Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1596 Still want to escape

Chapter 1596 Still wanting to escape (three more)

If he wasn't still panting, he would have thought he was dead.

Unexpectedly, he threw out the strongest punch with all his strength, bursting out with the strongest power, and he was the one who was injured.

"Pluto, I draw a circle and curse."

The bloodthirsty maniac drew a circle on the ground with his blood-stained fingers, and then moaned weakly, his demon body had been pierced with thousands of holes.

"I need blood. As long as I take a breath, I can be reborn and my injuries can be recovered."

Although there is no blood, the bloodthirsty monster's body has a strong resilience, and the wound has begun to wriggle and heal slowly.

"Hahaha, you can't kill me. I'm an ancient demon god. Do you know why I was also sealed? That's because they can't do anything to me." The bloodthirsty demon remained motionless, only his voice came out.

"I shouldn't have hesitated just now, and went directly to the Demon Realm."

"Tao Zhilang, I have already said, go to the Demon Realm first, and leave the green hills there. Don't be afraid that there will be no firewood. If you just don't listen, it's all over now."

"Ahem! It hurts me to death."


"What's the use of saying this now, things have already happened, who knew he would be so strong."

Momozhiro didn't even dare to look directly at Ling Yun, he took a hasty glance and then looked away with a flustered expression.

The demon was also impacted by Ling Yun Zhushen, his face was flushed, and he spit out a large mouthful of blood. At the same time, his body was scratched in many places, and the blood flew out backwards, and he collapsed on the ground, seriously injured.

"One of my hands is missing." Only then did Kong Lingzi realize that there were only five hands left on his body, and one was cut off.

"Damn it, we're all about to die, what do you care about that hand?" Momozhiro couldn't help yelling.

Ling Yun raised his head slightly and looked at the gate of the demon world. He clearly knew that there was a force inside that was ready to attack!

"Who, who dares to challenge our Demon Realm, I want you to die." An old voice inside, it is Qiu Demon himself!
Asking the devil: "Who is the opposite person? Why are there so many demonic breaths?"

He was shocked in his heart, and sensed that the evil spirits and their demonic energy were stronger than him. There are such strong demons in this world, and they must be drawn into the demon world.

Hearing this, the demon seemed to see hope again, and screamed loudly at the gate of the demon world: "Come and guide us."

Qiumo frowned, need to be guided?In addition, the gate of the demon world was damaged, and there were countless deaths and injuries in the demon world. There must be some madmen who prevented the people in the demon way from entering the demon world.

This is unforgivably stupid behavior, and those who provoke it will die.

"Before you go to the Demon Realm, can you come over and let me take a sip of your blood, just one sip, absolutely not too much." The bloodthirsty maniac said.

But he didn't realize that the little guy and little Irene were right behind him.

"Uncle, are you thirsty?" the little guy asked in a childish voice, she was just outside the dungeon without blinking her eyes.

The bloodthirsty madman turned his head with great difficulty, and after seeing the two little guys, a strong bloodthirsty surged in his heart!
Mouth full of fangs, blood red eyes flashed by!

"Yes, yes, I'm thirsty." The bloodthirsty demon rolled his eyes.

And the little guy's eyes are also gloomy!

"But we don't have water."

"It's okay, you are kind children, help me catch a monster, kill it, and just put it outside."

Bloodthirsters can infiltrate through the surface, absorbing that blood.

so complicated?

The little guy shook his head immediately!

"This is my last wish, can you help me too?" The bloodthirsty maniac showed a pitiful expression.

When she saw the fangs of the bloodthirsty maniac, she frowned slightly: "Uncle, do you want to bite me!"

"No, no, how is it possible."

While saying this, he tried his best to hide himself! !
The little guy stretched his hand into the dungeon, and the bloodthirsty maniac immediately opened his fangs and rushed over with all his might!


"It's fun."

The bloodthirsty maniac was stupid enough to hit the sky prison and his nose was bleeding.

And the little guy couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and ran to a distance of three or four meters, and stretched his hand into the sky prison. This time, the bloodthirsty madman also got his nose dusted.

I guess my brain is not working well, and I am so focused on sucking blood, I have no idea that the little guy is teasing him by drinking little Irene.

Under Beibei's agitation, An Qing and the others finally killed the Demon King, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Shui Lao has not recovered from his serious injuries, and he is resting on the high ground outside the prison with his body ready to be scrapped.

"I don't know if Brother Huo will be envious if he knows what happened here."

His eyes looked at the people in the dungeon, and his blood was boiling!
This destructive power, if it weren't for the existence of the sky prison, what would have happened, it was stronger than the battle of the gods!

Everyone present is a person who will shock the generations.

Even if he died later, Shui Lao thought it was worth it, the battle was so exciting.

Ban Kun came over, his face was a little more bloody than before.

"Shui Lao, don't worry, I know what you're thinking, you won't die."

Ban Kun said firmly.

Seeing Shui Lao's eyes lost his mind, Ban Kun threw him a elixir: "This is given by the empress, if you eat it, it's hard to die!"


Isn't it long gone!

An Qing also took it out of Beibei's pocket, the latter's mouth was almost crooked.

Sufina was wounded and her clothes were covered with blood, but she was sitting on the ground crying at this moment.

"I finally killed the nine-headed bird, I am worthy of Fengshuang Continent!"

At this moment, the pressure in her body was released, and she collapsed, without any mental support anymore.

Leng Rushuang stepped forward to check her injuries, and found that she was fine, and then helped her to the place where everyone rested temporarily.

Long Xingtian and Qin Xianglian benefited a lot from this battle.

Now they are all looking at Ling Yun and the others in the dungeon, but it is strange that they are motionless as if their bodies are fixed.

Of course, except for the bloodthirsty maniac being played around.

It's not that he didn't move, but that Ling Yun was listening to the dialogue between the demon and the demon, which was so ridiculous that he wanted to laugh.

Asking the devil to want the demons to enter the demon world, only to stop Ling Yun's obstruction, they can enter the demon world smoothly.

"No problem! Don't worry, leave it to me, it's all right."

These words were said by Qiu Mo, and they were so swearing, which made Ling Yun feel ridiculous.

"Hahaha, did you hear that, Master Pluto, you have no way to stop us." Momozhiro said.

Kong Lingzi: "At this moment, you are almost exhausted."

"Really? Then it's okay if I die with him?" The thought suddenly popped up in the black feather dragon's mind, and then he smiled ferociously.

Kong Lingzi: "Everyone in the devil world will help us, you don't need to sacrifice yourself, keep this life, isn't it delicious?"

At this moment, inside the gate of the demon world, there is a vast force gathering, needless to say, it must be Qiu Mo joining forces with other people.

(End of this chapter)

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