Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 329

Chapter 329
Nan Shenzun also heard their dialogue, shook his head, and didn't dare to ask for it, who did the emperor not ask for, he knows the emperor better!
Ling Yun opened his mouth but still said the same sentence: "Tell me, what artifact do you want!"

Everyone was speechless, and they didn't decide who to give it to?Who knows what to ask for!

Nan Shenzun's brain lit up, and he quickly flattered him: "Dijun, give it to the little princess!"

The Emperor of the Sea sighed secretly, what you said is good!
"Papa!" The little guy ran over, thinking that something was wrong with her!

There are so many people here, Beibei also came with little Irene, this little Irene was just in a daze, she didn't know what was going on, anyway, she never took her eyes off the phone!
Ling Yun said leisurely again: "Old man Nan, tell me, what type do you want?"

"Ah!" Nan Shenzun blushed in surprise, gave it to him?

The Emperor of the Sea originally planned to have hope, but now it is in vain!

"Old man... I want gloves!"

Nan Shenzun's dream is to own a pair of magic gloves. Now that Dijun speaks, he will not be hypocritical. Basically no one can change Dijun's decision, and pushing back and forth will only make him angry!
Ling Yun took out a pair directly from the void, and they were so shocked that they couldn't speak, probably there were quite a few of them!
"That's right, the old man came out right this time! Haha." Nan Shenzun grinned from ear to ear, there are many artifacts in the God Realm, but the first is not his, and the second is not to his liking!

Then, under the suggestion of the Sea Emperor, Nan Shenzun put on the gloves and tried the power, but they were all stunned. This Nan Shenzun's punch increased five times its strength, and it also had water attributes!

Nan Shenzun kept stroking her, it was so precious.

Sissy has doubts, why does she keep seeing her father take things out of the air!

"What are you doing?"

"Me too, air can hold things!"

"Handsome, don't forget me!" Beibei said immediately!
"Well, there are all of them. This is the baby I promised you!"


Sissy and Beibei were excited!
"Look out!" Ling Yun squatted down, under the eyes of everyone, and pressed Sissy's palm!
Sissy curled her lips, feeling cheated, and said, "Neither of them!"

After a flash of light disappeared, a small black whirlpool appeared in Qianqian's palm, only Nan Shenzun was sweating profusely, seeing the problem, and said secretly: "Pervert, what kind of method is this, the previous emperor will do it? This little princess' palm It can be used as a storage space, and the area is so fucking big!"

"This is holding things in the air. Sissy and Beibei can't do it now, but it's the same... Sissy, look..." Ling Yun took out an apple and put it down like this. When it came to Sissy's palm, it disappeared!

"Wow! That's it, Papa loves me the most!" Qianqian kept looking at the palm of her hand, and felt it, and found that she could see an apple!

"Handsome Shushu, and Beibei, touch my palm!"

"Well, come here!"

Ling Yun repeated the same action and frightened them again. It seems that there is no pressure. Will every emperor be able to do it?

Sissy and Beibei looked at them, quickly covered their palms, and ran to study and play!
After finishing all this, Ling Yun said to Nan Shenzun, "Any news?"

"Emperor, it's strange to say that none of us old men from the demon race have caught any of them, and the trace of God of Thieves is gone!"

"As expected!" Ling Yun said lightly, this demon clan must have used some kind of secret method in the God Realm, otherwise it would be impossible to avoid the eyes of these old men!
"However, the star field battlefield is open!" Nan Shenzun said with a frown!
As soon as this Nan Shenzun opened his mouth, the Sea Emperor swallowed his saliva, Starfield Battlefield?

"Oh? Interesting! Do you have those forces?" Ling Yun smiled playfully, feeling that it would be no fun without him!
"Only two forces! We agree with them to solve it privately! We can't let them affect the normal operation of the Twelve Domains!" Nan Shenzun continued.

"What's the matter? Going to war?" Ling Yun shook his head, he couldn't figure it out, this is the starfield battlefield!
"The Star Palace and the Sword Sect, I heard that they are the ownership of a relic!" Nan Shenzun was speechless after finishing speaking. At the beginning of the negotiation, both sides refused to back down, just for this matter!

Sure enough, Ling Yun was speechless after hearing this, but he still thought of more, this ruin must have a lot of background, otherwise it would not be possible to trigger the star field battlefield!

"Forget it, you don't care about this matter, let them fight! This emperor sees if the power behind them can't come out!"

"Well, the rest of us think the same way, and the emperor..." Nan Shenzun mysteriously looked at the Sea Emperor and the others!
Ling Yun waved his hand immediately, let him speak directly!

Nan Shenzun nodded and said: "There is news about Hell Blood, the last time it appeared in the Taurus Starfield, the Yaozu!"

The Haihuang father and son were confused, but they still heard the blood of hell, and Qi Qi turned pale!
Ling Yun frowned, stopped talking, and said after a long time: "It's troublesome! My emperor has a headache!"

"Don't worry, Dijun, we will continue to investigate, but we are not sure if it is true, because we are afraid that it is some people's conspiracy!"

"Okay! The emperor knows! You go back, the emperor recently found out where the ancient Pluto is, and his hands are itchy, ready to fight him!"

With these words, it was not only the Sea Emperor and the others who were shocked, but Nan Shenzun, the ancient Pluto was actually alive, just as they thought!
Then the Emperor of the Sea broke into a cold sweat. Is this emperor going to single out Pluto?I don't know who is strong and who is weak!
Neptune's feet are weak, and he has been hearing about Pluto's deeds. Didn't he die in the battle of the gods?How could he be alive!

Recently, he also heard that the Temple of War God is planning to reproduce the Forbidden Code of Demons. Now that Pluto is still alive, can the twelve realms still be peaceful?

"Dijun, is this true? Where is that bastard?" Nan Shenzun said angrily.

Ling Yun has black lines all over his head. Could it be that he wants to say that that bastard is right in front of you?
"Ahem, you don't need to know about this! Just wait for the emperor's news!"

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he sent Nan Shenzun away. The old man was so happy, not only got the artifact, but also heard that the emperor attacked Pluto, he was very excited. This is a big deal. Go back and talk to his elder brothers!
"Papa, look quickly, the apple in Sissy's hand will disappear in the blink of an eye!" Sissy said to Ling Yun, she was performing a magic trick in her hand!

Now she finally understood how her father turned into an apple before, and when she knew about it, she was furious!
Ling Yun's acting skills were not bad, and he pretended that he didn't know anything to cooperate with her, but the little guy forgot that Ling Yun gave it to her.

"Aha, aha, Papa is so stupid!" Qianqian laughed, very satisfied with Ling Yun's performance!

She still secretly thought in her heart, go back and perform for An Qing, knowing what she is thinking, this scares Ling Yun, An Qing even suspects that there is something wrong with Qianqian's brain, and if she wants to perform for her, she will ask him to take Qianqian to see her psychology every minute And the doctor!
(End of this chapter)

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