Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1512 is coming

Chapter 1512 Here comes the killer (first update)
Hai Bing looked at little Irene next to Ling Yun, and immediately swallowed his saliva!
"Please come in, little princess, I'm so small, please forgive me!"


Little Irene snorted coldly, and immediately ran in, shouting: "Father, Queen, the baby is back."

The residents on Neptune Island immediately fixed their eyes on little Irene, all dumbfounded, and some ran away in a panic.


It turned out that it wasn't Neptune's Palace, it just entered the island.

Ling Yun shook his head, took little Irene by his hand, and arrived at Haiwang Palace in a stream of light.

You can probably guess the reason why they are afraid of little Irene. I am sure that the latter is boring and naughty these days! ! !
Ling Yun landed suddenly, alarming the nearby palace guards, and immediately surrounded them.

"Participated in Taishenjun, met the princess!" A certain guard nodded.

His body trembled slightly, the Pluto who met once in all ages, and the Taishen Lord who saw the head and tail of the dragon for thousands of years, were right in front of his eyes at this moment.

"Father, Queen Mother!"

As little Irene yelled, Neptune rushed over immediately.

"See the Supreme Lord."

Finally looking forward to Ling Yun's arrival, Haiwang was indescribably excited.

"Father, the child has come to see you."

Hearing this, the corner of Neptune’s mouth twitched, it’s been a day since I’ve seen you.

"They're all up."

Ling Yun is still the same domineering, just like the divine master back then, aloof.

"I don't know what the emperor is talking about?" Sea King asked, if there is nothing wrong, he would not come here, he knows this well.

Ling Yun waved his hand, and said to the surrounding guards: "Back off!"


After everyone retreated, Ling Yun said: "Didn't you find anything just now?"

Neptune paused, and just about to say no, the princess came.

"I have seen the Lord Taishang!"

"Get up and talk!"


Sea King just uttered a word, and Wang Hao immediately said: "Yes!"

"The Force of the Phoenix? You also sensed it?"

Ling Yun frowned, this matter is really troublesome, the endless sea is so far away, it is unimaginable that the phoenix power in little Irene's body broke through his barrier and affected this place.

Little Irene scratched her head, and ran to hug the concubine herself. She missed her for a day, and the latter had no intention of staying with her.

The king of the phoenix family appeared, she didn't know who it was, and whether it would affect the water phoenix, it was unknown, so she was worried.

What is the power of the phoenix, Aquaman has nothing!

He is from the Azure Dragon Clan, not the Demon Emperor, how could he feel it.

"I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse!" The princess's face was full of sorrow.

"There's nothing wrong with coming here, just ask, what did you feed little Irene during the time she came back, or did you get any inheritance?"


Neptune answered immediately.

The princess frowned and thought for a moment before shaking her head.

In the past few days, little Irene has been playing on Neptune Island, so what kind of inheritance is there.


Ling Yun fell into deep thought, if not, how could little Irene evolve, there must be something wrong in that link.

"You husband and wife think about it carefully, and I will have a good talk with little Irene."

Eileen evolved from a young child to a five-colored phoenix, and Ling Yun didn't question little Aileen about what she experienced before.

Hearing this, Haiwang and Wangfei looked at each other with bewildered faces.

After Ling Yun pulled little Irene aside, he asked carefully: "Little Irene, tell me, what have you eaten these days."

"There are many, there are sea crabs, fish, and the soul crystals given to me by the queen mother, as well as soul beads, and glowing fruits."

and many more…

Glowing fruit?
Could it be it, what kind of fruit is it!
"Do you know that kind of fruit?"

"I don't know, the queen mother knows."

"Is there anything else?" Ling Yun thought for a while, there shouldn't be any fruit that has such a powerful power, and even escaped his delusion-breaking eyes.

Little Irene rubbed her head, sat on the ground thinking, Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry, gave her a drink of Wangzai, and let her think while he was waiting beside her.

And Wuhun Continent!
The three demon kings sent by the demon emperor Golden Lion and six demon emperors with late-stage strength of the immortal emperor came.

"You can't be wrong, this is where the colorful phoenix stayed just now."

The elephant demon king said, standing in the void, his eyes staring at Long Beibei Paradise!
The lion king's pupils radiated coldness, and his figure slowly fell.

"Let's go in and see if the Five-Colored Divine Phoenix is ​​still there."

"Wang Wang Wang!!"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the watchdog immediately yelled at the group of monsters.

This group of monsters who don't have long eyes actually want to break in and die!
When it is this dog is no good!

"Dead dog, get out of here."

"If you keep fucking barking, I'll stew you," said the Elephant Demon King.

"Old Elephant, what's the point of talking to a dog, just kill it,'s so annoying." the spider demon king said.

Hearing this, the watchdog was very angry and glared at everyone. As long as this group of lifeless monsters dared to take a step forward, it would immediately attack.

"Yo yo yo, look at it, it's grinning, it's angry, hahaha, it's just an ant." The lion demon king sneered.

"Wait, there is danger approaching." The Elephant Demon King stopped their actions.

The door next to it opened, and Gushui Liu came out with a stick.

"You guys can't stay here, please leave quickly."

This tone made the three demon kings frown, and anger appeared on their faces.

"Who are you!"

"Hahaha, you are alone, there are nine of us, are you sure you want to stop us?" King Spider Demon said.

"Nine? Are you considered human?" Duan Shui Liu chuckled!

The Elephant Demon King couldn't bear it first, and sooner or later he would fight, so he preemptively strikes.

"Good come!"

Cut off the water flow head on, the two moves are deadly, and they will not back down!
Others will not just watch, but prepare to walk into Long Beibei Paradise.

A stream of light burst out from the watchdog's mouth, directly seriously injuring a demon emperor, whose figure flew upside down, and the ground split open.

A dog can have such terrifying power, the two demon kings and others were shocked.

A dog blocking them?
If it spreads out, you will die laughing, so the lion king winks at several demon emperors.

Several demon emperors immediately shot at the watchdog, and the terrifying combined blow directly shattered the gate, making the watchdog tremble all over!
It is not afraid of these monster emperors, or the gate is destroyed, what will happen if Hades comes back!
The next thing that made it even more frightened was that the two demon kings did not play their cards according to common sense, and even destroyed the wall of the courtyard.

At the same time, some space formations inside were also destroyed.

The spider demon king said: "There is no one inside, what a waste of time!"

"Hmph, dead dog, no one is stopping us!"

"This is a dog with thoughts, and I don't know what's going on with it. It can have such terrifying power."

The lion king stared at the shivering watchdog, thinking that the latter was a fear of them.

(End of this chapter)

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