Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1507

Chapter 1507 In the game (second update)
Ling Yun smiled lightly and narrowed his eyes slightly!
And the old dean swallowed: "Too...too..."

"It's good that you know."

Hearing this, the old dean closed his trembling mouth, even though she was at the eighteenth peak of the Immortal Emperor, she still didn't dare to shy in front of Ling Yun, and all she showed was endless fear.

She didn't doubt Ling Yun's identity, the Ice Soul Mask was the Taishen Monarch, but vaguely, she began to suspect that the daylight last night had something to do with this powerful man.

In her memory, it is only possible for Pluto to do it in the legend that runs through ancient times. After many years, the strength of the latter must become even more terrifying.

at the same time!

It was even more unbelievable for her to imagine that the mighty Pluto chose to be ordinary, and took his daughter with him in this ordinary academy, where humans and animals were harmless.

The little guy ran over, smiled and said: "Papa, I lost..."

"It's okay, just try your best." Ling Yun stroked the little guy's head, and the latter was rubbing his hands, his eyes rolling in bleakness.

The old dean wiped off his sweat: "Just do your best, just do your best."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, just treat me as an ordinary person."

Ling Yun was extremely speechless, acting as if he could eat people, is there any need to be so scared, he is really not that scary.

Beibei thought that Ling Yun was unhappy, so she said in a childish voice, "Handsome Shushu, just smile, Beibei will tell you a joke."

Little Irene ran over and said coquettishly, "Sister, tell me quickly!"

Instructor Mu came over and said, "Little Irene is great, come and rest quickly, you must be No.1 in the next game, don't be discouraged."

"No, the baby doesn't need to rest, the mysterious gift must not be a good thing."

Hearing this, Tutor Mu and the old dean twitched their mouths together.


Beibei couldn't bear to look directly at it, and covered her eyes, only showing a row of teeth. No one said that the mysterious gift is not a good thing, and she will not bear the blame.

I heard that there was a competition in the college, and many parents arrived at this moment.

Both Long Yanran and Long Xingtian came, Beibei was full of joy.

The first round of the competition ended successfully, and the kid who got No.1 was crying like hell, it was too difficult, the ninth set of movements was too difficult, and he was covered in sweat.

Beibei comforted loudly: "Good boy, don't cry!"

Everyone laughed, but she lay awkwardly in Qin Xianglian's arms.

Long Yanran flicked Beibei's forehead, and said speechlessly: "Take care of yourself, you are a big kid."

"Why are you all here?" Ling Yun asked.

Long Xingtian: "I'm bored, I heard that they are going to compete, so I came here to cheer them on."

Qin Xianglian said: "It's okay, Beibei. It doesn't matter if you don't get No. 1 in the first round. There are two other rounds, so perform well."

Hearing this, Beibei lowered her head, and the little guy was similar.

Soon, the second race began, that is, running. Whoever can insist on running five laps the fastest will be No.1.

Instructor Mu said: "You three, do your best. The instructor is optimistic about you and every student in the academy."

The little guy said: "Yeah, yum!"

Boom boom boom!
With the sound of three drums, all the children shot out like arrows, and the fastest one was little Irene, whose short legs seemed to be greased, running fast.

On the third lap, Little Irene took the lead, followed by Beibei, and then a few students, all sweating.

The poor little guy, Wuxin No.1, ran back to Ling Yun's arms, and said in a milky voice, "I'm so tired, papa, give me a can of Wangzai."


Ling Yun flatly refused.

Long Yanran asked, "Is Qianqian thirsty and doesn't have the energy to run?"


Although this is not the case, she is smart and will not tell the reason.

Long Yanran looked at Ling Yun, and the latter said, let her make milk powder, Wang Zai is out of stock, and I don't know if the phoenix is ​​dead, and he hasn't come back yet.

At this moment, the phoenix was sealed in a volcano, and it was suffering every day. It was so hot that it yelled every day.

"Come on, Babe!"

Qin Xianglian cheered her up, Long Xingtian also had great confidence in her, Ling Yun smiled helplessly after seeing it, he had already guessed what the two of them were thinking.

On the fourth lap, Beibei ran, his eyes were round, and then fell to the ground with a plop, Long Xingtian ran over immediately.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, pretending to be...

Babe is out!

"I'm fine, I'm fine..." Beibei was held in Long Xingtian's arms, caring for a while, Qin Xianglian became uneasy.

The other parents also cheered for the other children after seeing that Beibei was fine.

Little Irene was dumbfounded!
What's the situation, why is she the only one left!
Teacher Mu said: "Little Irene works hard and perseveres, and victory is just around the corner."

Hearing this, little Irene stopped suddenly, imitating Beibei, lying on the ground by herself, and said softly, "Oh, it hurts so much baby."

Everyone: "..."

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched violently, this is too fake.

Beibei: "..."

She learned from whom, she swears, her acting skills are definitely not that rubbish.

The old dean also couldn't understand why she would not want No.1, at least to make others envious, this is the glory of the academy, or is it that little Irene disdains.

Qin Xianglian said: "Ling Yun, is it because you don't let them win?"

Little Aileen was too fake, so Qin Xianglian had to be suspicious.

Ling Yun was also shot while lying down!

Beibei said: "Mom, it's because Beibei didn't work hard that I let you down."

Qin Xianglian smiled and said, "It's okay, the important thing is to participate!"

The little guy sucked the milk powder, and said in a milky voice, "I tried my best, I can't run, I need to drink Wangzai."

Hearing this, little Irene licked her lips and looked at Ling Yun, that little look really made the latter dumbfounded.

No.1 in the second scene was born, a female student, she smiled happily, her parents were also present, her eyes were moist.

Ling Yun nodded and applauded this persistent girl.

The third game is a test of strength, punching the crystal recorder, the higher the value, the better.

The little guy haha ​​fisted, punched it up, and then pouted.

"Aunt Qin, I hurt... hug!"

Qin Xianglian felt sorry for the child, picked her up and cared about her, and even applied some ointment on the latter.

Ling Yun: "..."

Long Yanran: "..."

Beibei got a lot of encouragement before going on stage, this time she went up and followed Haha fist, and punched out, the crystal recorder showed that it was neither high nor low, but she was very satisfied.

The corners of Little Irene's eyes twitched violently. When it came to her, shouldn't the audience be shocked?
Since the No. 1 in the first two games is not needed, then the No. 1 in this round is also ignored, and it is fine to punch casually with Beibei.

who knows.

The child just punched lightly with the dragon body, and the crystal exploded, and he couldn't bear it. The strength the crystal could withstand was as high as that of a real immortal, and it would explode if it exceeded it.

This time little Irene was stared at by everyone, embarrassing!
(End of this chapter)

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