Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1580 Formation

Chapter 1580 Formation
Long Yanran cried out anxiously, it's a critical moment, what is this child going to do.

She watched Beibei take out the gourd and pour out a sack on the ground, it was heavy!

And the little guy and little Irene laughed and went to untie it! !
Seeing this, Long Yanran's eyes widened, she saw the black stuff, wasn't that Blue Star's shells!
"Grandpa Six's secret weapon must be able to set off beautiful fireworks." The little guy held two fireworks in his hand and smiled from ear to ear.

Long Yanran: "..."

Seeing the little guy throwing the cannonball, Long Yanran didn't even have time to stop it!
This shield is not Ling Yun's single attack shield. The cannonball in her hand couldn't be thrown out, but bounced back instead.

An Qing and the others looked terrified!
"You child, you deserve a beating." Long Yanran was furious!


The shell landed at Shui Lao's feet, he was reminded by An Qing to get down immediately and block it with his body!
With a bang!
Shui Lao was blown away, hit the shield and fell again, then spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell into a coma! !

Ban Kun's feet trembled in fright, that black thing is so powerful!
Even the demon king outside the array was taken aback, not daring to miss these shells.

The corner of the little guy's mouth twitched, and he scratched his head innocently. Everyone's eyes fell on her, and An Qing was so angry that she was about to faint.

Long Yanran said: "Sister Qing, don't be angry, it's my own."

An Qing carefully took a look at the little guy who did something wrong: "I'll deal with you when I go back!"

"It's none of my business, it's this bare screen." The little guy tried to defend himself.

"Aha, the old man died so badly." Little Irene said with a smile!

Ban Kun's eyes turned red: "Shui Lao, why did you leave!"

Others rolled their eyes, Mr. Shui is not dead! !
"Hahaha, why are you so cute?" Shentan Flood Dragon couldn't help laughing.

Saying that, the Eight Demon Kings worked together, and the sword energy in the sword formation more than doubled.

However, at this moment, a dark object fell from above, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a black shell that was only the size of an egg.

"Be careful!" The strange head sculpture made a loud noise, and very elegantly sacrificed the spirit sword in its sleeve, and a half-moon-shaped blade was chopped out with one sword, and it hit the black cannonball impartially.

There was only an explosion, and the shell exploded instantly, and thick black smoke spread rapidly, covering an area with a radius of nearly twenty feet.

"Damn it, it's that thing just now." In the black mist, there was a sound of cursing immediately.

The dragon in the deep pool squinted at the strange head sculpture, and said angrily: "If you don't understand, don't hack it!"

The poisonous sky bee flew up, its wings were scorched, and its face was full of anger. The hair of Huntian Demon Ape was blown up, a typical exploding head.

The strange head is carved with black lines: "Blame me!"

Several demon kings were insulting each other, and the little guy was smiling from ear to ear!

An Qing's eyes widened. They were overjoyed, but they didn't understand how the three children did it.

Beibei said in a milky voice: "Auntie, don't look, help me!"

I saw the child was sweating profusely, pulling the sack with his small hands, and there was a black hole of a small size near the sack!

Long Yanran immediately realized that she could use the black hole to throw the shells outside the formation.

This is equivalent to hanging up, no wonder the little guy is smiling from ear to ear.

With Long Yanran's help, they were thrown into the black hole one by one, as if they didn't want money...

Around the outside of the formation, cannonballs flew out of the black hole one after another, scaring the demon king so that he quickly withdrew his strength and ran first.

Shui Lao couldn't stand one of them. Now that there are so many, the eight demon kings can't stand it. Fortunately, they escaped quickly.

An Qing said: "Let's separate them now!"

As soon as the words fell, they immediately caught up with the demon king, but what awaited them was the beginning of a nightmare.

There was a person standing in front of them, it should be said that he was an ancient demon god, a bloodthirsty maniac!

An Qing's eyes widened: "You you..."

Isn't this the one at the Achilles' heel, her feet trembling.

That is a demon that only Ling Yun can kill, and how could they be opponents.

"I came just in time, the delicious blood is boiling, Jie Jie!" The eyes of the bloodthirsty maniac flashed scarlet, and the corner of his mouth smiled.

"Mama, I've seen him before, he's such a familiar villain." The little guy frowned, staring straight at the bloodthirsty maniac.

Long Yanran covered her mouth, she couldn't let them be discovered now.

"I thought of a plan!" The poisonous bee on the side laughed!

"What plan, tell me?" the bloodthirsty maniac asked with great interest.

"Aren't they Pluto's people? Then let him come to rescue him personally. Let's set up a net to see what he can do." Du Tianfeng continued to speak, her eyes radiating a hint of ruthlessness.

Huntian Demon Ape's eyes lit up, secretly thinking that it was a good idea, this time he can avenge his dead brothers.

An Qing faced the bloodthirsty man with her sword drawn, "Don't even think about it!"

She knew very well that if they were caught, Ling Yun would be threatened. She didn't want this to happen, so she had to fight to the death.

Leng Rushuang said: "Let's fight, it's just six to nine, I have never been cowardly."

Sofina: "It's a big deal, but the first one, I will kill the nine-headed bird first."

"I'm not afraid of you." The little guy stared at the demon kings with his little mouth pouted.

Beibei's eyes lit up, and she looked at the bloodthirsty maniac with a smile: "I see, you are twins, are you an older brother or a younger brother?"

Long Yanran: "..."

Isn't this the time to talk about these things!
The blood-devouring madman said: "Catch them alive!!"

Ban Kun swallowed his saliva, and ran back to Shui Lao, hey, the latter swallowed a pill: "Old man, don't sleep, life and death are at stake."

"Ahem! This old man is hurting to death." Shui Lao woke up with snot and tears, his eyes were full of tears, and his mind was full of the power of that cannonball.

The little guy scratched his head and ran back. Seeing that Shui died and came back to life, it was like a ghost. He thought he would come back to seek revenge on her.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'll burn incense for you when you die, don't catch me."

Shui Lao immediately spurted out a mouthful of old blood!This child has intentions.

"Fuck, why is that ancient demon god here?" Shui Lao's eyes widened, full of fear of the bloodthirsty madman.

Ban Kun's face turned pale: "If he wasn't here, I wouldn't have wasted a pill to save you."

Shui blew his beard and stared angrily, what are these words, at the moment of life and death, do you still care about a pill?
Ban Kun was embarrassed: "That's for my life, and now I'm eating it for you, you have to give full play to your strength."



Seeing Shui Lao kept scratching his throat, Ban Kun was puzzled: "What's wrong with you?"

Shui Lao said aggrievedly: "I want to spit it out, is this killing me, ancient demon god, I haven't married a wife yet."

(End of this chapter)

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