Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1795 1 Words Gold

Chapter 1795


Beibei took Mr. Qin to visit their collection room, and there were bursts of exclamation and emotion.

The little guy originally wanted to follow, but she found Ling Yun's cell phone was ringing.

"Hey, hello, who are you!"

"Hello, I'm an account officer at the bank. After verification, your credit card spent 100 million abroad yesterday. Is it you?"

Hearing this sound, the little guy quickly returned the phone to Ling Yun.

"That's right, it's me...what's the matter." Ling Yun knew it was a scam call as soon as he heard it, so he admitted directly as soon as his eyes lit up.

The other side was stunned!

"You blow it up!"

There is no way to deceive people, so I have no choice but to hang up the phone!

Little guy: "Papa, what was that phone call just now?"

"Don't worry about him, someone probably leaked my number, so that some scammers can take advantage of it, I guess there will be more later."

As soon as the words were finished, the phone rang again, and the little guy looked at Ling Yun's movements, his eyes rolled in despair.


"Hello... hello, I'm from the program group where my mother went to. You are one of the lucky viewers we drew, and now you can get a 100 million car."

"It only takes 3000 yuan for shipping to get it."

After speaking to the other side, he was expecting Ling Yun's answer.

"Oh... I don't want it anymore, you can donate it to my father for me."

Opposite: "Beep beep..."

The little guy laughed out loud, feeling that this kind of phone call was so fun, his eyes were rolling bleakly.

"Don't believe this kind of phone call in the future, I know it." Ling Yun said carefully.

Just after finishing speaking, another call came in. Ling Yun saw that it was an unfamiliar number, smiled and pressed the answer button.

"Hello... hello, I'm the first emperor. Actually, I'm not dead. I have 1000 million tons of gold in Xi'an. Now I need [-] yuan to unseal it. Call me and I'll share half of it with you."

"To be honest, I'm the only god in the world. I'm not dead. Can you lend me five hundred? Let Lan Xing take care of me when I rule the universe!" Ling Yun said!
Opposite: "Crazy!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, telling the truth made people think he was crazy!

"Papa, they are all ignorant. I believe in you. When you rule the universe in the future, you must let me be the queen. This position cannot be given to Mama."

The little guy spoke in a childish voice, and took away Ling Yun's cell phone.

In the collection room, Mr. Qin wants to take every piece home. He really likes it very much. He only hates that it is too expensive and rare, and his wealth is not enough, so he can only touch it.

"Grandpa, if you want it or not, don't touch it. It's useless to touch it."

Bei Bei on the other side couldn't stand it any longer. Mr. Qin held a certain vase for a long time without letting go, like sleeping with a pillow in his arms.

"Bebe, let me hug you again. Maybe this first time will be the last time. Alas...a bunch of bones, not many days left, let me touch them."

"There's something good to touch, it's not good if it breaks, too grandpa, let's not touch it if you're obedient!" Beibei said in a milky voice.

Mr. Qin: "..."

In the end, Mr. Qin chose a piece of ceramics, which is better as a birthday gift, because his old friend likes ceramics and calligraphy and painting.

After coming out, Beibei said: "Grandpa, we met once, and we don't charge too much. The ceramics are worth 3000 million yuan. Please pay in cash or by card!"

The child got the credit card machine on the table, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, telling Beibei not to be polite to Mr. Qin, he really is not polite, he can kill him if he can!
This pottery is worth at most 600 million, not much more.

Mr. Qin was also taken aback, his mother, is a ceramic so expensive?
"Beibei, this... this... can it be cheaper, the old man is tight!"

"Isn't it 3000 million, then... you can buy this, how much is it?"

Beibei pointed to the rice bowl on the table!
An Qing has seen Beibei's little money fan, and it's useless to anyone!
"It's too expensive, 1000 million is okay?"

Mr. Qin said.

"Okay, sister, come over and help grandpa pack it."

Everyone: "..."

so refreshing?

Mr. Qin regretted it in his heart, and at the same time he couldn't laugh or cry that he was still too young. He should cut the price to 100 million.

"Oh... By the way, the old man remembers that you have good calligraphy."

After the transaction was completed, Mr. Qin remembered this matter. His old friend likes calligraphy and painting. It just so happens that Beibei and Qianqian are great artists.

"Calligraphy? Mr. Qin can let them write if he likes it, but it depends on whether they are willing."

Ling Yun does not make decisions for Beibei and Qianqian, everything is up to them to decide.

Beibei said: "No problem, just write it down!"

"Well, let my sister perform, I'll just play with my phone here."

The little guy doesn't know what's going on. He used to be very interested in money, but now he doesn't come here, and he doesn't dig holes. It's a bit abnormal.

Long Yanran noticed that the child was quiet, probably acting like a demon!

Old Master Qin laughed, and immediately asked Beibei to help him write the word "Yong"!
The word yong has many meanings, including the word yong in the name of his old friend, so it is good to use calligraphy and painting.

Beibei waited for Mr. Qin to help her prepare the ink and paper, and then began to pick up the pen!
When she finished writing, Mr. Qin was shocked on the spot!
A word forever was deeply imprinted in his mind, lingering.

Think like a goshawk and think of a rabbit!

As horizontal as the reins of a horse!
Stand like a long live withered vine!
The hook is like a galloping rabbit!
Lift it like a whip for riding a horse!
Skip your hair like a grate!
Peck like a white horse!
Press down like the yoke of a plow ox!
This word fully shows the demeanor of a master, the beibei is flowing like clouds and flowing water, and everyone who sees it is so beautiful, An Qing gave her a thumbs up.

"This... is unbelievable. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you really can't believe it."

Old Master Qin shook his head and laughed, it was really like a dream.

Beibei is only four years old, and she is already so outstanding, comparable to the big players, not bad at all, she is simply the proud girl of heaven.

"Oh... don't praise me, just give me a few million."

An Qing: "..."

Mr. Qin: "..."


Ling Yun laughed loudly, Beibei was still the same, funny and a little money fan, giving people endless joy in life.

Of course this word does not require money, Beibei just said it casually, Mr. Qin is very happy, because Beibei is also from their Qin family.

"Beibei will work hard, and I will write more words when I have time in the future, so that my grandpa can collect them or show them off."

Mr. Qin is very happy!

Beibei clasped his hands together, imitating those monks, and said angrily: "Grandpa, rare things are valuable, too many things are worthless, have you realized it?"

Are you enlightened?
These words... just made everyone laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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