Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 189

Chapter 189
"Senior, please forgive me."

"We're not taking them away."

The three deacons hurriedly chose to beg for mercy. The higher the level of cultivation, the more afraid of death, they knelt down in front of the bird of paradise and kowtowed.

"Someone will take your life, enjoy the rest of your life"

The three deacons were overjoyed when they heard the words, and hurriedly slipped away. When they arrived at the hidden door, who would dare to be presumptuous?The key is the location of the hidden door, so they can find it.

Xu Le saw the light beam as soon as he ran out, and broke out in cold sweat. Are you going against Pluto's people?Are you tired of living?But I don't understand why Tang Cai didn't kill them.

"Cousin, help, my brother is dying"

"Well, ask the little princess for a piece of fruit, squeeze the juice and take it orally, and wait for me, there is a situation, it is very dangerous..." Bird of Paradise's face was very serious, he sensed some fluctuations in the space!
"Here, here you are, there can't be more." After hearing that, Sissy gave Xu Le a big dragon fruit, and Ling Yun's stock was almost exhausted.

Xu Le picked it up and hurried to squeeze the juice to save people. Whatever happens to him in the future, there is no need to worry about this pervert!
At this time An Qing also ran out, Xu Le whispered a few words to her, An Qing happily followed him into the kitchen.

The void next to it suddenly split open, and the two little guys looked at it curiously. Bird of Paradise frowned even more. Seeing this scene, Sissy suspected that it was Ling Yun.

"Haha, you escaped, wait for the women of the Spirit Sword Sect, this place is actually a poor place? The strength is suppressed!" A white-haired old man suddenly came out from the inside, still hunchbacked.

(This is the Patriarch of the Golden Knife in the Twelve Realms, and his cultivation base is a bit low for the Immortal Venerable)
"Wow, that's amazing." Seeing that it wasn't Ling Yun, Sissy still clapped her hands.

"Yeah!" Beibei also agreed, applauding along with her!
"Who are you?" The bird of paradise was very vigilant and always on guard.

"It's you, let me escape, if I don't have that much energy, I can't determine the coordinates"

"Huh?" Bird of Paradise tilted its head, expressing that it didn't understand.

"I don't know how many years I have been in the turbulent flow of space, and I finally escaped, haha..."

"In that case, let's go!" Bird of Paradise said unceremoniously.

"Huh? You don't seem surprised?" Patriarch Jindao suddenly slapped him, but the Bird of Paradise couldn't catch it.

"Interesting, your strength isn't good enough." Patriarch Jindao rolled his eyes, not knowing what to do.

"Hey, dare to hit me?" The bird of paradise immediately refused to admit defeat, facing another beam of flames above.

"It's this power. Although I want to thank you, but..." the ancestor of Jindao resisted it with one hand. It was a bit difficult, but he still dealt with it calmly.

"Come down for me." The bird of paradise once again exerted its strength.


The Golden Knife Patriarch snorted coldly, and the flame beam of the Bird of Paradise was sent back, hitting him directly.

"This? I'm not invincible at the same level?" Bird of Paradise fell to the ground and covered his chest with a bewildered expression. This fact was hard for him to accept.

Blue Star was sealed by Ling Yun, it knew it, and its total strength must not exceed the legend.

"I'm going, it's terrible, here's a magic weapon?" Patriarch Jin Dao suddenly stared at Sissy, to be precise, at the vase in her back bag.

Just now he thought it was an illusion, but he didn't expect it to be true. This bag contains Sissy's vase, although Beibei's is also there, but they are a spirit weapon, so the Golden Knife Patriarch felt that it was a vase!
The little guy was a little afraid of being stared at, so he didn't dare to look up.


The Golden Knife Patriarch immediately sucked Cici's bag up, and Qianqian hurried to grab it, but there is the Golden Knife Patriarch, hurry up.

"Haha, that's right, it's an artifact. How is this possible?" The ancestor of Jindao opened his bag and took out the vase, sweating in shock. This quality is royal, and it's actually in this poor place!

Afterwards, his heart was very excited. With this artifact, there is great hope for revenge!How many people are envious of one thing but can't get it, but he got it so easily, how can they not be happy?
"Mine, that's mine..." Sissy walked around anxiously below, crying, watching the vase being robbed like this, there was nothing she could do!
"Haha, I have to find a place, make adjustments, and return to the Twelve Realms as soon as possible." The Golden Knife Patriarch ignored Sissy, muttered to himself, and then scratched at the bottom, and a lot of fog appeared on the ground.

When the fog dissipated, there was still the ghost of the ancestor of the golden knife?She ran away early, and now Sissy rolled to the ground.

Bird of Paradise scolding mother, what's the matter with this strange monster, it is obviously not sealed in power, and it is not restricted, but it doesn't make a move, watching the golden knife ancestor take the little princess's artifact and run away!

It's not the phantom shadow's fault, it's completely carrying out Ling Yun's order. Ling Yun's order is that anyone who hurts his daughter will die!It is very obedient!Except for a few that it thought Ling Yun should deal with, all the others were killed, and the Golden Saber Patriarch didn't hurt her.

As for why An Guomin did not die after being poisoned, it was because the Bird of Paradise stopped him on the third floor. Facing the phantom, the Bird of Paradise swallowed and explained to it for a long time before it let An Guomin go. He still sensed that there was a blood relationship between them, otherwise... Heh heh, he must die!
"Woo, my vase..." Sissy lay on the ground, refusing to get up, crying and fussing, all her beloved things were robbed!Can you not make trouble?
Long Yanran couldn't persuade her no matter what, Beibei kept comforting her and even gave her own to Sissy, but she didn't want it.

Birds of Paradise can't help it, it seems that they can only ask An Qing.

On An Qing's side, everyone who was injured drank dragon juice. Now many people have woken up. An Guomin's face is still pale. An Shize has nothing to love. An Qing told her grandfather all this and asked him to come back Master!
An Jiansheng was also very angry when such a big incident happened!I didn't expect people from the hidden door to be so unreasonable!Kill them for their family.

As soon as Bird of Paradise arrived in the living room, she explained to An Qing that no one's words would work, and she had to rely on her!
An Qing didn't linger, and went out with the bird of paradise, but she saw the little guy was so happy that she didn't want to. The bird of paradise has a big beak, what's going on?An Qing rolled her eyes at Bird of Paradise and went back to the living room.

Sissy's current state starts from when Bird of Paradise went to find An Qing, and when Bird of Paradise left...

Beibei whispered in Sissy's ear: "Sister, Grandpa Six transferred all your treasures to me."

Qianqian immediately stood up, holding Beibei's vase, and after several confirmations, she finally smiled, Long Yanran didn't understand, it's not like that, isn't it just a vase?

After Sissy smirked, she was unhappy again, and Beibei whispered in her ear again: "Sister, let Shuai Shuai change into another one when he comes back."

Beibei blinked and blinked, thinking of Ling Yun conjuring a bunch of vases in her mind.

Qianqian turned and turned with tears in her eyes, thinking in her heart: "Hmph, when Papa comes back, let him help you get it back, and let the bad old man know his mistake!"

Thinking about changing it, I still feel that it is not as good as before, but now that she is not making trouble, she has to call Ling Yun to ask him to come back with that bad old man, dare to steal her things?hum!

(Tomorrow's update will mention Lingyun's situation, Chapter 194 Lingyun wakes up)

(End of this chapter)

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