Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1556

Chapter 1556 Strong Debut (Third)

There was more and more blood at the corner of Shui Lao's mouth, his feet trembled slightly, and his face was livid.

Zhou Heng laughed loudly: "See how long you can last, old man!!"

Murderous aura roared in his eyes, and with a clenched palm, a dazzling mask of zhenqi condensed into a huge fist of zhenqi, which also killed Shui Lao.

"Hmph, the old man should have killed you just now."

Witnessing all this, Shui Lao hated his teeth itching, and his eyes gleamed with murderous intent.

There was a trace of chill in Leng Rushuang's beautiful eyes: "At this time, you should attack the Demon King!!"

"These people have let us down too much, they are in vain for the human race."

Many monks also looked angry.

boom! ! !
After a violent collision, the big black king retreated dozens of steps, the Overlord's Halberd slanted on the ground, stopped the retreating figure, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The tiger's mouth where Dao Wumeng was holding the saber was shattered and began to bleed, but he joined in later, so the injury was not serious.

Xiaobai Wang's dozens of sword shadows were all wiped out, and his figure retreated violently. He barely stabilized himself by stepping on the air under his feet. Even if he pressed his heart at the first moment, he was seriously injured.

Jian Zilai was a little far away from Zhou Heng, so he was not injured, but his body was bounced back and he took a few steps back.


A muffled groan came from Shui Lao's chest.

Shui Lao's face changed slightly, he felt as if he was placed on a drum, and the space shook violently.

He fell to the ground, half-kneeling on one knee, and the underworld armor he was wearing also showed cracks and blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

The true qi permeating his body also began to become a little unstable, and his face was pale and bloodless.

The sky-shaking uproar swept across the four directions like a tide.

"The thick smoke has disappeared, Shui Lao is not dead!"

"Damn it, the underworld armor is too strong."

Zhou Heng's eyes widened: "Impossible, how could he not be dead yet, is this old guy immortal?"

He has already been hit by so many moves, but he still survived, his face was full of ferocity, and his eyes were filled with coldness.

The black wolf demon king and the nine-headed bird also looked incredible.

Everyone can see that although Shui Lao is not dead, he is still stronger than the end.

"While you are sick, I will kill you!" The big black king held the Overlord Halberd, and his figure burst out again, and he was about to take down Shui Lao in one blow.

It is a pity!
Shui Lao gritted his teeth to dodge this blow, and then he dodged with injuries, and with Xiao Bai Wang rushing over again, he didn't have time to catch his breath.

Shui Lao fought for a while, his body's underworld armor was shattered, and his body was injured in many places at this moment.

Seeing the little guy on the side trembling with fear, she covered her two little eyes with her two little hands with a look of reluctance, and peeked through a small slit in the two little hands. That little look is very cute.

"Papa, hurry up and save that old man, I know him." The little guy said in a childish voice.

That angry look seemed to be using an order, which made people dumbfounded.

"Let him practice and practice."

"No, he can't hold it anymore, I still have something to ask him, papa..."

The little guy started acting coquettishly, rubbing against Ling Yun's arms.

Beibei held back his breath and said: "Shuai Shushu is still going, they are too bad, a group of people bully an old man."

"OK then!"

Ling Yun sighed helplessly, put on the bamboo hat, and walked up immediately.

at the same time!

There was a sudden "boom!", and the whole space trembled violently.

Shui Lao's eyes went dark, and he fell to his knees in an instant. His whole body was bloody, his breastbone and ribs were broken, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, even his ears and nostrils. This was the most difficult battle he had ever fought!
"I didn't expect that the old man would die here, it's really sad!"

He came with more than 100 immortal emperors from the underworld, and he was the only one left in Yaoyu, after all, Ban Kun was nowhere to be found.

"Hahaha, I thought you wouldn't die!" The big black king looked up to the sky and laughed.

The others also showed a smile of victory.


A bloody light shot out from Ling Yun's hand at a very fast speed, like a bloody meteor passing through the void, with a cold and icy aura, it fell on the big black king in the blink of an eye, and penetrated into the latter's body middle.


Bright red blood spewed out from Yue Daheiwang's chest like a fountain.

He lowered his head and stared blankly at all this. The darkness of death gradually eroded his consciousness, and his burly body leaned back and fell from mid-air.



It's unbelievable that the big black king is dead!
The tiger demon king immediately went up to check the body of the big black king, and found that he was really dead.

His face was pale, he shook his head, saying that it was impossible, and he died after suffering a burst of blood?It's too ridiculous.


The fact is like this, the big black king is really out of breath!

The tiger demon king grabbed the demon pill, and then returned to the black wolf demon king.

With killing intent all over his body, Xiao Bai Wang said angrily, "Who is it? Come out for me."

Shui Lao gritted his teeth and looked at the crowd, then the crowd parted like a tide, and Ling Yun walked over step by step.

"It's him?"

Sufina blinked her eyes. With her current strength, she still couldn't see through Ling Yun, who was still a true immortal.


How could it be possible for a true immortal to kill the Immortal Emperor, and the power to kill the Great Black King is absolutely beyond her imagination.

Shui Lao coughed a few times, and said, "Thank you fellow Taoist for your help, I am very grateful."

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know, it looks very strong, but it has a very strange feeling."

"Is his cultivation hidden?"

"It's impossible for mere real immortals to kill the big black king. It can't be some kind of secret technique."

Everyone looked at Ling Yun and whispered.

The black wolf demon king was so angry that he killed the big black king in front of him. This is simply a shame and a shame! !
"Whoever he is, kill him!"

Hear it!

Xiao Bai Wang stared at Ling Yun and said, "Die to me! I want to avenge him."

"It was the brother in black robe and bamboo hat who took advantage of the big black king's unpreparedness just now to kill him. Now facing the little white king, I don't know what chance he has."

"There's a good show to watch."

"Should be able to defeat it."

Everyone present stopped and turned their attention to Ling Yun.

"Go to hell!" Xiao Bai Wang shouted, his whole body surged with qi, and the edge of the sword in his hand buzzed and trembled violently.

He swung out the epee again, and an extremely terrifying sword energy spread out, as if manifesting a strange scene like a fallen fairy.

Everyone saw that Ling Yun was not in a hurry, tearing apart the void with the flick of his fingers, using the sky and the earth as the sword, and the sun and the moon as the foundation, with one strike he could destroy mountains and rivers.

puff! !

Little White King flew away, not only his arm was broken, but even the cyan battle sword in his hand was embedded in his chest, his breastbone was broken, his flesh and blood were blurred, and he let out a mournful cry.

All was silent, all held their breath! !
(End of this chapter)

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