Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1697 Ling Yun's Heart

Chapter 1697 Ling Yun's Heart (Third Watch)

There were also several wounds on the body of the man in the black cloak, pierced by sharp blades, but no blood flowed out of them, only a black aura exuded.

Elder Fusanbusi was also knocked back dozens of miles, bleeding profusely from the corners of his mouth, the power of the Divine Demon Ax was not blown away.

The Great Demon King came late, and couldn't see Ling Yun was here, so he frowned again.

"Boy, you are still so energetic."

Seeing such a domineering Shuten-douji, the Great Demon King felt jealous.

"His Royal Highness, why do you treat me like this? I must be your enemy."

Shuten-douji's eyes were full of resentment towards the Great Demon King.

"There are so many reasons, hand over the magic axe, you have no way out, for the sake of your service for the king for many years, your cultivation base will be abolished, and your life will be spared."

"Kill, kill, kill... I killed you."

Shutendouji's eyes instantly turned green, and his figure rushed over quickly.

A dark light flashed in the eyes of the Great Demon King.

A breath suddenly enveloped the world!
That breath, carrying extreme killing, cold, tyrannical, cruel!

"Boy... boy!"

The two words fell down one by one, as if the Nine Nether Demon God was whispering.

It's as if a demon god descended into the world, wanting to wash the world with blood and destroy the universe!

Just when everyone felt trembling because of this extremely murderous aura.

A black sword pierced through the sky, shattered the sky, and shook the universe. The great demon king made a move, and his bone-chilling words resounded through the holy mountain.

Everyone's heart was beating like a drum!
A great force came vibrating, and the big demon king shook his arm, and then released that force, and his figure stepped back a few steps.


Jiu Tun-douji didn't move an inch, holding a magic ax in his hand, majestic and majestic.

"Let me see the power of the magic axe."

A monk sighed.

Seeing the panic and uproar in all directions, Shuten-douji had a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Shuten-douji held the god-demon axe in his hand, without any extra words, he shot directly, a surge of power gushed out, his black hair danced wildly, as if a demon god of war had awakened.

Holding the Black Devouring Sword in his hand, the Great Demon King went straight to meet him without the slightest fear.

The great battle broke out, the power spread out like ripples, and the void collapsed.

All the monks around wanted to know who was stronger, Shuten-douji who possessed the magic axe, and the former master of the demon realm, the Great Demon King.

At this moment, the entire holy mountain suddenly set off a huge bloody wave.

At the same time, in the depths of the blood city, a bloody vortex appeared.

In the vortex, a majestic and ancient blood-colored palace faintly floats in it.

When they saw the bloody palace in the whirlpool deep in the sea of ​​blood, all the monks were stunned and surprised.

The bloody vortex is the entrance to the alien space, it is a long blood road, and Ling Yun is inside.

The whole bloody road was filled with the smell of blood.

There are murals all around, which seem to be engraved with Shura Hell, a river of the underworld, flowing countless blood and bones, and falling into hell forever.

"Is there something calling me? Only then did I sense it?"

As Ling Yun walked along, he felt a force summoning him.

The deeper you go, the more you can feel a strange heartbeat, beating like a pulse.

That kind of fluctuation was like beating a drum, which made Ling Yun feel like he was on a stimulant.

At this moment, the road ahead came to an end.

At the end of the blood path, there was a pool of extremely viscous blood. Above the pool of blood was suspended a bright red bead that was as high as a three-story building.

Viscous blood flowed continuously from the blood-colored beads, very bloody.

That strange heartbeat also came from the bloody bead, Ling Yun suddenly felt a sense of familiarity.

"Fun stuff."

Ling Yun just wanted to reach out and take it down.

Accompanied by a shocking neighing sound, a huge blood-colored monster burst out of the pool of blood!

It was indeed a creature, but its size was far larger than that of ordinary creatures.

The body is more than ten feet high, with six arms with sharp blades, and it looks more like some kind of arthropod insect, which is extremely ugly and hideous.

The coercion it exudes has reached the level of a true god!
These are the creatures in the holy mountain that the Great Demon King said.

The creature let out a roar, and its six sharp-edged arms pierced the air towards Ling Yun.

Ling Yun frowned, the terrifying power condensed in his right hand, and his claws exploded.


The miserable cry echoed on the road of blood, and could be faintly heard in the holy mountain, and everyone's scalps were numb.

The creature didn't understand what was going on until it died. It just regarded Ling Yun as an ant, but it couldn't bear a single move, and it was very aggrieved.

It hasn't even been 30 seconds since he appeared on the stage!
Ling Yun shook his head, calm in his heart, and walked over to caress the beads.

Then he suddenly discovered that the blood-colored beads were as fragile as glass and would shatter when touched, just like tofu.

Ling Yun: "..."

Suddenly, the space distorted again, and Ling Yun was sucked into the vortex.

In this space, there is nothing else, only a Yellow Spring blood river meandering and flowing, just like a human blood vessel.

And at the end of the river of blood, a bright red heart was beating clangingly.

The strange heartbeat fluctuation before came from this heart.

Plop, plop... Every time this bloody heart beats, it seems to vibrate the void, causing cracks to appear in the surrounding space.

"This is……"

Ling Yun watched quietly, as if something had come out of his mind, and he was in some pain.

And a towering figure appeared beside the heart, floating above the mysterious heart.

That figure was a middle-aged man, wearing a pair of armor, with his hands behind his back, as if a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood emerged from his back, just like a movie.

The blood river of Huangquan surrounded him, and he seemed to have the power and influence of the ruler of hell.

"Your arrival surprised me, Jiuyou..."

The middle-aged man looked at Ling Yun indifferently, with contempt in his heart.

"Who are you."

Ling Yun's body trembled instinctively, just like the last time he deduced the Canjian Jue and Doomsday Judgment, it was all subconscious, uncontrollable, already a shadowy existence.

"I still don't remember me, what have you experienced, but you can forget me, you can forget everything, but have you forgotten even it?"

The middle-aged man frowned and pointed to the heart behind him.

"It's a very familiar feeling. What does it have to do with me?"

"Hahaha, I'm really more and more curious about what you've been through."

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you either."

"Then let me tell you, it's your heart!"



your heart!

The middle-aged man's voice echoed in the air, Ling Yun's pupils widened, and his body trembled subconsciously again.

No wonder there is a sense of familiarity, but why is his heart here.

(End of this chapter)

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