Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 308 Magic Flower

Chapter 308 Magic Flower
Long Yanran killed the monster, looked at their reactions, and said with a guilty conscience: "I'm not usually like this!"

Others acted like I believe in you, look at that monster, even its parents can't stand the horror!
Liu Qingcheng finally found someone like her, violent on the outside, beautiful and kind on the inside, this is Long Yanran, she observed it, and after less than a minute, she immediately became acquainted.

Bai Xule eavesdropped on their whispered conversations, which made his forehead go black. They were all discussing cosmetics and clothes!

Lin Hao beside Xu Le became more and more unnatural, and kept wiping his eyes with his hands.

Then he yelled: "You guys, you must die!"

Xu Le avoided it, because Lin Hao wanted to hit him just now, which made him confused. Was Lin Hao dazzled?Where did the islanders come from?

Liu Qingcheng yelled a few times, but Lin Hao kept saying inexplicable words and punching the air!

Elder Yuan hid away, isn't he a lunatic?Da Jinya exhaled, and finally he could rest, this sack is so damn heavy!

Ling Yuyang looked at the big rice dumpling that he saw first, then at the coffin figure on Qianqian's side, and then at Lin Hao, and suddenly said in shock: "This is a psychedelic!!"

"Psychedelic? Poison? Like me just now? But Lin Hao didn't say what he saw!" Da Jinya muttered to himself.

"I fought with you, damn it! It's you, Tokugawa Nakaji!" Lin Hao's eyes were red, and he kept punching the air!
The corner of Xu Le's mouth twitched, Tokugawa Nakaji is dead!

Liu Qingcheng also asked anxiously: "Brother Yang, why are we alright? Did he get poisoned by something?"

"No, it's the bottle of water, which Lin Hao didn't drink! That water is the antidote!" Ling Yuyang's eyes lit up!

"Where's the water? Who drank it in the end? Is there any more?" Liu Qingcheng became excited. Ling Yun's medicine can save Lin Hao, so the water must be not easy!
"Ahem, the old man drank it last!"

Old Yuan blushed, because it was the last drink, so he was thirsty and finished it!

Liu Qingcheng hurriedly asked: "Is there any more?"

"I'm thirsty, I've finished drinking! The bottle is here." After Yuan Lao finished speaking, he lowered his head in embarrassment!

"Xu Le, do you have any more in your backpack?" Liu Qingcheng held his last hope on Xu Le!

Xu Le's face turned dark, his backpack has been out of water, okay?But he couldn't say it out, he could only shake his head to say no!
This Lin Hao asked for it himself, why don't you still dislike it if you give him a drink?Suddenly Xu Le was speechless!
"Xu Le, beat him up!" Ling Yun didn't even turn his head, and just said this!


Xu Le knocked Lin Hao down with one kick, and then kicked him a few more times. This is already showing mercy. After all, they are all his own, and they are also brothers!
"Tokugawa Nakaji, I will never let you go even if I die!"

Now Lin Hao is held down by Xu Le, and he is regarded as an enemy, and he is full of refusal to admit defeat!

"Xu Le, be merciful!" Liu Qingcheng also went up to hold him down!

"Brother Ling Yun, what should we do?" Long Yanran ran up and asked.

Ling Yun thought for a while, the water is gone, after all, it would be suspicious to take it out after saying that there is no more, he ate this elixir and wasted it, and then said: "Xu Le, give him the strawberry in your backpack Down!"

Xu Le didn't do anything, Long Yanran went to open his bag, and took out a strawberry!
Everyone is speechless, there is really a strawberry, this backpack can hold these things?Come in without a weapon?
Yuan Lao secretly gave a thumbs up, secretly thinking that the senior is really awesome, and his confidence comes from his strength!

Xu Le took it and let Lin Hao stuff it in his mouth, only to hear Lin Hao yelling like crazy: "Tokugawa Chuji, you are so ruthless, force me to take poison!"

Everyone was speechless again...


Qianqian found out that there was something delicious again, but there was nothing in the strawberry gourd. While everyone's attention was on Lin Hao, she tiptoed to Xu Le's bag, squatted down and kept searching!

"Ahem... what happened to me just now?"

Lin Hao ate strawberries and now he is sober, feeling uncomfortable being stared at by them!

Still have the nerve to ask?Liu Qingcheng was so angry that he didn't drink water and caused trouble!
"Get up if you have nothing to do!" Ling Yuyang said lightly, since Ling Yun said nothing to worry about, there must be a way!

All the people looked at Ling Yun in unison, as if he knew everything about it, especially letting them drink water in advance, and one more thing is that the air does have the fragrance of flowers.

Seeing their puzzled eyes, Ling Yun pointed to the top!
Beibei looked at the flashlight and shone it on, as did Big Gold Tooth, and her scalp felt numb all of a sudden.

Above the main tomb, a huge flower is blooming!Occupying one-third of the main tomb, the flower is still blood-black, and it is a little sensitive to light when illuminated, and the flower heart shrank!

"This is... this is Miao Midang's magic flower thousands of years ago!" Yuan Lao gasped!

He also received records about this magic flower in an accidental purchase of black goods. There is a picture in it, and it looks like it!

Everyone was shocked, Miao Midang?Was it so awesome a thousand years ago? The big golden teeth of those flying Gu worms are still fresh in my memory!
"Old Yuan... isn't it scary?"

Da Jinya asked in a cold sweat, this flower looks scary!
Everyone was listening quietly, only the sound of Sissy turning over her backpack, but they didn't pay attention!

Yuan Lao stroked his beard and continued: "The fragrance of this magic flower can affect other people's brain nerves, causing people to hallucinate, just like that young man just now!"

Lin Hao was embarrassed when he heard the words, his face was flushed, and he thought to himself that you are such a bad old man, don't you need to explain it?

"The scent of flowers produced can be hallucinogenic. I agree with that, but why is this zombie also the same? Does it still have nerves?" Ling Yuyang asked puzzled.

"This... old man is also strange!" Yuan Lao shook his head, there was only so much written in the information.

"Little Yun'er, explain to Uncle Fourth!" Ling Yuyang didn't want to think about it anymore, but he still wanted to know after a headache, so he could only ask Ling Yun, feeling that he understood everything!

"It's true that this flower is a poisonous flower, but it affects not only the nerves of people, but the body. As long as it has a body, it can affect it. The living see hallucinations, the dead... such as zombies, It’s about reminiscing about the past!”

Ling Yun explained leisurely, keeping his eyes on this magic flower. This magic flower is the purpose of his accompanying the two little guys here.

"Holy shit, so awesome?" Da Jinya couldn't bear it any longer, and took out his phone to take some pictures as souvenirs!
After looking around, Liu Qingcheng said, "It seems that there is still a Heavenly Master's Gate here, right? Why didn't you see it?" After finishing speaking, he patted his head, how could he forget about it?
"That's right, my old Jin also received wind that the Heavenly Master Gate is coming!"

Da Jinya patted his head with a dazed expression. It seems that there are only members of a certain tomb robber group here?
(End of this chapter)

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