Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1663

Chapter 1663 Well done (two more)

This time Long Jiani regretted it to death, the magic ax was gone, if Ling Yun came back, how would she explain to him.

Just run away, the little guy is fine, anyway, the spirit stones are in her hands.

"Auntie, are you angry?"

The little guy sat up suddenly, looking at Long Jiani with gloomy eyes.


Long Jiani was indeed angry, but she was not angry with the little guys, but angry that she was useless, unable to persuade, and unable to produce the 30 top-grade spirit stones.

"Then why... why are your eyes like this!"

The little guy's eyes imitated Long Jiani's angry look, rolled his eyes, and stared suddenly, imitating cuteness and being dumbfounded.


Long Jiani, who was so strict, suddenly laughed, wondering if this child should be so cute.

The auction was about to start, but Ling Yun and Long Yanran didn't show up for a long time, and even Xin Zhao didn't know where to go.

Long Jiani muttered to herself: "Where did they all go, didn't they mean to shoot other things!"

The little guy heard it too, and said softly, "My papa hasn't come yet, should I drag him out, hehe..."

Bei Bei clapped her hands and shouted: "Okay, okay, it's no fun without Shuai Shumi."

Little Irene recalled the scene of the little guy pulling Ling Yun out with one hand in the Demon Realm, and couldn't bear to laugh.


The little guy still used her trick, simply and directly.

At this moment, Ling Yun was pulled out of the black hole by the little guy, as if he had exhausted all his strength.


Ling Yun has black lines all over his head!

"Aha, it's none of my business, my sister agreed."

"It can't be like this next time."

As soon as Ling Yun took care of a few grasshoppers, he was forcibly pulled out.

Long Jiani has already doubted life, this is fake, the powerful Pluto will also be pulled out, this image does not fit.

"Handsome Shushu, why don't you bring my aunt!"

Feel free to say it!

He was pulled here by force, okay?

The next moment, Long Yanran appeared, looking very speechless.

Long Jiani said: "Brother Lingyun, let me tell you something, Mi Ke must not blame the little princess."

"What's wrong."

Ling Yun frowned and looked at Long Jiani, who gritted his teeth.

"Could it be that the three of them are being mischievous again." Long Yanran said at the same time.


It's nothing to be naughty, so the little guy shook his head confidently.

"No, it's that...they sold the magic axe."


As soon as these words came out, Ling Yun and Long Yanran exclaimed in unison, their expressions froze.

Long Jiani thought it was the time for something big to happen, so she quickly knelt down to Ling Yun.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm not good, I don't have the ability to look after them, so don't hit them."

"Get up first, it's none of your business, let's talk about how much they sold."

Ling Yun's tone also began to be flat, not as surprised as before, maybe thinking that they were taking advantage of that again.

"Sissy is really amazing, and she made you money again."

Long Yanran thought about pinching the little guy's face.

And the little guys laughed, Beibei also said: "Auntie, I also have a share, I contribute the most, why don't you pinch my cheeks."


There is also this request, Long Yanran can't wait for it, if she squeezes it down, Beibei will cry, too much force, it feels like her face is broken.

The picture is wrong, shouldn't the little princess be rubbing her eyes, acting cute and acting like a baby!
Long Jiani was dumbfounded. They didn't look like they had done anything wrong at all, and they laughed, very excited and happy.

"Brother, auntie is terrified, my baby tells you, my sister has made a lot of money."

Little Irene's big characters are really big enough to circle the whole room.

"How many!"


Hearing this, Ling Yun didn't feel flustered, but was curious about who was taken advantage of and bought a handful of scrap iron for 30 yuan.

Long Yanran's eyes lit up, 30?How much can she get for herself.

"Sissy, how does Auntie usually treat you?"

"Everything is good, but I can't tell stories." The little guy said in a baby voice.

Long Jiani: "..."

She still can't figure out the situation, the magic axe is sold by them now, why don't you show a little expression.

"Bo... Sissi has sold so much money, auntie has contributed a lot, you can't forget me."

The little guy blinked his eyes and looked at Long Yanran with a dazed expression. This...the latter is attributable to it. She wasn't here just now, okay?

"Without you."

"I was the one who wanted you to be wanted, why did you forget, those fees are all messed up, and the sum totals tens of thousands." Long Yanran said.

When the little guy thought about it, it was true that if he promised to give Long Yanran a little, he would only give fifty thousand.

Long Jiani looked dumbfounded, and asked in disbelief: "Shouldn't we go after it, it's next door!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth curled up into a smile, and the neighbor next door, who was immediately identified as Old Man Liang, smiled helplessly.

It turned out that he was the one who was wronged, Ling Yun said indifferently: "If you sell it, you will sell it, it's nothing."


Long Jiani was stunned, dumbfounded.

Seeing Long Jiani's puzzled eyes and self-blaming expression, Ling Yun leaned into her ear and said, "That's fake."

Long Jiani blushed when she said this, but her pupils widened.

" that's how it is."

Long Jiani immediately understood, no wonder the little princess and the others insisted on selling it to Emperor Wu of Liang, this time the latter must be very angry.

Recalling Emperor Liang Wu's expression of wanting to buy it life and death, Long Jiani was also grinning from ear to ear.

And Ling Yun also heard Long Jiani talk about the whole process just now, and was quite surprised that the person who was taken advantage of was actually the grandson of Old Man Liang.

Even if Ling Yun let old man Liang go this time, the latter would be stunned to death by his grandson, and there was no need to make a move.

"Sissy, leave your Lingshi to Yanran for safekeeping."

"No, no..."

He didn't heat up the 25 spirit stones, and the little guy was full of reluctance. Besides, why did he hand it over, it's hers!

"If you want to practice alchemy, you need a lot of spirit stones as the foundation, as well as refining tools, which will be needed in the future."

Ling Yun explained.

The little guy muttered, but did not move for a long time.

"No, for you."

After taking out three cans of Wangzai from Lingyun, this little guy was willing to obediently hand in the spirit stone. The latter laughed, thinking that he had found a good way to get Wangzai again, which was justifiable.

"Papa, can you turn into a big knife again?"

This kid is still thinking about using the magic ax to pit spirit stones, and he is addicted to it.

"That's an axe, not a big knife. The one just now belonged to someone else, that is, you bought it and resold it. I don't have such a thing."

Ling Yun shook his head, even if he had it, he wouldn't give it to them.

(End of this chapter)

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