Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1558 Kill Without Amnesty

Chapter 1558 Kill Unforgiven (Second Change)

A series of air explosions sounded, and the surrounding area exploded completely, bringing out a group of fiery air waves, which turned the already somewhat scorched land around it into a piece of scorched earth.

And the broken sword in Ling Yun's hand couldn't bear it anymore, and it shattered to the ground in an instant.

An incomparably tragic artistic conception suddenly spread, as if hundreds of millions of living beings were lying dead, and the earth was bleeding and drifting.

The thick smoke dissipated, and the ground was covered with corpses of monsters! !
And a certain powerful demon king was also hit by the sword energy, his face was flushed, and he spit out a big mouthful of blood. At the same time, his body was pierced by the sword energy in many places, dripping with blood, and collapsed on the ground without breath.

With one move!
The hundreds of monsters rushing over and the three monster kings all died. At this moment, everyone was numb.

Ling Yun dominates the world, like a god, overlooking all living beings.

His power is suffocating, no one dares to look at him wherever his eyes pass.

"Haha, Papa is amazing." The little guy looked extremely admiring.

Even though Long Yanran watched too much about Ling Yun's attack, she opened her mouth wide in shock at this moment.

"Brothers, don't worry, I will avenge you."

The fierce tiger demon king shook the blood in his body, and his physical body had a strong resilience. The injury caused by Ling Yun's punch had already begun to wriggle and heal.

"This swordsmanship is amazing, Taishenjun?" Someone began to have some doubts.

"Good job!"

Shui Lao was very excited. With a mysterious man in black, he firmly believed that the demon king here could not do anything to them, and everyone thought the same.

"I don't know what's wrong with Ban Kun, alas...that ancient demon god is so powerful, the old man finally knows why Hades launched the demon-killing order."

The powerful him, as a member of the high-level underworld, has suffered a great loss in the demon domain, and it is impossible for other people to be opponents of the demon clan.

The monster clan is so strong that it is hard to imagine, and there are more monster kings than recorded before!

But in Shui Lao's memory, besides the Demon King Golden Lion, there are also four of his subordinates in the Demon Realm, one Xuan, two floors, three days and four bloods!

One Xuan is Xuan Hai!
The geniuses among the monster clan are like clouds, and Xuanhai is even more talented. He became the emperor of the monster clan in one leap, known as the emperor of Xuanhai, who ruled the sea of ​​trees and killed the clan!

The second floor is Loulan!

It is rumored that it is a fox that has been cultivated for tens of millions of years, stronger than the golden lion of the demon emperor, known as the fox of a thousand charms!

Three days is tengu!

His strength is also so terrifying that people from the Twelve Realms hardly dare to mess with him!
The four bloods are blood demons!
The blood demon is very mysterious, and everyone who saw him died.

But in the sea of ​​trees, none of the four masters of the demon king has been seen, which is really strange.

"I'm going to kill you, hahaha, kill you!"

In an instant, the tiger demon king took out the demon pill in his hand and began to swallow it, it was from the big black king and the little white king.

After a while, his body, which was originally as bright as blood, was covered with a layer of extremely rich blood glow.

At that level, there was even a kind of deathly black faintly revealed!
The world was silent, and in this silence, the tiger demon king's eyes were as red as blood, and there were countless magic sounds lingering in his mind.

This is the negative effect of devouring the demon pill, which can affect people's emotions and mind, and then make people fall into madness and so on.

"Not good, he is going crazy, kill him quickly?"

"He must not be allowed to live."


With a sound of shouting, the other people did not wait and see, but surrounded the tiger demon king, and told them that the mad demon king had better die in the bud.

The tiger demon king only had endless killing in his heart, and he didn't know what it meant to retreat.

The pair of claws tore down fiercely, not afraid of the mysterious spear, a pair of sharp claws were like sharp weapons of magic weapons, colliding with the spear, causing sparks.

"Hahaha, come on, die to me, I want to avenge my brother."

A pair of blood-colored eyes made everyone's heart tremble! !

For a while!

Many people died in the hands of the Tiger Demon King, everyone was a little timid, but among the masters, except for Leng Rushuang and Shui Lao, no one else made a move.

Seeing so many people die, they were still indifferent, and some even started to bomb the formation in fear, only wanting to get out.

Ling Yun's eyes squinted at Zhou Heng's camp, and said calmly to Shui Lao and the others: "You all retreat!"

Hear it!

They immediately distanced themselves from the Tiger Demon King.

"Senior, you must kill this tiger demon king!"

"Revenge for our fellow Taoists."

Shui Lao said: "Fellow Daoist, please!"

Leng Rushuang frowned and said, "Why does your figure look familiar?"

Ling Yun didn't answer her, and focused on Zhou Heng and the others.

Zhou Heng swallowed his saliva, feeling uncomfortable being looked at by Ling Yun, and he didn't dare to ask, and didn't dare to look up.

"You are the ones who surrendered without a fight, so you deserve to die!!"

Hearing this, Zhou Heng turned pale. If Ling Yun killed him, there was really nothing he could do!

Catmull's allies, including Dao Wumeng, also looked a little ugly and unnatural.

At that moment, all eyes focused on Ling Yun.

Dao Wumeng of the Catmull League sneered and said, "Young man with a yellow mouth, don't be ashamed of your big words!"

Now that he has recovered from his injuries, he is not afraid of the Yaozu or Lingyun, and the Rhinoceros Demon King has not recovered from his serious injuries, so he doesn't need to keep a low profile.

Ling Yun smiled instead of anger: "Hehe, I hope you won't regret it."

"Which onion are you?"

Dao Wumeng exploded with extreme moves, and the liquid zhenqi in his body surged in his dantian.

Terrifying zhenqi surged along the tendons and burst out, and in the void, there seemed to be the sound of surging waves and surging tides.

His figure suddenly pulled out an extremely swift afterimage.

The endless zhenqi in the knife turned into a wave that hit the sky. Among them, the knife broke through the waves, with a power that seemed to break through everything, and slashed towards Ling Yun below.

Everyone didn't blink their eyes!
"Who will be better?"

Beibei blinked her beautiful eyes: "Is he that good at using knives?"

Sufina was a little worried and said, "Senior, come on!"

The black wolf demon king showed a look of disdain, killed the big and small black and white kings, and slaughtered so many tiger monsters and demon kings!

No matter how strong Ling Yun is, he cannot be the opponent of Dao Wumeng who has recovered from his injuries, so he is not in a hurry.

The nine-headed bird seemed to have seen the inevitable defeat of Ling Yun: "It's a pity for a talented person."

One person can kill so many demon kings, to be honest, he only recognizes Ling Yun in his heart.

"Fellow Daoist, you have to be extremely careful, and even more careful about sneak attacks from the Demon King's back!" Shui Lao also had a worried look on his face.

Zhou Heng smiled sinisterly: "It deserves it, even the Catmull Alliance dares to mess with it!"

Ling Yun frowned, then smiled half-smile, and put his fingers together.

A finger pierced the sky, and the snow-white sword energy reverberated in the void, leaving a sword shadow behind every sword,
Ling Yun drew a total of eleven swords, and the eleven sword shadows condensed instantly, turning into a light blue sword aura, and with the last sword drawn, the light blue sword aura flew forward!
(End of this chapter)

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