Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1577 is resentful

Chapter 1577 is resentful
The blood demon looked at Ling Yun with a half-smile. He firmly believed that Hades would definitely join if he was not stupid.

If you don't obey the monster clan, then there is no need for Hades, and the black feathered dragon is the strongest.

When the bloody tentacle of the blood demon touched Ling Yun's body, it was instantly scorched and smoked.


"Tell me, how do you want to die." Ling Yun said in a cold tone.

The blood demon thought he had heard it wrong, but seeing Ling Yun whose killing intent was getting stronger, he shook his head and laughed.

"I don't know what to do!"

call out!call out!call out!
Three blood-colored tentacles in a row flew towards them like deadly blood shadows, making a whining sound as they pierced through the air.

The most powerful method of the blood demon is its poisonous tentacles.

Whether it is a monster or a human being, as long as it is entangled, it will be difficult to break free, and eventually die of poison.

But facing Shang Lingyun really shocked and gave him a headache.

When the blood demon's tentacles touched Ling Yun's body, the tentacles would be burned, which was very painful.

"What kind of body are you? I really hate it." The blood demon looked at Ling Yun fiercely.

Ling Yun frowned and said: "You monster clan have gone too far."

He saw a lot of bones around him, which clearly belonged to children.

These day-killing demon kings, for the sake of the demon god Hei Yulong, would not spare even children.

The blood demon naturally understood what Ling Yun was talking about!
"Excessive? This word came out of Pluto's mouth, which surprised me a bit. Are your kills less than ours?"

Why did humans kill so many monsters?
Do all these monsters deserve what they deserve?

"Pluto aloft, don't you have both good and evil, why can't you see clearly how much sin our monster race has suffered."

"Hahaha, the monsters in the sea of ​​trees, should they be ruthlessly killed by you?"

The blood demon's every word is cruel, but Ling Yun is indifferent, with a cold-blooded expression.

Ling Yun just couldn't see the demon king killing the children. In his heart, those children were very cute, just like his daughter.

"Sorry, I heard the desperate cries of the children, and I want you to feel the desperate howls."

Ling Yun pointed his sword out and stabbed straight at the blood demon. The bloody tentacles that flew over were also torn apart by the sharp bloody sword light.

"my hand!"

The blood on the blood demon's body was being consumed at a rapid rate, and its entire body shrank instantly.

But now, the blood demon's hand was cut off by Ling Yun, screaming directly, turning around to enter the lair.

Ling Yun swiped his finger again, and there was a continuous dull sound. The bloody tentacles of the blood demon were all cut off by Ling Yun, and there were criss-cross wounds on his body.

"Forgive me, forgive me, please." The blood demon suddenly knelt down to Ling Yun, without the slightest arrogance as before, which surprised the latter a bit.

"Do you think it's possible? When those children begged you for mercy, did you ever think about letting them go?"

A trace of scarlet flashed across Ling Yun's eyes, he was sure to kill the blood demon!
"Blood mist bewilders the sky!"

The blood demon made an unexpected sneak attack, and a cloud of blood mist rose in front of him, covering Ling Yun's eyes. The blood mist was poisonous.

However, Ling Yun didn't have any influence at all, he could see clearly, let the blood demon flee to the depths, and he followed step by step.

Inside the blood demon lair, a deep corridor leads to the depths.

The corridor is surrounded by monsters and the white skeletons of human fighters.

There was a strong smell of blood coming from the depths of the lair.

Vaguely, Ling Yun sensed a fierce aura that surprised even him, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Demon God? I don't know how long you can live."

In terms of preparation, how long can you live in his hands! !
As Ling Yun went deeper, he entered a narrow stone cave, and there was a cave inside.

The corpses of many human children were piled together like a wall, and there was a pool of thick and thick blood in the middle, which had a strong smell of blood and at the same time contained an extremely majestic life essence.

"You monster clan really deserve to die."

The monster is right, the monster king is wrong, so Ling Yun's order to destroy the monster is right.

So many children, it is simply outrageous!
In the pool of blood, there were some translucent blood-colored eggs floating in it, and the color of blood swallowed them instantly, and then fled to the depths.

In a moment!
The blood demon didn't run away, he just smiled, he was waiting for Ling Yun.

The blood demon in front of Ling Yun is more than twice as big as the previous blood demon, because it devoured those blood eggs.

On this blood demon's body, there were actually pieces of blood-red nails condensed.

These blood-colored armor pieces covered the whole body of the blood demon, like a pair of blood-colored armor.

And this blood demon has dozens of blood-colored tentacles on its body, each of which has sharp thorns attached to it, ordinary monks will die if they touch it!
The coercion of the demonic aura it exudes is already comparable to the peak of the immortal emperor, and even stronger than the eighteen peaks of the three immortal emperors.

But what attracted Ling Yun's attention was that although the blood demon in front of him had a strong aura, it was very vain, giving people a feeling of being strong on the outside but dry on the inside.

"Hahaha, are you surprised, are you surprised?" The blood demon laughed loudly, red eyes flickering with blood.

"Not at all, you just lived a few minutes longer, it doesn't make any difference." Ling Yun smiled lightly, poking out a ray of light with one finger.


Two ear-piercing explosions sounded, and the light shot on the bloody armor of the blood demon, bursting out sparks.

This ray of light failed to destroy the blood armor of the blood demon.

Ling Yun's attack was unsuccessful, and he was slightly surprised, but the blood demon let out a hiss and roar, and the bloody tentacles with thorns pierced the air to attack and kill him.

Its speed is so fast that only blood-red afterimages can be seen.

Two bloody tentacles, one after the other, struck Ling Yun's back impartially.

"You've had enough, rest in peace."

The inexplicable words made the blood demon want to laugh!
But his smile didn't bloom, what greeted him was great pain.

His tentacles pierced Ling Yun's body, and the latter's body was actually filled with the power of thunder.

The blood demon couldn't speak after being shocked, and his whole body was paralyzed.


Then the power of thunder disappeared, and he felt despair and fear after being pleasantly surprised.

That is?

Ling Yun's whole body was covered with flames, and the temperature made him uncomfortable. In an instant, he was directly engulfed by the flames, which was horrible.

The blood demon died, but his last expression was a smile.


Ling Yun is sighing how lonely it is to be invincible.

As he continued to go deeper, Ling Yun felt that the surrounding air was getting colder and colder. There was a hole in the innermost part, and there was a light cluster in the distance, which seemed to be the exit.

After Ling Yun walked out, the entire world underwent earth-shaking changes.

He is in an icy forest, surrounded by ice trees, ice flowers, and ice plants, which are crystal clear, like crystals.

The whole world is like a beautiful work of art.

The ice-colored jungle is quiet and peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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