Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1566

Chapter 1566 Wind and Clouds (Second Change)

The breath of Xuanhai is rising steadily.

Everyone's scalps were numb, staring at Xuanhai, a chill rose from their backs.

Xuanhai paid this price, and what he got would be unprecedented power.

Ling Yun smiled happily: "Approaching the power of the true god, you are three points stronger than that demon, just three points, and I won't give any more."

"However, this physical body is too weak, are you sure you can defeat me?"

"Hahaha, I feel that my whole body is full of strength, I am the strongest, and I will end you today!"

Xuanhai's aura was so strong that everyone could hardly breathe.

This power, this simply shocked everyone's attention!


Everyone stared blood red, this Xuan Hai must be crazy, this is the first time I saw such a desperate person.

Swallowing the forbidden pill just to kill Hades?

I don't want my own life, and I may not be able to kill it! !
No matter what the ending is, Xuan Hai will definitely die!

As we all know, as long as you swallow that powerful forbidden pill, you will die, not to mention fighting against Hades.

"Xuanhai... well done..." Tengu moved slightly, his body trembling.


All the monsters in the riot were screaming wildly, their eyes moist!
Monsters and beasts are so affectionate, it really happens once in ten thousand years!

"After he's dead, I'll take out the demon pill from his body. I don't know if I can succeed." Elder Jiange Liu murmured.

This damn old man is very bad!
But some monks looked at Xuan Hai with respect.

No one dared to challenge Pluto or swallow life pills.

"Do you still want to resist in vain, pathetic ants..."

Facing the desperate Xuanhai, Ling Yun's expression remained indifferent, showing no sign of being moved.

In his opinion, Xuanhai's move is very stupid, it is self-defeating, and ants are always ants.

"Ants, ants, even if I am an ant, I will trample you under my feet today."

Xuan Hai gritted his teeth, and sacrificed a sword from his body!

"That is, the poisonous sword?"

"It is estimated to be an artifact."

On the sword body, there is still endless black air entangled, as if it is a dark abyss.

Xuan Hai held a poisonous sword and slashed straight down. The radiant black light of the sword seemed to be the light of the heavens, bursting into endless darkness.

Thousands of terrifying black robbery lights converged into one, converging on the poisonous sword.

Cutting down with a sword, it was as if the gods had issued a verdict to all living beings and ants, and judged life and death.

Feeling the terrifying power of this sword, everyone took a wild breath.

It's a fight with the sky burial just now!
Ling Yun was calm and calm, and pointed at the sword, pointing directly at the sky.

"The wind blows the clouds!"

Endless sword energy burst out from the finger sword, and fell down, like a cloud in the eyes of the crowd in horror.

The countless sword qi condensed into a ten thousand zhang lightsaber.

The ten-thousand-foot lightsaber, like the transformation of the sky, the earth and the sky, burst down, smashing the clouds in the sky, and stirring up the wind and clouds in the sky!

This is Feng Juan Yunyun, as super god swordsmanship as Wan Jian Guizong!

"So strong!"

Everyone's scalps were numb, and the only words in their minds were strong.

Xuan Hai's eyes became serious, this is a move to determine life and death!
"Xuanhai returns to heaven!"

The black poisonous sword light gushed out, Xuanhai Guitian made a move, and collided with Ling Yun's sweeping lightsaber.


Xuanhai's offensive is as fragile as paper in front of the mighty lightsaber!
Everyone looked at this scene, dumbfounded, and extremely shocked in their hearts.


The monsters seemed to be crazy too, Shui Lao couldn't resist such a fierce attack, and said in a panic, "Master Pluto, I can't hold it anymore, there are too many monsters."

"Xuanhai, you must kill him. I will go over now and kill his daughter as well, so that their father and daughter can have a companion."

Tengu laughed out loud, he was betting that Xuanhai could hit Lingyun hard! !

These words completely angered Ling Yun!
Ling Yun's face was cold, and he said angrily: "You all die!!"

The little guy said in a milky voice: "No, Papa is angry, run!"

This child hid in An Qing's arms immediately!
Hearing this, Shui Lao immediately shouted: "Run!"

Xuan Hai's expression changed, his long hair danced wildly, and his whole body was full of killing intent.

"I don't believe it, come again! Cut!!"

The sword light of endless poison soars into the sky, blackening the universe and the sky, and the power of Xuanhai increases a little bit more!

A violent roar erupted, the sky trembled, and the aura rioted.

The sword skills of the two compete with each other again, destroy!


This time, Xuanhai's poisonous sword light was completely submerged in Ling Yun's stormy clouds like a stone sinking into the sea.

Everyone's eyes were dazzled by Ling Yun's mighty sword light, and they couldn't open their eyes!
The dazzling light flickered violently, and it took more than a dozen breaths before it gradually dimmed.

At this moment, Ling Yun, standing on the sky, dominates the world, like a god, looking down on all living beings.

His power is suffocating, no one dares to look at him wherever his eyes pass.

And Xuanhai was bleeding profusely, and the gray robe was stained with blood, it seemed that there was no serious problem.

In fact, Xuanhai is dead!

His body was torn apart, and as soon as the sword in his hand fell, his body also scattered, and blood rained down!
The miserable scene in Xuanhai in front of them shocked everyone, their eyes widened and their scalps went numb!
There is another long and deep ditch in the sea of ​​trees, pointing to the end of the demon realm!
It's not over yet!
Ling Yun's face was icy cold, his long hair fluttered slightly without any wind.

His pair of dark eyes were gradually covered with a layer of blood.

Like a devil crawling out of hell, the deep voice resounded: "The moment you want to kill me, you should be ready to be killed by me."

The storm rises, the mountains and rivers move, and the killing intent soars between the heavens and the earth!

The situation in the sky changed color, and a violent gust of wind howled.

The clouds above the nine-day sky seemed to be dyed blood red by this killing intent.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, there was a strong wind, like a shocking wave rolled up.

There was a muffled thunder in the sky, and then black clouds gathered from all directions.

The dark red thunder roared loudly in the thundercloud.

A terrifying thunder sounded, and the originally cloudless sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and continuous black clouds were covered in an instant, which was extremely terrifying.

In the vast ocean of black clouds and lightning, there is infinite power, as black as ink, as thick as a mountain, and the entire sky seems to have fallen into a dark and deep abyss.

Looking back, the universe trembled, and the demon realm was shaking!

"Fuck, Pluto is angry!"

"Is the whole sea of ​​trees going to end?"

"Forgive me."

"Where can we escape, this is God's punishment, endless God's punishment."

"Wan Lei came to the world."

Everyone looked at the thunderclouds in the sky and shivered. They were really scared at this moment.

The thousands of monks who escaped from the sea of ​​trees witnessed all this and secretly rejoiced. They were not within the range of the thunderclouds, so they ran fast.

Those fighting Bagua Lingyun are not so lucky, they are facing death at this moment.

Shui Lao's legs trembled: "He must be crazy, we are here too."

(End of this chapter)

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