Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 196

Chapter 196
Ye Fei was also like a lunatic, holding an island knife in his hand and kept cutting them up like watermelons, one kid at a time.

With a ghostly figure and nimble steps, Ye Fei wanders among the Aso family's dead men, reaping their lives like a god of death!


"Who is the enemy?" Taro Aso asked as he wiped the saber in his hand.

"There are two, they are Chinese!"

"Huaxia? Dragon Team! Hmph, grab it immediately!" Taro Aso snorted coldly!
"Yes" After the dead man left, Taro Aso stared at the place where he left, always feeling that something was wrong.

Suddenly his body was attracted by a gravitational force, and his body kept moving forward. It was useless to insert Aso Taro's knife on the ground, and he was terrified.

"It's you. You shouldn't have stretched out your hand. Why don't you bury your son properly? Do you want to die?"

Aso Taro's chest was sucked, and he lifted it up. He was shocked that there was no one in front of him, but the voice came from his eyes. Who is it?Let him lose all his power and let him be at his mercy?

Suddenly he heard the other party say something about his son. Could it be that this person is the one who killed his son?Isn't it Ling Yuyang?Now is not the time to think about this, he struggled desperately, but couldn't get rid of it.

"That's right, at least you know how to struggle to the death"

The voice came again, and now Taro Aso started to feel his scalp tingle, could it be a ghost?

A flash of blood flashed across Aso Taro's chest, and the blood-red explosion blew him away. Ling Yun was already very merciful, and didn't want him to die so soon, but Aso Taro lying on the ground had only one breath left. He was trembling, and he didn't make any movement other than trembling, and he couldn't make a sound, quietly waiting for death or to be rescued.

A holy light from Ling Yun went down, and Taro Aso recovered quickly, and then he was shocked to release the invisible state.

"You, who are you?" Taro Aso stood up, his face was full of fear, his voice was trembling, this man was so powerful, he was dying just now, it was not a hallucination, but he could recover him in an instant, which subverted him Got it.

"The dead don't need to know too much." Ling Yun suddenly appeared in front of him, and then fixed Aso Taro's body, punching a holy light.


Every time Aso Taro was punched, blood came out of his mouth, but he was restored by Ling Yun's holy light, and he was in pain besides pain.

"Don't take my patience as kindness!"

Ling Yun kept hitting angrily, it felt good, imagining this Aso Taro as Ye Lingyun constantly venting, the previous grievance was relieved now, and the corners of his mouth smiled.

Then he fantasized about An Guomin, if it wasn't for Qian Qian's face, he would have killed An Guomin long ago, but he was still panicked, and now he could only vent his anger on him.

"Quick, quick, come on, who are you?" A dead soldier came in and was shocked to see this scene. Their patriarch was beaten by a little brother, and he rubbed his eyes.

"Disturb Lao Tzu's interest, die!"

Ling Yun turned his head and looked at the bunch of dead soldiers running in, feeling a little unhappy, he had a good time, what's the trouble?

With a snap of his fingers, he began to abuse Taro Aso again.


There was a sound of screams, and soil thorns protruded from the ground, piercing the hearts of the dead men in all directions.

"Give, give, give me one, please have a good time." Taro Aso spoke with blood in his mouth, his speech was slurred, and his eyelids almost drooped.

"It's not that easy, I haven't played enough!" Ling Yun continued.

"Stop!!" An old man flew over from afar, and Taro Aso, who was in despair, felt that he could save himself, there was hope.

Ling Yun stopped and looked at him. This old man is the patriarch of the Aso family, a war criminal during the war, Taiji Aso.

Originally, he was practicing in closed doors, trying his best to break through to the Legendary Realm, but the outside world was a mess, and if he didn't come out, his family would be over.

"China's history is wrong." Ling Yun's head was full of black lines. Didn't history say that Aso Taiji died in battle?

"You thief, you are so bold." Aso Taiji saw how his descendants were beaten so badly, and felt angry in his heart.

"Your body is stronger than his." Ling Yun smiled again.

Ignore his words?At that time, Aso Taiji steadied his horse and clenched his fists tightly. As soon as he released his momentum, his hair flew up. He looked quite awesome, but in the next second, his face was ugly as hell.

Because he couldn't move, he just watched Ling Yun walk over.


"Stop hitting, I won't bother you anymore!"


Ling Yun treated him like a sandbag, and he hasn't finished venting his anger yet, let you go?Impossible, the Aso family will cease to exist tonight.

Seeing that even his ancestor was like this, with no power to fight back, Aso Taro wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself, but he would not give him any chance.

"Demon Blood Whip"

A red whip appeared in Ling Yun's hand, and he kept beating the two of them. Surprisingly, they didn't bleed, but they screamed in pain.

This method was what Ling Yun used to punish Ye Lingyun in the seal.

Hearing such a miserable sound, Ye Fei passed by for a while, and even took a video as a souvenir. This scene is rare.


Ling Yun yelled, and everyone in the Aso family territory heard it, and then he also planned to end it. He pointed his right hand at Aso Taiji's Tianling Gai, and slowly, his whole body was sucked up by Ling Yun's right hand.

"As for you?" Ling Yun stared at Aso Taro fiercely, and then kicked him into the sky, shooting straight into space, probably his body disappeared in smoke before flying into outer space.

"Red Red Lotus"

As soon as Ling Yun's voice fell, the ground under his feet began to become red and hot.

"I'll go, it's a good thing I can fly, otherwise I'll be like them and turn into charcoal!" Ye Fei looked at the carbon corpses below, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

On Xu Le's side, he couldn't fly, so he was still standing on the ground, but he looked at the carbon corpses around him and the fiery red land, and said excitedly: "It's awesome, it's all right!"

After that, he punched the ground a few times, leaving deep fist marks. He seemed very satisfied with himself now, but he didn't know how long he could maintain this strength.

"It's time to go back!" Ling Yun's voice came from nowhere, and a black hole appeared beside him.

Xu Le looked at the scene, sighed and left, not worthy of sympathy, they chose to die.

Ye Fei also heard Ling Yun's voice, and stepped into the black hole without saying a word.

Not long after they left, people from the Toyotomi family came here and witnessed the whole scene, and the timid people fainted with fright.

There are carbon corpses everywhere, the ground is still smoking, the ground is very hot, there is no living thing in the Aso family's residence, it is bare, the buildings have collapsed, and there are debris everywhere.

It was hard for them to imagine that such a powerful Aso family was still there two hours ago. Who did this?Are you sure it's not a natural disaster?
This matter cannot be concealed from gossip reporters at all. At this time, many newspapers have already reported it, and it has been circulated everywhere on the Internet, and there are still many photos of the scene. Even if the island country wants to hide it, it is too late.

We could only hold a press conference overnight, saying that this was not an enemy attack, and comforting everyone not to panic, it was the Aso family's experimental results that discovered an accident, which led to the cauldron of genocide.

(End of this chapter)

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