Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 336 Grievance

Chapter 336 Grievance
Ling Yun laughed softly: "This is specially configured for this little pet!" He pointed to the demon blue butterfly!
Qianqian seemed to understand and nodded, then asked Ling Yun curiously: "Papa, that little piggy has no snacks, isn't it very pitiful!"

Ling Yun was speechless, didn't he say that this is not a snack?

"Ahem, the little piggy can eat other snacks with us, but the demon blue butterfly can't! Do you understand?"

"Oh!" Sissy nodded as if suddenly realizing it!
"This bottle is for you, feed it one day later! Remember not!" Ling Yun put the breeding pill into her palm!
"Yeah!" Sissy looked left and right, and after confirming that there was no one there, she sucked the pill into the space in her hand!
The demon blue butterfly flew back to her braid!
There was a shadow behind Ling Yun's father and daughter, walking slowly.

"Mom, what are you doing out here?" Ling Yun knew that Lin Qiuyan was coming behind him without turning his head.

"Son! I brought some food for my granddaughter, she must be hungry!"

"Thank you mom!"

"Hey, you said... Hey, no matter how wrong the child is, you can't hit it so hard. Sissy is so young, I feel so distressed, so I won't talk about it. Come back to eat early after dealing with it!" Lin Qiuyan hesitated to speak, I went back to the living room, and finally saw An Qing at the aquarium, I don't know what to think!
"Qiqian, eat, this is the meat your grandma picked for you!" Ling Yun specially emphasized the word "meat meat" and sniffed it.

"Wow! Fragrant!"

Ling Yun imitated the two of them, licking their mouths and making some noises!
Sure enough, Qianqian smelled it, licked her mouth and turned her head, opened her small mouth, and asked Ling Yun to feed her!
"This is a good boy, eat on time!"

Ling Yun was speechless after finishing speaking, his mother is serious, there is not a single green in the bowl, it is all meat!

"Papa, let's ignore Mama, okay!" Qianqian blinked with dazzled eyes, and her body was still a little twitching!
Ling Yun nodded, and became serious: "Well, we don't want her anymore, she hits Qianqian, and dad will help you find a stepmother someday!"

"No, no, Sissi doesn't want a stepmother!" Sissy became agitated immediately, hitting Ling Yun non-stop!
She felt that the serious Ling Yun didn't seem to be joking, so she made a fuss!
"Bad papa, Sissy doesn't care about you anymore! You are all bad!" Sissy cried!

Ling Yun said again: "Then tell me, why are you ignoring your mother?"

"She's bad!"

"What's wrong?"

"Hit the kids?"

"What about the kid being disobedient? Did he do something wrong?"


"..." Ling Yun's head was full of black lines!

Sissy sniffed, as if she had said something wrong, and she laughed all of a sudden!
Then he said: "Then, just ignore Mama for a day!" He tickled his fingers again!
"Okay, I can't forgive your mother!" Ling Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly!
Sissy lowered her head, as if she was thinking about it, An Qing finished talking with An Xiaoxiao, she was a little annoyed, what happened today was all caused by her!

When An Qing called, An Xiaoxiao immediately thought that An Qing knew about it, so she confessed!

"Cissy, come here!" An Qing waved at Cissy!
Sissy turned her head aside, curled her lips, and didn't speak!

"Baby, come here quickly? Mom shouldn't hit you so hard, I apologize, okay?" An Qing stretched out her hands, wanting Sissy to come over!
Ling Yun thought to himself, do you still know how heavy it is?Sissy's ass was red and swollen, no wonder she was crying so loudly!
An Qing looked at Qianqian shaking her head wildly: "Don't come here again, you are not good! You are not good! Be careful, mom will throw you away, pick another one!"

Every time I said this to Sissy before, she was afraid and ran over immediately... But after An Qing finished speaking, Sissy still didn't move!
After a few seconds, Sissy said: "It's not good for you to pick up another one, it was thrown away by others!"

"Puchi!" Ling Yun laughed and covered it quickly, then spread his hands, saying that he didn't teach this, don't rely on him!

An Qing's face turned black, this trick doesn't work anymore, who taught her this?If you say it, she will definitely not be beaten to death!

Qianqian hid at Ling Yun's feet, snorted coldly, looked at An Qing with a little vigilance, and thought to herself, she was so fierce just now, but now she is so talkative, how can she lie to the children?He must be trying to trick him, so fight again!
An Qing felt very regretful, this daughter was afraid of her, Ling Yun knelt down and whispered in Qianqian's ear, "Qiqian, your mother is sad, let your mother give you a hug!"

Qianqian looked at Ling Yun, then at An Qing, feeling that she couldn't bear it anymore, she trot to An Qing's feet, and called out: "Ma Ma, hug me!"

An Qing smiled through tears, and immediately picked her up and kissed her!
"Aha, aha, tickle!"

"You can't go out to play casually in the future, you know? Does your butt hurt?"


"Mom apologizes to you!"

"Yeah! Eat, eat!" Sissy smiled hippiely!
"Let your mother feed you!"

Ling Yun handed the bowl in his hand to An Qing and said.

An Qing put Sissy down and knelt on one foot, holding a spoon in her hand. She was very careful, and there was one mouthful that Sissy told An Qing to eat. This temper tantrum really passed.

"Ma Ma, let's go back and eat!" Sissy looked at them both, feeling embarrassed!
"Let's go!"


An Qing's heart began to thump. It seems that Ling Yun's mother is here. Will her performance just now make her hate it?

Everyone in the living room saw their family go in, and the atmosphere became active, especially Beibei.

"Handsome Shushu, eat, if you don't come, you will lose your share!"

The crowd burst into laughter!

An Qing was the most uncomfortable, being stared at by Brother Ling Tianyang, but fortunately she was holding Qianqian all the time, from her face, An Qing knew that they were from the Ling family!
There are still some dialogues, and it is confirmed that Ling Tianyang is Ling Yun's father!
The appearance just now probably gave the two elders a bad impression!
Ling Tianyang didn't know how their relationship was, so he criticized An Qing a little after the meal, and An Qing also accepted it, which made Lin Qiuyan laugh!

In the evening, everyone went to get ready. In the villa, Ling Yun and his family were talking. Of course, the naughty Bei Bei must be there!
The two of them are reading a book in the room on the second floor, that is the illustrated book!
"Sister, I have something good!" Sissy said suddenly.

"What good thing?" Beibei asked curiously.

"No, look..."

What appeared in Qianqian's palm was the feeding pill given to her tonight!
"I don't understand!" Beibei shook her head, what is this bottle?
"Aha, let me tell you, this is Sissy's little pet's snack! Papa gave it to me!" Sissy said in a childish voice, very happy!

"Snacks?" Beibei actually licked her mouth, and Sissy saw it, and wondered if she could eat it too?
But thinking of Ling Yun's words, he shook his head desperately and said: "You can't eat it, it's for Xiao Chong!"

Seeing that Beibei was still confused, Sissy poured out a feeding pill.

(End of this chapter)

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