Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1628

Chapter 1628
When Chen Guanshi heard such an evaluation, he was also surprised. From the moment he got this Juling Pill, he felt that it was not easy.

Elder Zhao held Guanshi Chen's hand and said excitedly, "Xiao Chen, where did this elixir come from, how many are there, and there are people who refine this elixir?"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Zhao, you have too many questions, and I don't know how to answer them. The seller of this elixir is downstairs, and there should be dozens of them."

Chen Guanshi looked at Zhao Laodao.

"Buy, must buy!"

Elder Zhao was extremely excited, and immediately walked downstairs.

The conversation between the two of them happened to be overheard by another man.

This man had been staring at the Gathering Spirit Pill in the little guy's hand early in the morning, and he was the one who hit the little guy and paid attention to him just now!
This figure, dressed in a Big Dipper robe and a hat, has a handsome face, eyes as deep and restrained as stars, and skin like a girl.

This person is the young master of the Wang family in Suiyue City, Wang Chuanbei!
Chen Guanshi brought Mr. Zhao to Liu Shuangyan and the others, and pointed to the Juling Pill in their hands.

"Girl, are these pills yours?"

Mr. Zhao asked a little surprised, he thought it was made by some old man who was similar to his age!
Liu Shuangyan shook her head, pointed to the little guy and said, "The elixir belongs to them, and someone else refines the elixir. Let's get down to business. How much is the price for the elixir?"

The smile on Mr. Zhao's face gradually froze, and he was stunned before replying: "The price in the market is 70 yuan for a spirit stone, and I can give you [-] yuan, how about it?"

You need to earn ten yuan to change hands. This Danji Pavilion is too dark. If Liu Shuangyan didn't maintain a good image, she would really curse.

"The price is too low, we..."

Liu Shuangyan was about to refuse, but the little guy jumped up.

"Wow, this kind of pig feed is so valuable, how much will you get if you sell it all?"

While hooking her fingers, she thought about the pills that Long Yanran refined in the future, she would sell them here!
Old Zhao's mouth twitched, pig feed?He still can't get his head around.

Liu Shuangyan was speechless, dumbfounded.

"Buy it now, 65, or we'll leave!"

The corner of Liu Shuangyan's mouth chuckled, but she disagreed, so she turned around and prepared to leave!
"Okay, just 65!"

Mr. Zhao was obviously taken aback, thinking in his heart, this elixir is really not Liu Shuangyan's, he doesn't know the value of Juling Pill!
This kind of spirit-gathering pill that contains a huge spiritual energy can be sold for at least one hundred yuan. If it is sold to an alchemist for research, there will be people who want it for one hundred and fifty. This time, I will post it!
Hearing that it can be sold for another five yuan, the little guy opened his mouth wide.


A disharmonious voice appeared, Liu Shuangyan turned her head and saw that she was an acquaintance, it was Wang Chuanbei wearing a hat!

"My little friend, if you have anything to do, go to the maid, don't hinder us."

No matter who it is, Mr. Zhao will be displeased if he speaks out at this moment!

"Your maids are useless. I just lost the elixir and asked your maids to look for it, but I haven't found it yet," Wang Chuanbei said.

This matter will appear in their Dan Ji Pavilion, if it gets out, the reputation will be bad.

Old Zhao frowned and asked, "Chen Guanshi, is there such a thing?"

Chen Guanshi had no choice but to look at the maid brought by Wang Chuanbei!

"Tell me, is it true what Young Master Wang said?"

The maid said truthfully: "My lord, the prince said just now that he lost the elixir, but we have all searched for it, but if we didn't find it, someone else might have picked it up."

Chen Guanshi said: "That is groundless, Young Master Wang, please don't ask for trouble."

Wang Chuanbei smiled, looked at the little guy and said, "I didn't have it just now, but now I have it. The elixir of Ben Shao is in their hands!"

Mr. Zhao narrowed his eyes halfway, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes!
"Then tell me, what kind of medicine did this boy from the Wang family throw away?"

"Back to Mr. Zhao, he said that it was a spirit gathering pill, and there were fifty pills in total."

Elder Zhao nodded, and there was a chat with Steward Chen on the other side!
And Liu Shuangyan felt a lump in his heart, the number was fifty, and it was a spirit gathering pill, these three children would not be...


This time it's troublesome, even if she jumped into the Yellow River by herself, she can't clean it up. It's fine if the three little guys picked up the Juling Pill, but if it was stolen, then she herself is an accomplice.

Mr. Zhao looked at Liu Shuangyan and the others with contempt, then looked at Wang Chuanbei, and asked with a smile on his face, "Then you know..."

"Yes, of course!"

Wang Chuanbei whispered in Elder Zhao's ear, that is, he told the extraordinary of Juling Pill, and Elder Zhao firmly believed it.

"In this way, the old man believes that the elixir was lost by the young master of the Wang family."

"No, no, I suspected that I lost it just now, but now I think about it carefully, how could I lose this elixir, it must have been stolen."

A chill flashed in Chen Guanshi's eyes as he looked at Liu Shuangyan and the others.

"Hmph... You guys are so brave, you dare to steal our guests' things in the Danji Pavilion!"

Facing the three gazes, Liu Shuangyan was speechless! !
And the little guy muttered angrily, staring at Wang Chuanbei fiercely.

Beibei said unconvinced: "What is it stealing? We tricked my aunt."

Little Irene said angrily: "Baby knows, you two bad old men are trying to lie to us about our pills, hum, even if they are fed to pigs, they won't be sold to you!"

When the angry little guy heard these words, he slapped away dozens of pills in Liu Shuangyan's hands, and scattered all the pills on the ground like soybeans.

And the little guy kept stepping on it crazily. Seeing this scene, Liu Shuangyan quickly hugged her up.

Zhao Lao hurriedly called for help to pick it up, but Wang Chuanbei's face was gloomy, and Chen Guanshi panicked.

Liu Shuangyan led the three little ones to the side, and said to them, "You three, tell me quickly, where did the elixir come from."


"Aunt Long."


"I believe you won't lie to me, it should be Wang Chuanbei, the villain!"

Liu Shuangyan looked at Wang Chuanbei with disgust on his face. He looked like a gentleman, but he was actually a villain.

Mr. Zhao was very angry. He came over angrily, and said to Liu Shuangyan, "Tell me, what's the deal with this matter, Young Master Wang wants you to pay compensation and apologize!"

Chen Guanshi and Wang Chuanbei also came over with aggressive expressions.

"You think we are easy to bully, don't you? No matter how you say it, I belong to the Liu family!"

"I'm still from the royal family!"

Wang Chuanbei looked at Liu Shuangyan and said in a deep voice.

Chen Guanshi frowned, and said to them: "Whoever makes trouble here will be punished."

Liu Shuangyan said: "Wang Chuanbei, what evidence do you have to say that they stole from you? Could it be that you are so careless in the National People's Congress?"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Wang Chuanbei is just talking nonsense, such an important pill must be put in the storage ring, how could it be stolen.

(End of this chapter)

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