Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1605

Chapter 1605

Ling Yun rolled his eyes, and the wings of the phantom behind him trembled a few times.


I won't tell you whether I have strength or not!
Afterwards, Ling Yun's dark eyes were gradually covered with a layer of blood.

Mozun Yu Qingjue stared at him, noticed Ling Yun's eyes, and his face darkened instantly. This was a murderous intent, and anyone who had the intent to kill him would not be able to see the sun of tomorrow.

"Good boy, at such a young age, I'm afraid he has killed many people with such eyes." Mozun Yu Qingjue licked his lips, his eyes revealed a fierce look.

"Ants, let's do it, don't let them wait on the road for a long time."

Ling Yun's words are all about this point, there is no way out to seek the devil, and the only choice is to fight!

Seeking demons to restrain fear, the whole body is surging with demonic energy, the cultivation of the true god is enough to be a hero among men, although his strength is not as strong as that of the demon king next to him, Yu Qingjue, but his strength is definitely not weak.

With a movement of his mind, he held the scorching sun golden saber in his hand, poured his strength into it, and the whole golden saber instantly burst into a golden glow as bright as the scorching sun.

"Crazy Dragon Goes Through the Sun!"

Qiumo displayed a god-level saber technique!
Seeing this, Ling Yun smiled, this saber technique was in his mind, needless to say, Ye Lingyun must have begged for it.

A radiant blade glow swept across Ling Yun, and wherever it went, thousands of piles of yellow sand were rolled up, covering the sky and the sun.

The knife aura carries afterimages like heat waves, just like the sun that is close at hand!

Mozun Yu Qingjue was stunned, he didn't expect that Qiumo would use this trick, and he was even more curious about why they had a grudge.


Mozun Yu Qingjue suddenly felt a strong air pressure, thinking in his heart that this move was really terrifying, and he might have to expend a lot of strength to defuse it.

Ling Yun looked at the sword light that was so close at hand, not only was there no trace of fear in his eyes, but a smile was on the contrary!

"Why did you come out? If you die, you die. Why do you still show up? This old man killed you." Qiumo roared.

"You thought you forgot who I am, but you dare to use this trick against me, ha ha."


Holding the air in Ling Yun's hand, a lightsaber condensed impressively. In an instant, the sword energy filled the sky, and the light shook the ground. An unparalleled sword light collided with the golden sword light!
The powerful sword light rippling, scattered in all directions, the surrounding rocks rolled down, and the demon venerable Yu Qingjue on one side was shaken by the rippling air, and his hair danced wildly.

"With such a strong power, I underestimate this brat. Who the hell is he? His swordsmanship is also at the level of a god." Mozun Yu Qingjue frowned.

However, after a burst of smoke cleared away, what he saw made Mozun Yu Qingjue stunned.

But seeing Ling Yun's figure towering like a pine tree, with a golden light looming on his body surface, he didn't hurt at all.

"Well, it actually blocked it?" Mozun Yu Qingjue froze in surprise.

Qiu Mo's blow, even if he had a hard time blocking it himself, let alone a boy of unknown origin.


"My knife skills have been broken, don't think it's over."

Begging the devil will not accept it!
Ling Yun stopped talking, held a lightsaber, and slashed out with a single strike.

The aurora is gone!
too fast!

Mozun Yu Qingjue only felt a flash of sword light, extremely dazzling, as beautiful as the aurora in the sky, but it came to Qiumo in an instant.

"Go to hell, the devil world is mine, you go to die for me."

Qiumo was taken aback by the speed of Ling Yun's fast sword, and the scorching sun and golden saber lay in front of him.


There was an explosive sound like piercing gold and cracking rocks, and Qiu Mo was shocked back a few steps, spitting blood, very embarrassed.

"That kind of swordsmanship?" Mozun Yu Qingjue on the side was a little surprised, cast a slight look, and thought of accepting disciples rose in his heart.

"Come again!"

If you don't believe in evil and seek evil, then slash a knife fiercely!

The strong blade glow was like the sun, and there was a faint roar of a lion.

With one move, the space vibrates, and the nothingness of the knife wave is like a big wave, sweeping all directions!

"You are too rubbish, not worthy of managing the Demon Realm." Ling Yun shook his head.

The lightsaber in Ling Yun's hand waved a few times, and the transparent sword waves were superimposed, colliding with the magic-seeking blade light, and a dazzling light erupted, shaking the whole desert, and the whole desert trembled slightly.

After this move, Qiumo was defeated again.

Qiu Mo's face was slightly flushed, and he stepped back dozens of steps, the devilish energy on his body flickered faintly, and another mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth.

"When did such a monster appear in the demon world, which can injure the demon twice?" Demon Venerable Yu Qingjue showed a look of shock.

Who is he?
Mozun Yu Qingjue's eyes were serious, he thought that Ling Yun was just a swordsman with some opportunities, but it was obviously not the case at the moment.

The idea of ​​accepting apprentices is a bit daunting!

Such unpredictable swordsmanship, Mozun Yu Qingjue asked himself, there are not many people in the demon world with such advanced swordsmanship.


The word Qiumo spit out like a golden spear and an iron horse. Although his cultivation level was not as good as Ling Yun's, his aura at this moment was not weak at all.

"Rotary Slash!"

Seeking the devil still drew the sword, the devil's energy was violent, and the light of the sword shook the whole field like a thunderbolt.

The scorching sun golden knife was struck out one after another, and several blades of light swept across, forming a ring, plowing out layers of yellow sand where they passed.

Facing Qiumo's powerful blow, Ling Yun's eyes were as calm as an ancient well, and he swung his sword at the same time.

"Back to the days!"

This sword, like the moonlight, is intoxicating, poignant and beautiful.

The air seemed to be cut out of paper, and it was torn apart without taking a deep breath, except for the dreamlike sword light, which bombarded with the magic-seeking move.

In an instant, the sword light and saber light rioted, the yellow sand rushed into the sky, and the violent qi ripples swept all directions, forcing Mozun Yu Qingjue to retreat again and again.

Qiu Mo was injured again, and the tiger's mouth with the knife shook blood.

But he didn't pause at all, he used his body skills, approached Ling Yun again, and fought in close quarters!
The lightsaber and the scorching sun sword collided together, and there was an ear-piercing sound of gold and iron clashing.

The blades of the swords criss-crossed, rubbing violent sparks, the magic energy burst out, and the power was wiped away!
Qiu Mo's face turned pale, and he began to fire real fire, with a surge of breath, and used his bottom-pressing move.

Zhenhai's eighteen moves are fierce and domineering, and when performed by seeking magic, there is a kind of overwhelming power, each move is full of raging flames.

Mozun Yu Qingjue, who was watching the battle, looked more and more serious!
"The old man is not reconciled, how could you still have so much power."

Qiumo screamed, and the scorching sun golden knife in his hand erupted with the strongest power, the magic energy stretched out, and the dazzling light of the knife was as dazzling as the holy sun. With the addition of those flames, the power was even greater!
He slashed out with a knife, like cutting out a scorching sun, such violent fluctuations, Rao Mozun Yu Qingjue saw it, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.


Faced with Qiu Mo's fierce and violent knife, Ling Yun smiled lightly. Qiu Mo used all the moves in his mind. He was considered a half-disciple, but now he is a master killer, evil disciple!
(End of this chapter)

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