Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1701 The owner of the magic axe

Chapter 1701 The owner of the magic ax (one more)
Face with strength!
Shuten Doji died in ashes, but the Shenmo ax was thrown into the distance and broke into a floating boulder.

A huge roar, as well as the sound of the void collapsing, swept all directions.

In the void above the sea of ​​stars, a black hole appeared. It seemed to be able to swallow everything during the rotation. When the light penetrated, the black hole was shot out, which was so terrifying.

So everyone was dumbfounded and gasped one after another!
Whether he had the God-Magic Ax or was killed, whether Shuten-douji was stronger than the end, or the dragon itself was too strong, nothing to say.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't believe their eyes, and their faces gradually turned pale.

In an instant, the expression on the face of the Great Demon King froze, he didn't want to think about it, and went straight to the Demon Axe.

After the Eastern God of War came back to his senses, he opened his mouth wide and said tremblingly, "Could it be that you are the ancient dragon god?"

"No, no, I've seen Dragon God, it's not you!"

Turning his head around, the Eastern God of War shook his head, the Ling Yun in front of him was not the ancient dragon god at all, the ancient dragon god was a nine-clawed golden dragon.

The one in front of me has only five claws, and is still black all over, but how to explain the power just now, that kind of power can only be possessed by a true god.

"Who are you, why don't you dare to speak, you can't be dumb."

"My great cause of rise, will you stop it?"

No matter what the Eastern God of War said, Ling Yun just watched quietly, the dragon's head didn't move, but his body kept destroying the Demon Realm, and the Demon Realm was shattered again.

Seeing the demon ax fall into his hands, the Great Demon King secretly rejoiced, but there were a few people in front of him who wanted to take it, and he killed them with one or two moves.

When the big devil saw the little guy who was faster than him, his mouth twitched violently.

At some point, there was a little guy standing on that rock. The latter was pulling out the magic axe, and his head was covered in sweat.

An Qing turned pale with fright, she didn't know why the little guy left her side, and when she turned around, she saw her pulling out the magic axe.

Xin Zhao: "..."

Ji Wushuang: "..."

Long Yanran: "..."

With a flash of Yan Xuefei's figure, she pushed back the big devil beyond her control, to buy time for the little guy, and it would be best if someone else hugged her.

next moment!
An Qing came, and the moment she took the little guy away, the boulder was shattered, and a group of people rushed to snatch it away, almost...

Long Yanran became anxious, almost got the little guy, and also almost sent her flying.

"You're going to piss me off, aren't you?"

An Qing was furious, and slapped the little guy's buttocks hard. Seeing An Qing so angry for the first time, the little guy cried in fright, rubbing his eyes with his little hands, and crying loudly.

"Wow...don't hit my sister."

Seeing the little guy being beaten, Beibei also started crying.

"Don't cry, or I'll beat you too."

Hearing this, Beibei's eyes glistened with tears, her mouth was pursed, and she didn't dare to say a word!


The little guy rubbed his eyes and whispered.


An Qing was dizzy from the anger and almost passed out, but fortunately Long Jiani supported her.

"Don't worry, Uncle Xin will definitely get it for you."

As soon as the voice fell, Xin Zhao's figure flew towards the God Demon Axe.

"Don't cry, with you... bah... Uncle Ji is here, I will help you get the magic axe even if I die, stay here."

Ji Wushuang's figure also ran out, fighting with those gods.

"Is Sissy being naughty? My sister is here and will help you."

Ji Wuxue smiled sweetly, took a bite of the little guy, and fought side by side with Ji Wushuang to snatch the magic ax together.

Long Jiani also wanted to go, but Chiba held her back!
"Don't go so much, let's stay here, the three of their children may be stared at by tigers, so leave it to them."

Hearing that Long Jiani thought about it, it was also the same reason.

The little guy looked very unconvinced, and muttered: "Ignore you, tell Papa, change Mama!"


An Qing got angry again, Qianye and Long Yanran stopped her, the little guy hugged Beibei in fright, his appearance was so cute.

"Don't be so serious. She's still a child, and she's only saying things that are angry with you. Do you see that her eyes are gloomy?"

Qianye couldn't laugh or cry, but An Qing rolled her eyes at the little guy!
"Sister Qing, you don't need to worry about anyone if you worry about her. This child is a meat shield. Whoever beats her will die."

Long Yanran recounted the previous incident, which really shocked An Qing.

"Can't be bothered."

Chiba on the side naturally heard it too, and had the same thought as An Qing.

An Qing's anger subsided a lot, the little guy threw herself into An Qing's arms in an instant, and said in a milky voice: "Mama, I love you, bobo!"


An Qing couldn't laugh or cry.


The little guy smiled happily again.

"Yanran, watch Beibei and little Irene this time, otherwise your head will be big."

"Look at it, they won't just wander off."

Long Yanran smiled awkwardly!
The corner of Qianye's mouth twitched, Long Yanran tied the two of them together.

The two children's heads were buzzing, and they were saying hello a lot, probably doubts, and it wasn't that they were running around, why were they tied up.


Ling Yun made a movement, and with a paw, the right hand of the blood shadow of the Eastern War God was torn off, and the Eastern War God screamed in pain.


If one looked at his pupils, one would find streaks of blood spreading from his pupils, and the Eastern God of War was furious.

"I am the God of War, even ants and humble reptiles dare to hurt me."

However, the next scene really left everyone speechless, as if they had seen a ghost.

Under Ling Yunlong's claws, a huge energy ball was conceived.

The Eastern God of War was hit by a blow, the blood shadow dissipated, and screamed again and again!

The ancient god was defeated by one move, which made everyone tremble.

"Damn, you must die."

The angry Eastern God of War separated the primordial spirit and condensed a blood shadow body again, but the size was no longer huge.

"Divine Demon Axe, come!"

The Eastern God of War summoned lightly, and the magic ax flew towards him.

Xin Zhao: "..."

Ji Wushuang: "..."

The two of them wanted to scold their mothers, but they almost got it, and they all blamed the Great Demon King.

The God-Magic Ax that everyone is fighting for actually has its own consciousness, and it is held tightly in the hands of the Eastern God of War.

"You are all ants, not worthy of owning my God-Magic Axe, it has always been mine, do you understand!"

The Eastern God of War sneered.

When the catastrophe came in ancient times, he was sealed by a force, and he lost contact with the god-and-demon axe. Now that Shuten-douji was holding the god-and-demon ax to go to the holy mountain, he should know that there was a connection between the two.

The owner of the God Demon Ax has always been the Eastern God of War!
Originally, I didn't want to expose it, but the situation is different. The Eastern God of War wants Ling Yun's Long Yuan.

"What are your last words!"

Now that the God and Demon Ax is in hand, the Eastern God of War is full of confidence!

(End of this chapter)

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