Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1657 The Rescue Has Come

Chapter 1657 Rescue is here (second update)
Although Song Weilong didn't like this nephew, he couldn't help but gasped when he saw Song Qingyang's miserable state.

"Are you going to end it yourself, or let us do it?"

Song Weilong's face became solemn for a moment, and he looked at Xin Zhao who was as calm as ever and said.

"Hey, it's a good show, I don't know how the hall master will end."

"I think the city lord is still needed."

The people around me who eat melon seeds are discussing again.

"Haha, relying on you? Not worthy."

Xin Zhao didn't even pay attention to Song Weilong, the latter was only Immortal Emperor Seventeen, and he couldn't resist his icy knife!

"You... get him for me."

Song Weilong suddenly became angry, and didn't ask clearly the ins and outs of the matter.

"Captain, he...he is..."

A city guard who knew Xin Zhao's identity looked at Song Weilong worriedly, hesitating.


Song Weilong glared at him and became displeased. Whoever he is, if he offends the Song family in Lion City, he will have to pay the price if he doesn't die.

Xin Zhao looked at the many city guards who were about to attack, and they all fell down under one blow, each of them looked at Xin Zhao in horror.

Song Weilong said angrily, "What on earth do you want!"

Xin Zhao raised the ice in his hand, amused in his heart, pointed at Song Qingyang and said, "I'm going to kill him, do you have any objection?"

"This knife!"

Song Weilong's pupils widened suddenly, isn't this the sword of Hades.

So this person in front of him is Xin Zhao from Aquamarine!


How could my nephew who didn't know how to live or die get into trouble with this evil star?

Song Weilong's face turned livid, as if he had been tricked by his nephew, and he turned around and slapped Song Qingyang.

"You boy, what have you done that you have done more than you have accomplished!"

"Uncle Three..."

Song Qingyang didn't know why, and his face was slightly angry. His family and Song Qingyang had always had some conflicts. Now that they were beaten, their resentment deepened.

"Don't call me, it's as if your father came." Song Weilong looked angrily hating iron but not steel, as if he was acting.

Zhao Dao: "Don't punish those useless people, it's the same for anyone who comes today, he must die."

"Master Zhao, don't go too far." Song Weilong also swallowed his anger, trying his best to suppress his emotions at this moment.

Xin Zhao swept the knife again, and Song Weilong was seriously injured and flew backwards.

At this moment, the others panicked, especially Song Qingyang, who was afraid that Xin Zhao would really kill him regardless!

"Kneel down and apologize."

Zhao Dao.

Song Qingyang can insult him before he dies, otherwise it will be too cheap for him.

Chen Yan whispered: "This uncle really doesn't take the Song family seriously."

Chen Guichen didn't dare to say more, he hummed lightly, and he also knew that there was a powerful aura coming.

He is quite familiar with this aura, that is the Lord of the Lion City, Wuxin!

"Kneel or not?"

Xin Zhao frowned slightly, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Senior, please forgive me. I have no intention of offending you. Please spare me for the sake of the Song family."

Song Qingyang really knelt down, and many people looked at him with contempt.

And Song Weilong wiped off the blood, and came back from outside the inn, looking a little embarrassed, followed by more city guards.

He didn't know what to say to the scene in front of him. It's best not to involve himself in this matter, and it's best to make the big thing smaller.

"Who dares to make my son of the Song family kneel down, get up!"

Song Qingyang's kneeling legs were lifted up with a force out of thin air, and Xin Zhao suppressed it with a knife, the most painful thing was Song Qingyang.

The next moment, Liao Wuxin's figure appeared in front of them, his white hair looked particularly elegant, and his eyes were full of coldness.

Chen Guichen shook his head, thinking that Wuxin would suffer this time, and he could only blame Wuxin for his deceitful behavior.

"The city lord has really come."

"Tsk tsk, it's a good show."

"I don't know how this will end up, but I'm looking forward to it."

A group of people who eat melon seeds are discussing again, and their eyes are constantly shifting between them.

"It's you, Xin Zhao!"

Liao Wuxin immediately recognized Xin Zhao's identity, with a slightly surprised look on his face.

Xin Zhao didn't intend to stop, so Song Qingyang was kneeling a few centimeters above the ground at this moment, he couldn't get up or down, looking very ugly.

"Xin Zhao, what do you mean, you want to make a big fuss in the old man's Lion City?"

"What do I mean, why don't you ask your grandson what it means to eat my sister's tofu."

Xin Zhao said neither humble nor overbearing, his strength increased a bit, and Song Qingyang screamed.

Unintentionally withdrawing his strength, Song Qingyang immediately knelt heavily on the ground, and he could hear the sound of bones breaking!
Chen Yan puffed up the red cheeks and said: "Shameless man, I will abolish him too."

Chen Guichen whispered: "Girl, don't talk, be careful of being targeted."

The innermost table was Long Yanran's table, they were a little far apart, but they could still see clearly, especially Bei Bei, who was angry.

If it wasn't for Long Yanran not letting her leave, this Song Qingyang would have been miserable.

"Auntie, we should give him chili water, and then let Shuai Shushu burn him."

Beibei spoke angrily, while little Irene on the other side was quieter.

The corner of Long Yanran's mouth twitched, this was too tortured, but that Song Qingyang deserved it.

Although Song Qingyang still knelt down, he didn't suffer that much, it was very natural, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

"Grandpa, it's my fault. I deserve these sins."

From the confrontation just now, he could only think that his grandfather had nothing to do with Xin Zhao, and he couldn't avenge this revenge for the time being.

"You prodigal bastard, it's not good to provoke anyone!" Liao Wuxin snorted coldly, and took advantage of the situation to beat Song Qingyang to the ground.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he didn't want to see Song Qingyang continue to kneel down and put on a show.

Xin Zhao calculated that he lived longer than Wuxin, so how could he fail to see this trick, in his eyes, it doesn't matter whether he kneels or not.

Song Qingyang lay on the ground and didn't get up again. That appearance was just pretending.

And Liao Wuxin turned his head and gave Zhao Dao Dao a smiling face, "Is Hall Master Zhao satisfied?"

Before Zhao Xin could reply, Li Wuxin said again: "For the sake of this old man, forget it, I have already taught him a lesson, brother Zhao will not be so stingy."

Ha ha!

Zhao Xin smiled.

Sorry, he Xin Zhao is so stingy.

"I've said that no matter who comes, he will die. Don't you think I'm a bully? Is it a joke?"

"Hmph, don't be shameless, this is the Lion City, be careful that the old man will prevent you from going out and returning to your church."

Li Wuxin is also hot-tempered, he has already taken a step back, but Xin Zhao does not intend to resolve this matter peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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