Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1763 Apprenticeship?

Chapter 1763 Apprenticeship?

In the end, the stroke old man compromised and agreed to have his body checked. He also had to do something for the little guy, not to let the group of people laugh at the latter.

"Thank you for your cooperation, old sir, please forgive me for the extraordinary situation!"

The professor apologized slightly.

"Then let you all be convinced!" The stroke old man still looked reluctantly.

Immediately, an examining doctor came over and examined the old man's body. When he finished examining his body, he looked at the little guy with a shocked expression.

"what's the result."

Xinglin genius doctor Li Lao looked at the doctor. Although he believed in his heart that the genius doctor of the little guy might create another medical miracle, he still needed to hear it with his own ears.

"Report to the deans, all the vital signs of the patient have returned to normal, the blood stasis in the brain has returned to normal, and it is full of vitality, and the whole body organs are at least ten years younger!"

The doctor spoke with a trembling voice, and with one sentence, everyone present was completely shocked, and they were all stunned.

After Xiao Wu heard the news, sweat flowed down his forehead immediately.

Did he lose?
Not only was it a slap in the face in public, but it was also very embarrassing. Thinking back just now, he regretted it to death!

Song Yili studied Chinese medicine since she was a child, and studied Western medicine abroad at university. It can be said that she is proficient in both. She has treated thousands of patients in her hands, and she is very motivated.

She doesn't even pay attention to the ordinary Xinglin genius doctor Li Lao, but she has to admire the little guy now.

It is absolutely unimaginable for her to be able to treat a patient who has suffered a severe stroke and cannot move her limbs, and make her organs function ten years younger. Even her grandfather did not have this ability.

Before Song Yili admired only Ling Yun, now there is another little guy.

And the little guy's medical skills should be attributed to Ling Yun, so what level the latter's medical skills will reach, she can't imagine.

After a while of discussion, the professors of Western medicine have admitted this fact, and with what Professor Acrylic said, they all agreed that the little guy cured the stroke.

"We have lost in western medicine, we should admit that we have lost, we apologize, Chinese medicine is broad and profound, and we admire it." A professor of western medicine, represented by a professor of western medicine, expressed deep regret to Mr. Li, the genius doctor in Xinglin and others.

With trembling feet, Xiao Wu said, "No...this...isn't the truth, it's not the truth, are you colluding?"

Ling Yun looked at Xiao Wu and said, "What did you say just now? Do you want to go back on your word? Start slapping your face, or I'll find someone to help you."

"Master Ling, can you..." Mr. Zhao, the successor of the imperial physician, still couldn't bear it, and asked Ling Yun to let his apprentice go.

It's really embarrassing to slap in the face in public. After today, Xiao Wu's future will be ruined, and he can't bear it.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched into a smile and said: "What are you, you are worthy of bargaining with me."

"Old man... I..."

Zhao Lao, the successor of the imperial physician, also felt a little ashamed of himself.

"Is there no one who can be a little more conscious." Ling Yun said a little speechlessly.

"So what if I go back on my word." Xiao Wu was so angry that he didn't intend to fulfill his promise.

"Haha, good!"

Xinglin genius doctor Li Lao became a little angry. In order to gain Ling Yun's favor, he asked several male doctors to catch Xiao Wu.

Elder Zhao, the successor of the imperial physician, had no choice but to watch. They no longer had a master-student relationship, so they tried their best.


A total of one hundred slaps, Xiao Wu was slapped horribly, but no one sympathized with him, more despise him!

Xiao Song didn't dare to speak, he really couldn't imagine that their Chinese medicine doctor let a child get all the limelight, and let Xiao Wu lose face.

Not only that, the little guy was also awarded the title of Little Miracle Doctor, but the latter didn't seem too happy about it, she probably wanted to become a medical fairy.

Western medicine scholars bowed deeply to all the Chinese medicine practitioners present, expressing slight apologies.

"Xiao Wu, the old man has observed that you are not suitable to be a doctor. If you like to stay in the hospital, you can be a toilet cleaner."


Hearing this, Xiao Wu couldn't believe his ears, the words came from Mr. Li, the genius doctor of Xinglin.

"Are you deaf? You can't hear my words clearly." Xinglin genius doctor Li Lao frowned.

To put it bluntly, in the field of Chinese medicine, he is the boss and has supreme power.

In the end, Xiao Wu passed out and was carried into the ambulance and taken away. Now he cheered up and applauded, the little guy is really outstanding.

"Okay, you all go away!"

At this time, Xinglin genius doctor Li Lao looked at the group of doctors and nurses around here and couldn't help saying, at this moment, the group of doctors and nurses looked at the little guy with a look of admiration.

Especially those Chinese medicine practitioners, looking at the little guy is the same as looking at the master, after all, the master is the master.

The other [-] patients were exempted from their bills, and everyone cheered for the little guy because of his contribution this time.

"It's getting late, we should go, Sissy come here quickly."

Ling Yun called softly.

The little guy ran over and climbed into Ling Yun's arms again, this time staying quietly.

"Wait a moment!"

It's just that when Ling Yun was about to leave, a burst of footsteps came from behind, bringing a fresh fragrance.

Song Yili's voice came from behind, and her figure hurriedly appeared beside Ling Yun and the others, followed by four genius doctors.

"Beauty, what's the matter?"

Ling Yun looked at the big beauty who was an angel in white in front of him.

"I want to worship you as my teacher!"

Song Yili bit her lip and said directly.

Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Adore me as a teacher? can I be capable?"

"Please help me, I need to learn acupuncture, constantly improve my medical skills, and serve the people." Song Yili said seriously.

"Adore my papa as your teacher, good eyesight." The little guy said in a childish voice.

"Handsome Shushu, you are awesome, do your parents know that?"

Long Yanran: "..."

Song Yili almost burst out laughing.

"That's right, I worship you as my teacher, I imagine you are learning Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion!"

She said with a firm gaze, with a somewhat fanatical look in her eyes, obviously yearning for acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine.

"Aunt Song, you are the most powerful. Can you take me as your teacher? I will definitely teach you well. I can teach you thirteen needles for kidney deficiency." The little guy's eyes turned gray, and he looked up at the sky at 45 degrees.

Song Yili smiled and touched the little guy's head, but she was looking forward to Ling Yun's answer.

Kidney deficiency?

Thirteen stitches?
Everyone was shocked.

The four genius doctors looked at each other, and finally said in unison: "Master, please accept the apprentice."

"I said, you are not worthy, even if I kneel down for the rest of my life, I will not change." Ling Yun shook his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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