Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1746 Revealing one hand

Chapter 1746 Showing off one's hand (second update)

It's impossible for the little guy to have such thoughts, Ling Yun quickly interrupted.

"If you have money, you have to find a place with a lot of people. You have to go to the city center. This matter will be discussed after you have money,"

Hearing this, the little guy was not only not disappointed, but rather elated.

As long as she buys all the antiques in her collection room, Da Jinya will definitely give her a sum of money, and then open an ice cream shop by herself, be a small boss, and eat for free every day.

The speed of the big golden tooth is not so fast, and it will arrive in a while.

"Young Master Ling, my old Jin is here."

Ling Yun shouted from the villa next door: "Da Jinya, come here."

When Da Jinya walked over, his face was full of shock.

Isn't that box of things the gold from last time? It's finally about to be sold, and he will be a little oily by then.

The little guy smiled and looked at Da Jinya, his eyes were shining with gold. In her eyes, Da Jinya was a big gold master.

"Yo... Your old Jin is here?"

"You child, I, Lao Jin, don't have the same knowledge as you."

Then Da Jinya ignored the little guy, but looked at Ling Yun and said, "Young Master Ling, are these all gold?"

"There are nine large boxes in total, and there are some antiques later, all of which are in stock."

"Why are you willing to take it out?"

"Lack of money!"

Those two words made Da Jinya speechless.

Immediately, the little guy reopened her treasure, the collection room filled with antiques, and everything in it still left Da Jinya stunned.

Beibei and little Irene also followed, and then handed over some of the things they thought were worthless to Da Jinya to sell.

The corner of Da Jinya's mouth twitched violently, this is another two big sacks!
"Big Gold Tooth, if you have free time these days, hold a charity auction to attract some rich people and make him a fortune."

Ling Yun patted Da Jinya on the shoulder and said, the latter was pleasantly surprised and agreed.

When sending Da Jinya out, the little guy secretly told Da Jinya to remember to pay the money on time, and must not let her mother know, Da Jinya couldn't laugh or cry.

When counting just now, An Qing was dressing up on the second floor. She didn't know everything here. She was planning to go to the northeast temple.

The little guy has already signed up, and wants to use Ling Yun's name.

Ling Yun didn't go, he had something to do, and little Ailin didn't go either, just stayed in the villa with Long Yanran.

An Qing wanted to take the little guy and Beibei by herself, both of whom had big heads, so she couldn't do without them, she insisted on hugging her long legs.

Half an hour's journey will arrive at the Northeast Temple, but its back mountain is blocked because of the Jinyang Ancient Tomb last time.

Huang Lile was waiting for them at the foot of the mountain, holding a child in her arms. This child was obtained from the prescription Ling Yun had prescribed.

She made an appointment with An Qing and the others tonight just to repay Ling Yun!

"Xiaoqing, why didn't your husband come?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Li...he doesn't have much time!"


"It's okay, it's the same with us, we are all family."

"Okay then, let's pray for the child and burn incense!"

At this moment!
The little guy said in a baby voice, "Ma Ma, is that aunt holding a child!"

" are also a child." An Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Huang Lile said with a smile: "That's right, he is a cute little brother, as cute as you two."

"Can I give you a hug!"

"You should hug him when you grow up, you are too weak now." Huang Lile responded!
Beibei said: "Grow up quickly."

An Qing hugged and kissed the little guy, but she didn't dare to hug the little guy. If she was too strong, the baby would be gone.

The group walked to the temple on the top of the mountain.

The whole mountain road is very lively, there are some vendors setting up stalls on both sides, and there are some ornaments on the stalls, all of which are amulets and pendants!
"Several benefactors, please stop, you have a destiny with the Buddha!"

The one who spoke was an old monk with a slender beard and a fairy-like appearance. On one side of the horizontal cloth was written Master Wude.

Huang Lile nodded slightly, and stopped by his stall.

The little guy looked at those things with his eyes. There was also a Zhu Youshu on the stall, which was an ancient medical book.

Master Wude's eyes lit up, he immediately grabbed the little guy's little hand, and said in amazement: "This is the appearance of heaven and man, and he must be a rich and powerful person in the future, no, no, no, he is now, and he will live to a lifetime in the future." Hundred years old."

An Qing: "..."

Huang Lile was slightly surprised, secretly thought, this master has good eyesight!

The little guy said: "You're only a hundred years old!"

One hundred years old?

She didn't know how much it was, but it didn't sound very long, so she frowned slightly!

"Little benefactor, one hundred years old, very awesome... bah... very long life, one must be content!"

Hearing this, the little guy nodded, and said in a childlike voice, "Okay, grandpa, what are these beads and why are they placed on the tower."

The little guy pointed to a small pagoda with red beads on it, which was a bracelet.

"This is the spirit crystal that my ancestor and the Wannian Huo Qilin fought for [-] rounds to make this string!"

"how much is it?"

The little guy and Beibei opened their mouths wide and asked.

"Not ninety-eight, not nine thousand, just ninety-eight!"

So hanging?
The two children feel that they have found a bargain!

"I want... I want... Mommy... give me money!"

"Aunt An, give me money... give me money..."

An Qing hurriedly said: "You two don't make a sound, what about the fire unicorn... what about the big fight, just brag about it!"

Huang Lile said: "Master shouldn't be called Wude, it's fine to change it to Wicked, such a young child is cheating."

Hearing this, Master Wude smiled awkwardly!

The two little guys suddenly frowned slightly, staring at Master Wude, who was neither blushing nor heartbeating.

"Old man, look after you!" The little guy even changed his name after knowing the evil intentions of Master Wude.


She picked up the stone from his stall in her hand, and heard from him that it was a relic, which was very expensive!

"What are you doing?"

Master Wude didn't understand, and then he widened his eyes!
Because after the little guy let go of his hand again, the relic disappeared.

There are a total of three relics together, all of which were taken into the palm space by the little guy, this is her punishment for Master Wude.

But the little guy didn't expect that these three relics would kill the evil Buddha in the future.

Master Wude didn't believe in this evil, so he asked the little guy to try again, the result was still the same, half of his stall was gone, although it wasn't worth much, but it was all valuable goods, it hurt to death.

"Hey... here... someone, you cheated the old man and stole something." Master Wude yelled at the surroundings.

And the little guy curled his lips, spread his hands, and said in a milky voice: "What are you talking about, I didn't take anything from you."

(End of this chapter)

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