Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1592

Chapter 1592
The thick smoke dissipated, only to see Ling Yun approaching step by step!

The sound of every step made the evil Kong Lingzi and the bloodthirsty maniac feel despair and fear.

"How is it possible, you are fine?" Hei Yulong said, the coldness in his eyes gathered like a storm.

Being hit by his ultimate move, not only did he not die, but he acted as if nothing happened. This result was really unacceptable to him.

The killing intent in Heiyulong's heart soared.

"I am a god, I must kill you." Hei Yulong gritted his teeth and glared at Ling Yun angrily.

"You dead dog, why are you barking?" Ling Yun's figure suddenly arrived in front of the black feathered dragon, and slapped him away.

The black-feathered dragon spat out a mouthful of blood, then turned into a dragon and fell to the ground.

The little guy outside the dungeon widened his eyes, and said in a baby voice, "Sister, Ma Ma, look over there, there is a monster."

Beibei exclaimed, and opened her mouth wide: "Really, there are wings, so scary."

An Qing and the others just glanced at it, and they immediately paid attention to the Demon King's side. They were very relieved that there was Ling Yun on the Black Feather Dragon's side.

Seeing the miserable state of the black feathered dragon, the evil spirit Kong Lingzi could only shake his head and laugh. Such a result had been expected for a long time.

In the black-feathered dragon's body, the golden ultimate qi was urged to the extreme, and a sharp sword light flashed in his huge dragon eyes.

He sprayed a burst of black mist towards Ling Yun, and flapped his huge wings.

Ling Yun frowned, and a ball of energy appeared in the palm of his hand, and he threw it directly.

The black-feathered dragon's pupils were big, and in desperation, it spewed out black mist again, bursting out two blazing beams, which collided fiercely with the energy cluster.

The place where it collided directly exploded into the void, and the black feathered dragon was blown out, coughing up another mouthful of blood, this time he had to transform into a human form.

In the sky prison, there were a few trembling monsters, who were probably here just now, and were trapped by Ling Yun's sky prison.

After the bloodthirsty maniac saw it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He grabbed the monsters and sucked their blood fiercely. His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked very hideous and terrifying.

"I am so strong, why am I the one who was injured?"

The black feather dragon stood up slowly, clenched his fists tightly, and the power in his body was running to the extreme, he was the power of a true god.

"Why, because you are all ants, and you are nothing in my eyes." Ling Yun pressed on every step of the way!
The evil spirit Kong Lingzi planned to sneak attack and also followed Ling Yun.

And the black-feathered dragon has a tacit understanding, which is to divert Ling Yun's attention.

The evil spirit Kong Lingzi erupted with his strongest aura, and it was an extreme move as soon as he made a move.

In an instant, the evil spirit Kong Lingzi seemed to have punched a thousand punches, and finally the two merged into one, turning into a giant fist light, and went straight towards Ling Yun.

Seeing such a powerful fist glow, the black feather dragon was overjoyed.

The evil spirit Kong Lingzi seemed to see the scene where Ling Yun was injured, and the corner of his mouth smiled unconsciously.

Ling Yun didn't turn his head back, and there was another move to shift shape!
He himself reached the position of the black feathered dragon, and the black feathered dragon reached his position, so the demon Kong Lingzi punched the black feathered dragon.

The black-feathered dragon let out a scream, its body shook, and it took a few steps back, bleeding from the corner of its mouth.

"Depend on!"

The evil spirit Kong Lingzi was dumbfounded, the Black Feathered Dragon was about to go crazy, and was tricked by Ling Yun.

"How could this be?" The demon Kong Lingzi put his head in his hands and roared to the sky, with a look of fear on his face.

The evil spirit Kong Lingzi roared into the sky, turned into a black smoke with a flash of his body, and rushed towards the sky.

At this moment, his escape speed was unprecedentedly fast.

The black smoke galloped desperately, but it seemed that it suddenly hit an invisible barrier. This idiot didn't know that he was trapped by the prison.

I don't know if the prison was too tough that day, or the demon Kong Lingzi is too fragile now, anyway, the black smoke collapsed at the sound, and it took a while for it to return to its original appearance.

With a staring look in his eyes, he turned around twice in a daze.

"Why? Why is there a barrier!?" The demon Kong Lingzi's sharp, fear-filled cry filled the entire space.

It has to be said that the evil spirit Kong Lingzi is also cute and silly, and he still doesn't know that he has been slaughtered by Lingyun at this time.

Ling Yun glanced at this bastard, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Let these thunders play with you!"

Still before the words fell, countless thunder and lightning appeared in the invisible prison, and thunderbolts flew across the sky.

Like giant purple snakes attacking the evil spirit Kong Lingzi, it was astonishingly thunderous and lightning-like!

The demon Kong Lingzi trembled all over, and said with despair in his eyes: " are so want to kill me..."

At this moment, because he was injured before, his evasion speed dropped, and he was hacked several times. His frantic escape was very funny, and the little guy laughed, as if he was performing.

The current Ling Yun is just standing in the air, but Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi are vast like a sea of ​​mist, and the whole person seems to have completely merged with the entire sky and the earth.

Hei Yulong looked at Ling Yun unwillingly, his eyes rolled at the moment, and he didn't know what to think.

After the bloodthirsty maniac drank all the monster's blood, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and he looked at Ling Yun playfully, his black eyes gleamed with a bloody light, and his whole body was raging with devilish energy, every strand of it was as heavy as a mountain.

"Surrender to the deity, and you can live."

The bloodthirsty maniac lifted his feet and walked step by step. The ancient demon's body was heavy, and the world was rumbling as he stepped on it. His playful smile became stronger, and there was a bit of evil on his already gloomy and tyrannical face.

Drinking blood is like being beaten with chicken blood. The bloodthirsty maniac is completely different. He has become stronger and more arrogant. Let's eliminate the fear just now.

"Don't be silly!"

Ling Yun frowned, not knowing what was going on with the bloodthirsty maniac.

"seal up."

The bloodthirsty maniac let out a cold snort, and immediately saw an ancient jet-black holy pattern carved on the center of his brow.

The next moment, the figure had already arrived, sacrificing the sea of ​​demonic energy and blood, sweeping the sky, submerging Ling Yun in an instant, and possessing the power of sealing and destroying.

The evil demon Kong Lingzi said in surprise while escaping from the thunder and lightning: "The bloodthirsty maniac is too strong, the devil's energy is surging, and his power is so powerful that he is like a demon god. Let alone fighting him, even the aftermath may not be able to withstand it. This time Pluto will accept it!"

The voice just fell!

They all thought that when Ling Yun was beaten, a figure flew upside down, and it turned out to be a bloodthirsty maniac!

"You trash, you still dare to come, when I kill Heiyu trash, you will be next." Ling Yun's majestic voice sounded.

Why wasn't Pluto being beaten, why!
The evil spirit Kong Lingzi's eyes were bloodshot, wishing he could tear Ling Yun apart.

He himself couldn't bear the blow just now from the bloodthirsty maniac, but Ling Yun resisted, and even knocked the bloodthirsty maniac away. He no longer dared to think about how strong Pluto was.

(End of this chapter)

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