Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 162 Resolved

Chapter 162 Resolved
Master Liu listened to Ling Yun's words, looked at his face, recalled for a long time, but still couldn't remember, stared at him and shook his head.

Brother Hei said at this time: "Master Liu, here three years ago..."

It turned out that when Ling Yun was working part-time in Da Shihao three years ago, he offended Mr. Liu because he kindly saved a girl. Mr. Liu was drunk and very angry at the time, so he insisted on throwing Ling Yun into the sea to feed the fish...

"It's you, you stunned young man! That poor boy of three years!"

After Brother Hei recalled briefly, Master Liu narrowed his eyes. Although he was drunk, of course, he still had a little impression.

Because Ling Yun broke his head at that time, he went to the hospital and had eight stitches, eight stitches, and now he is still often made fun of in the eyes of some people.

So when he woke up the next day, he was full of anger. He was beaten by a brat, and his subordinates were all dry food!

"Xiao Hei, you lied to me! You will die if you lie to me!" Master Liu yelled at Brother Hei full of anger.

"Master Liu, he was ignorant at the time, and there was no need for a big man like you, so I let you go." Brother Hei said truthfully, facing the current Master Liu, he was no longer afraid.

"Remember? Isn't it me? Is it still hurting?" Ling Yun asked after taking a sip of beer and pointing to his head.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Master Liu's eyes, then he touched his forehead and said, "This time, you won't be able to run away, and Xiao Hei won't be able to protect you either!"

"It must be hurting, because I'm hurting too." Ling Yun smiled at him, which was a bit ghostly.

At that time, Ling Yun was beaten badly!He was seriously injured and was hospitalized for more than three months, with two broken ribs. If it wasn't for Brother Hei, Ling Yun would have fed the fish.

"Yo, you can do it, you dared to hide it from Brother Tong three years ago!!" The strong man looked at Brother Hei with fierce eyes.

The scar on Mr. Liu's forehead still reminded him that it was really fucking painful at that time, but now that Ling Yun is still alive, it hurts even more.

Ling Yun shook his head, continued to take a sip, and found that the beer was gone. Brother Hei is very smart, so he quickly left the place and brought a new bottle to Ling Yun.

Ling Yun smiled and nodded at him, Brother Hei still understands him!

"Do you dare to do it?" Ling Yun opened the beer and took another sip, and let out a sigh of relief!
Master Liu was taken aback?It seems that the words were not addressed to him. Just as he was about to ask a question, the old man was a little scared, and then said in a panic: "Senior, I dare not, you, you can do whatever you want!"

Master Liu couldn't hear it anymore, he was so scared that the cigar in his hand fell to the ground, such a person actually called this stunned young man a senior!

"I like obedient people. You are a person with a story. Let's go. Next time, keep your eyes open. Don't follow everyone. You won't have such luck next time!"

The old man finally bowed to Ling Yun, and then said to Master Liu, "I'm sorry."

"It's time to settle the bill, Master Liu, you should be on your way too," Ling Yun said lightly, making everyone unable to understand, but they understood immediately.

Mr. Liu was already in a state of confusion at the moment, he didn't hear what Ling Yun said, and he began to regret his behavior just now.

"Senior, I was wrong, I was wrong" Master Liu immediately knelt down.

The others also started to panic, Master Liu actually knelt down, could it be that this young man has a great background?
"You can be wrong once, you can be wrong twice, and you can still be wrong three times, but for me, it should be enough for you to be wrong once. You should have died three years ago, and you can still live for a few years. You earned it, right?"

"No, I'm Liu Tong, I'm Liu Tong! I'm rich, and the deputy director of the Jinling City Police Department is my cousin!!" Master Liu knelt on the ground trembling, hoping his words could change Ling Yun's mind!
"You like to feed the fish, I like to feed the air"

After Ling Yun shook his head and finished speaking, Mr. Liu and everyone else in the private room trembled. Damn it, their bodies were about to dissipate. Mr. Liu was still holding on to hope, so he picked up a knife and chopped off the dissipated hand, but none of them It was futile.

Brother Hei and the old man were full of fear, what's going on?The atmosphere is very weird!


Brother Hei and the old man covered their ears. The sounds were so miserable that they were frightening just listening to them. After the screams, only Ling Yun, Brother Hei, and the old man were left in the private room. There was no trace of Master Liu. Brother Hei just thought, is this just feeding the air, and swallowed hard.

The old man was glad that he was on the right side just now. Although he had never seen Ling Yun make a move, the terrifying coercion had always locked him, so he reined in the precipice.

"Brother Hei, just feed the fish outside, and your boss is still just as useless, fire him."

"Ling, Ling Yun, you..." Brother Hei stammered, sweat dripping from his face.

"Huh? What? I didn't do it. You can say whatever you want."


"Brother Hei, I owe you my life. If you have any troubles in the future, you can come to me. No matter how big it is, I will help you."

Ling Yun values ​​friendship very much, he must repay any kindness and revenge.

Brother Hei didn't understand it, but the old man was very envious. This is the promise of the strong.

Ling Yun stood up and walked outside, and finally added: "Tonight's matter, hold back, too many people don't know well"

Brother Hei still couldn't recover from Master Liu's disappearance, so the boss of Jinling just disappeared?After taking a puff of his cigarette, he made up his mind that it was time for a showdown with his boss.

It happened that this old man in the middle stage of Baodan had nowhere to go for the time being, so he promised Brother Hei to stay with Da Shihao for a few days.

On the first floor, Fu Qing and Liu Zhiyun were particularly worried about Ling Yun and refused to leave. There was no movement on the second floor, and they all became nervous.

Ling Yun who had just reached the stairs: "What are you all doing here? Didn't you tell you to wait at the door?"

"Great, as long as you're fine, haha, third child." Liu Zhiyun breathed a sigh of relief seeing Ling Yun came out safe and sound.

"Where's the fourth child?" Ling Yun thumped his chest and asked.

Fu Qing also went up and thumped the chests of the two of them, explaining: "I led the other students into the hospital, how is it going up there? Brother Hei, is it settled?"

"Oh, it's all right. I told Mr. Liu that we are all friends. Forget it, he knew he was wrong, and this matter will be over." Ling Yun thought for a while and said, they should know that they were wrong, right? fault!
"Just solve it, let's go, let's call Brother Hei, and go to the barbecue stand for a drink." Liu Zhiyun laughed loudly, it's fine to solve it.

"Let's just go, Brother Hei is busy." Ling Yun hurriedly grabbed Liu Zhiyun who was about to go upstairs!

"When this happened, I should be busy." Fu Qing also pulled him.

"Okay, old place, let's go!"

The three of them left Da Shihao in this way, and went to a barbecue stand by the sea. Lingyun was also in college, and he liked to come here at night, enjoy the sea breeze, drink a sip of beer, and have no troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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