Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1788

Chapter 1788
The man in black suddenly turned his head and looked towards the voice, but found nothing, but the laughter was still there.

"Who is it, get out, pretending to be a ghost!"

He has already started to panic.

Long Xingtian?
This is the first person in his mind, and then Ling Yun, because the latter may find him very smoothly.

"Jie Jie!"

"Get out, get out!"

He couldn't bear this kind of environment, and his heart was about to burst out of fright, his hair standing on end.

As soon as his words fell, two lanterns appeared in the void in front of him!

Do not!
He was wrong, it was not a lantern, but two scarlet eyes, the size of a lantern.

"This is... a ghost!"

Seeing such a terrifying undead for the first time, the man in black was really frightened.

In a hurry, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Long Xingtian's number. The only person who could save him was probably Long Xingtian who was threatened by him.


"Where are you, come here quickly, come here!"

The man in black looked at the undead with fear on his face, and yelled into the phone, only the sound could give him courage.

"Talk, are you here? Hurry up and hear, do you want me to post this on the Internet!"

The man in black threatened Long Xingtian fiercely, and the latter smiled inadvertently.

"Let it go!"

"Okay, okay, you forced me to do this."

The man in black never expected that Long Xingtian would say such a thing, so he would come to a dead end.


Everything in front of him shocked him again, and he couldn't take a step forward, because the undead was in front of him, and the latter was staring at him.

"Jie Jie..."

The terrifying sound came again, and the legs of the man in black trembled.

The undead shot, and the blood line formed by the sickle trapped the man in black.


Heart-piercing sounds resounded through the suburbs.

Throughout the night, the man in black was tortured by the undead in various ways, and the data on his computer was being erased.

The secret of Beibei's life experience, and who her biological father will be, is terrifying only when Qin Lan recovers her previous memories.

Early the next morning, the news reported that the little guy's miraculous doctor was still alive, and the news of the panacea to cure his illness shocked the whole country!
However, 5 minutes after the news came out, these news reports were said to be untrue, everything was for hype, and they had already admitted that it was their fault.

Ling Yun didn't want this, so the Dragon Group forcibly interfered in this matter, so that the little guy wouldn't be in constant trouble, and Ling Yun would be even more troublesome!
The matter of Long Xingtian was completely over, and the couple could finally breathe a sigh of relief. The two of them came to the villa to visit Beibei the next day, and the latter was very happy.

Qin Xianglian smiled sweetly and said, "Bebe, have you been having a good time these few days!"

"Well, happy... Aunt An also taught me a lot of knowledge."

"You should learn more, but you have to learn." Qin Xianglian nodded.

"But...but Beibei feels that she can do everything."

Babe seems to be floating!

"Haha, you child, you have learned a little bit of superficiality and are not humble."

Long Xingtian on one side couldn't laugh or cry!
Hearing this, Qin Xianglian asked, "What did Beibei learn recently?"

"Auntie An is great, she taught me idioms, hook fingers, and memorizes nine-nine formulas!"


Qin Xianglian didn't believe it.

"Test you...five what four what??"


As soon as Beibei said the first word, she was about to start thinking.

Five what, the idiom that flashed through my mind.

The little guy couldn't stand it anymore, hooked his fingers, and said in a milky voice: "Five, eighty, forty, so stupid!"

"Haha, I just wanted to say, how stupid."

Beibei scratched her head and smiled awkwardly.

Hearing this, Ling Yun and the others laughed together, the two children were in the same boat, and even said to each other, they are also a pair of top-notch cute babies.

Little Irene next to her said: "Sister is so stupid, it's not right... Five hits and four difficulties, the baby is the smartest."

Ling Yun: "..."

Long Yanran patted little Irene on the head, hating iron for being weak and said: " are so smart, you are so stupid, you know how to play games every day, and you are useless in modern times."


Little Irene muttered!
"Have you ever seen a fire-breathing waste?"

Long Yanran: "..."

"Hmm... have you ever seen a piece of trash that can blow you away with a single punch?"

Long Yanran: "..."

"Also... have you ever hit me?"

Triple hit!
Every blow left Long Yanran speechless!

"My brother said that the baby is already invincible in the endless sea. For the rest of the time, he should eat and drink and play games."


Little Irene's angry look almost made everyone laugh, and the hall burst into laughter.

Long Yanran patted the child's head, and said softly: "Oh, don't be angry, our lovely Endless Sea Princess, I'll buy you ice cream."

"Huh...really, the baby wants five... no, ten, or I won't forgive you." Little Irene's mind was full of all kinds of ice cream, and her saliva flowed out.


Everyone laughed again.

"Papa, the math I did just now is wrong!"


No one said it was wrong, I have been hooking my fingers for so long.

"Then I can have ice cream."

Hearing this, Ling Yun and An Qing couldn't laugh or cry, the child was afraid that Long Yanran wouldn't buy it for her.

"Remember, it's from all corners of the world, it's Kaobeibei idioms, and I didn't ask you."

An Qing shook her head and laughed, if the little guy didn't make a sound, Beibei should be able to answer.

Beibei said: "Let me just say, it's all my sister's fault... That's why I want ice cream too!"

"Okay, okay, answer one more."

Qin Xianglian looked at Beibei and asked again.

"Ice or snow?"

It's an idiom again, Beibei is thinking again!
"Could it be...Could it be rock sugar Sydney, Aunt Long! Can the baby have it?"

"Haha, it's rock sugar pears, hehe, I know little Irene even if I don't tell you."

Beibei spoke seriously.

Ling Yun: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Flocks of crows flew over their heads!

An Qing said speechlessly: "It's food again, you three snacks, it's hopeless, I'm a bad teacher."

Qin Xianglian exclaimed angrily: "Beibei doesn't study hard, and the chances of going out to play will be reduced in the future. What kind of rock candy Sydney is a world of ice and snow!"

"Isn't the four characters an idiom?" Beibei shook her head lightly.

Everyone: "..."

As if what she said really made sense to her mother, Ling Yun didn't even want to refute it.

After staying in the villa for an afternoon, Long Xingtian and his wife were about to go to another world. It was too boring to stay in Blue Star, so Bei Bei asked Ling Yun to take care of them.

Before leaving, Beibei broke down in tears and rubbed her eyes, looking like she wanted to cry.

After Long Xingtian comforted Beibei for a while, he quietly told Ling Yun that he should never tell Beibei about her life experience.

Ling Yun verbally agreed, but he knew that the fire could not be covered with paper, because Qian Qian and Bei Bei looked more and more alike.

(End of this chapter)

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