Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1527

Chapter 1527 Vulnerable (Part [-])
Little Irene blinked her eyes. In her eyes, these people were trash, who could be crushed to death with one hand. She didn't know what they were pretending to be, and they had no strength.

"It doesn't matter what Qingshan faction you are, in the eyes of Bao Bao's brother, you are a clown."

Her mouth was pouted.


He is not very old, but he has a lot of tone.

"Where is your brother, see if I don't kill him." The young man smiled dismissively.


Little Irene pointed to the back, and everyone was at a loss for a while, you looked at me, I looked at you, and instantly looked at each other and laughed!
This real immortal man in black robe is her brother, really drunk.

Someone sneered: "Dare to tease our Qingshan faction, child... you are the first!"

It turned out to be playing with them!
As soon as these words came out, everyone present was startled.

"Damn, court death!"

"Catch them and let them see the cruelty of our Qingshan faction."

This time without the young man's big words, his guard couldn't bear it, and rushed towards Little Irene and the others with a look of anger.

The women in Taixu Palace were dumbfounded at this moment. They all thought that there should be hope when they heard little Irene say that her brother was here, not a man in black robe.

Unexpectedly, her elder brother was really a man in black robe and was recognized!
It's all over now.

The six women looked at Ling Yun sadly, and reluctantly took out their swords, ready to help them rush out together, one of them could escape, and the other party was an immortal emperor.

Ling Yun frowned, walked up step by step, and said to little Irene: "Let me bear these crimes alone."

Then he said: "You can just watch, no need to help."

He really has no interest in dealing with a few rubbish.

The six Taixu Palace women almost spat out a mouthful of old blood!
Dude, are you stupid!

You're just a real fairy, what are you using to fight with others!
However, the next moment, the six women in Taixu Palace were collectively stunned.

I saw Ling Yun turned into lightning, passing several people from the Qingshan faction!
An invisible wave of air exploded, followed by several immortal emperors of the Qingshan School who were shot flying on the spot, smashed several big trees, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The six women in Taixu Palace were stunned and shocked.

Just a blown face!
He actually killed three immortal emperors in seconds, that's a master of the Qingshan faction.


How is it possible, what the hell, that black-robed talent is a true immortal.


The remaining guard, young man, toad, and a group of monsters were also frightened, opened their mouths wide, and looked at Ling Yun with changed eyes.

They were full of horror and horror, as if they were looking at a monster.

The young man immediately shook his head, and suddenly opened his eyes wide, staring at Ling Yun.

"You guys are trash."

Ling Yun laughed loudly, and then killed the remaining surviving members of the Qingshan faction and the dazed monsters.

Boom! !
They fought back hard, with all kinds of moves, and then they went crazy with fright.

No matter how they attacked, Ling Yun's body skills cleverly dodged, and the latter left afterimages and approached them step by step.

When Ling Yun passed them by, a force like a prehistoric force hit them right in front of him! !
Just like that, their bodies flew out, and fell heavily on the ground, bidding farewell to the world!

In fact!
The moment they were hit by Ling Yun, their internal organs were destroyed, and they were already dying!

One power down ten sessions!

Breakthrough all methods?

The eyes of the six women in Taixu Palace who were watching were all wide-eyed, with shock written all over their faces.

"His cultivation is fake!"

"That's right, the man in black must be the one who can kill the Immortal Emperor."

"He hides his appearance and doesn't want others to see himself under the black robe. Could it be that he is a worldly expert who does not care about fame and fortune."

"It must be so low-key."

The six of them breathed a sigh of relief, and no longer felt hopeless and uneasy.

Ling Yun stared at the young man in front of him and said, "You are the only one left, you ant!"

The young man turned pale, his lips trembled slightly, his face was full of horror, his eyes fixed on Ling Yun, and he said in a deep voice: "You... who are you, are you not afraid of revenge from our Qingshan faction? My father is the leader of the faction .”

Ling Yun looked up to the sky and laughed, with a bohemian aura!

"Little Irene, tell this idiot why you kept him."

Little Irene said in a childish voice, "Let him know that if you don't have that strength, you have to pay a price for pretending to be aggressive."

Ling Yun: "..."

"Bah... No, no, it's to make him feel the last despair and pain."

"Ruzi can be taught!"

This time the answer was correct, Ling Yun nodded in satisfaction.

Listening to these conversations, the six women in Taixu Palace were stunned!
"Tell me, who are you? If you kill me, my father will not let you go. Why are you fighting against our Qingshan faction?" The young man yelled at Ling Yun, his eyes showing fear of Ling Yun again.

"It doesn't matter who I am, because...hehe, the dead don't need to know too much, and when will I have trouble with your Qingshan faction?"

"Tell me, what does this mean?" The young man pointed to the corpse on the ground.

"Them? They are the ones who can't get along with me." Ling Yun said with a smile.

Obviously they were the ones who did the fighting, so should he just sit still and wait for them to kill him?What's the point.

The young man suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, and had a vague urge to be pissed off.

The six women in Taixu Palace couldn't help snickering, this mysterious black-robed senior was really funny.

They never dreamed that the young master of the Qingshan faction would also be deflated. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would not have believed it. If the news spread, the entire Qingshan faction would be stunned.

The six people smiled at each other, and were amazed, filled with emotion in their hearts.

Ling Yun looked at the sky, an unconscious smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

"Call your father, preferably from all the Qingshan sect."

A certain woman who was drinking water directly sprayed it! !

Not laughing, but frightened!
Several women said: "Mysterious ex...senior, or let's just forget about it."

"That's right, the head of the Qingshan faction, we can't afford to offend him, why don't we withdraw first."

The Qingshan faction is a second-rate force, and their Taixu palace is a third-rate force, the difference is too great, and the master of her sect is not the opponent of an elder of the Qingshan faction.

Little Irene said in a childish voice, "What are you withdrawing from, what are you cowardly, with my brother here, who is only a mere cyan faction, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Youth: "It's the Qingshan School!"

"Oh, you're not allowed to leave either. Stay and watch the show and see how Baobao's brother teaches them a lesson. It's shameless to bully girls in broad daylight. This kind of faction is not a good person." Little Irene said righteously .

A certain woman: "It's the Qingshan School."

They wanted to cry but had no tears, and they immediately looked sad.

(End of this chapter)

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