Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1485

Chapter 1485

When they came out, the careful Beibei saw a stone tablet, which seemed to have a book of exercises written on it.

Miao Xin could tell at a glance that it was a book of exercises!
my darling!

It must be an ancient god-level skill.

Ling Yun frowned, and stared at the stone tablet. The exercise was called Dragon Shape Nine Turns Divine Art.

There are actually exercises that he doesn't know, which immediately attracted Ling Yun.

The dragon-shaped nine-turn magical skill requires appropriate movement and stillness, deep breathing, relaxed movements, and orderly relaxation, and it is mainly round and soft. It can use all things to transform the dragon, which is at the same level as the dragon magic skill.

One-style dragon playing in water

Two-style Yunlong turn over
Three-style black dragon pilgrimage
Four types of red dragon watching the sun
Five-style Yellow Dragon Beads
Six Styles Mixing Dragons Returning to Yuan
Seven-style oolong twisted column
Eight-style Dragon Pilgrimage
Nine-style Kowloon enters the palace
There are a total of nine moves, all of which are engraved on the stone tablet, and Beibei practiced it casually, and his whole body became hot.

Ling Yun hurriedly said: "Beibei, don't watch... and don't practice."

This exercise is not suitable for her, she will go crazy!

Queen Yaoyue said: "This is a god-level exercise, you should not let it go."

Miao Xin said excitedly: "Leave it to me!"

The little guy said: "Papa, why can't you practice, it looks like you can transform a dragon."

It is indeed possible to transform a dragon, but it costs a lot and consumes stamina. If the stamina is not enough, it is easy to be passive.

Ling Yun said: "In the future, you will understand. It is considered a good exercise, but it is not good for you."

The clever Miao Xin didn't learn it, but followed Yaoyue Queen's suggestion, copied it, and used it for her subordinates to practice.

The stele was subsequently destroyed by Ling Yun, and it was useless to stay in this world.

None of them realized that the last signature on the stele was Ling Yun, and that place was covered by weeds! !

"There are people, everyone, don't move." Ling Yun smiled strangely!
"It's been a long time since I've met someone...someone...I rely's you, Miao Xin."

The person who came was Suyi Zhenjun, who was the most powerful besides the evil king, and the first thing he saw was Miaoxin who was next to him.

"Zhenjun Suyi, why are you here?" Miao Xin was also surprised.

"You... you... where did Jian Chi and Ban Bian Yue go?"

"Damn... you are the Queen of the Yaoyue, you... eh... two children, there are still outsiders here, and there is one... why does it look so familiar."

Su Yi Zhenjun narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked up and down Ling Yun and his party.

The little guy pointed at Su Yi Zhenjun, and asked Ling Yun in a childish voice, "Who is he?"

"Needless to say, I'm afraid it's a fool. There are still a lot of fools these days." Beibei's eyes were full of disdain.

"You two stinky girls, who are you talking about?"

These words made Su Yi Zhenjun angry, but he was not angry either.

Queen Yaoyue said: "It's hard to imagine that you can survive."

You know, they got here relying on the mighty Ling Yun, but Su Yi Zhenjun is already here, so they should get a lot of opportunities.

Miao Xin said: "Zhenjun Suyi, you mustn't be rude, they are little princesses, please treat them with respect."

"What the hell, princess? I laughed so hard, you two little bastards, Miao Xin, is your brain squeezed by the door?"

Su Yi Zhenjun laughed loudly.

Ling Yun smiled and said: "Don't pretend, it's impossible to pretend to be calm. Your heart tells me that you already know who I am, so you should be afraid."

Hearing this, Suyi Zhenjun just shed a drop of sweat!
It was too difficult to pretend. He thought the clothes were perfect, but he was still seen through. Ever since he met Miao Xin, he knew that that man was Pluto!

Sikong Duxing, who had survived the catastrophe, had already confirmed that Pluto was in the ruins, but why he was so unlucky, he was the one who met him.

"The little one has seen Pluto."

In the face of strength, he is still too weak, and he cannot defeat Hades by himself, so he chooses to surrender.

"Wall grass, do you think I need it?" Ling Yun stared at Su Yi Zhenjun with a half-smile, the latter's scalp was numb, and he knew what he meant.

"You really don't intend to let me go?" Zhenjun Suyi's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief, he had heard about the cruelty of Pluto in ancient times, but he still asked at this moment.

Ling Yun laughed straight, and responded: "You guys know what you did here, can I let you go?"

As if the secret had been seen through, Su Yi Zhenjun turned his head and ran away, and a black shadow emerged from Ling Yun's shadow.

Miao Xin said: "Zhen Jun Su Yi, don't run away, it's useless!"

Queen Yaoyue said: "Dijun, why don't I go after him?"

"no need!"

Ling Yun smiled and passed by, making people feel hairy.

A figure in the distance approached quickly, it turned out to be Su Yi Zhenjun, he was sent flying.

"Hateful, why don't you let me go." Su Yi Zhenjun stood up, his eyes were red with anger.

He couldn't believe it, the black shadow that appeared in front of him just now had the ability to slap him away with a single palm.

And the black shadow had returned to Ling Yun's shadow, and this scene was unintentionally left out by the little guy.

"Papa, a fish swims in here, it's very big."

She spoke in a childish voice, and pointed at Ling Yun's shadow.

Ling Yun: "..."

Queen Yaoyue stared at Ling Yun's shadow, thinking it was normal.


Beibei also ran over to watch, and the two children squatted down to study together.

"You can end it yourself." Ling Yun's voice made Zhenjun Suyi's face turn pale.

"Impossible, I can't end it myself, come if you have the ability."

"You trash."

With Ling Yun's finger pointing, terrifying fluctuations swept Zhenjun Suyi away, and the latter trembled for a while.

"I will never let you go even if I die."

Su Yi Zhenjun is dead, let him take the box lunch with one trick, it is too shameful, Miao Xin swallows her saliva, secretly thinking that he is really lucky.

Empress Yaoyue also didn't understand why Ling Yun must die because of Yi Zhenjun.

Ling Yun didn't give any explanation, just killing an ant, what explanation does he need.


In an instant, the thunder was rolling, the color of the world changed, and the sky seemed to be enveloped by a force.

Ling Yun widened his eyes and said: "What are they going to do, I'm so mad!"

Under his visual inspection, someone is trying to recreate the ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect in the world, and they are trying to open the gap in the space.

Not only Ling Yun was surprised, but Babao Tiandi and Hurricane God were also the same.

Emperor Babao said angrily: "Damn it, you damn thief, he refined the Holy Spirit Orb."

Hurricane God's eyes were chilling, staring at the sky, muttering to himself: "The person who wants to prove the Tao must be an ancient person, and he knows the secret of the Holy Spirit Orb. He wants to let outsiders destroy this place."

"Don't even think about it, if it's an enemy, I will let him die badly."

"I'm most worried about my mausoleum, this group of lifeless things, I will kill one by one."

After the two of them looked at each other, they immediately flew to the place with the strongest power.

(End of this chapter)

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