Those two little guys jumped up and down easily, chasing after each other, the corners of Queen Yaoyue's mouth twitched again.

Once caught in the quicksand, the quicksand will generate a great suction force, the more you struggle to break free, the tighter you will be bitten by the quicksand. Unlike the swamp, the swamp can vaguely find some clues and traces.

But the quicksand is even more terrifying. The suction of the swamp is not strong. If you accidentally step into it, you may be rescued, but if it is quicksand... the probability of death will be higher.

Surrounded by scorching heat, the scorching heat from the burnt fool seemed to be able to pass through the soles of the shoes to the soles of the feet.

Even with the help of true energy, the scorching heat still made Miao Xin and Queen Yaoyue sweat profusely, and the dripping sweat fell on the hot yellow sand as they ran fast!
But Ling Yun, the little guy and Bei Bei didn't feel anything.

"Dijun, let's go around and fly directly over it, it's even hotter." Queen Yaoyue said.

Her voice just fell!

Suddenly a bunch of scorpions appeared from the ground and attacked Ling Yun and the others densely, as if they had seen delicious food.

Ling Yun frowned, and said with a smile: "As far as crime is concerned, it is capital punishment."

call out!
With a black arc, all the scorpions were destroyed, their corpses were all over the place, and then they were completely wiped out by Beibei's white flames.

"Hmph, how dare you scare me." Beibei pouted.

"Hmph, I scared my sister." The little guy said in a childish voice.

Beibei: "..."

Ling Yun said: "Come here, Beibei, let me see if you peed your pants."

Then he was snickering.

Beibei: "..."

Queen Yaoyue said with a look of surprise: "Did you really pee your pants?"

"No, no, Shuai Shushu is too bad." Beibei immediately slapped Ling Yun, expressing her strong dissatisfaction, and the little guy laughed.

Ling Yun said: "Bei Bei is so cute, she definitely won't pee her pants, right?"

Beibei said: "That's right."

(End of this chapter)

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