Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 364

Chapter 364 The Death of the Sword Saint of the Four Seas

Over the Asura Corps, which was fighting with the ghost guards, a falling body struck, its tail was still smoking, they couldn't forget this thing, the deep pit next to it was still there! ! !

"Get out of the way, this thing is coming again." A Shura soldier shouted.

The members of the Shura Corps quickly hid away, and then watched from a distance.

"whoosh whoosh"

"boom boom"

The smoke and dust billowed, and the people on Onijima coughed a few times, staring at the launch site and the landing site without blinking!

The faces of the two teams were all black, this... why is the hole so small?This mighty Nascent Soul can't kill him, whoever shouted to avoid it just now, come out, and promise not to kill him, it must be an undercover agent sent by the other side.


The two little guys felt that something was wrong, and Qiqi poked his head out to take a look at the situation.

"Sister, it's not right..." Beibei was dumbfounded, why is the hole so small.

Sissy pouted, imitating Ling Yun and shrugging her shoulders, expressing that she didn't know, and even looked with a telescope.

"That's right, the old man said it all..." The sixth protector became cheerful now.

"Yeah, Grandpa Six really didn't lie to us!" Beibei nodded with a blushing face.


The two little guys apologized in unison, they shouldn't suspect that the six protectors lied to the children.

The six protectors were very comforting, the smiles on their faces never stopped, and they didn't hurt these two live treasures in vain.

Ling Yun is comfortable here, with barbecue and beer, sitting on a rocking chair, humming a little song.

"Haha, I laughed so hard. Brother Ling Yun, did you see that? These two live treasures are too cute, and why is the rocket not as powerful as the previous one?"

"It's just one piece. There are not enough materials to make it."

"Hey, I thought a few more would end this Shura Corps!"

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled wryly when he heard the words, how many more?This material is at a loss, it's better to use a few big moves!
Long Yanran was gnawing on the chicken leg, but fortunately she was smart enough to watch the show, this is the choice of a smart person!
There were bursts of sword light coming from a distance, it was too dazzling, Ling Yun swung his big hand, and the power of this sword technique was refracted all around the private room, bang bang bang.

Then two figures slowly appeared, it was the duel between the Queen of Ghosts and the Sword Master of the Four Seas!
"Brother Ling Yun, how old is this ghost queen? Why does she have such a poor voice?" Long Yanran asked curiously.

"How old is it, more than 4 years old!"

"Ah, forty...forty thousand..." Long Yanran swallowed with disbelief.

"It's all because she is too young. She was scared by bad guys when she was young, so she has always maintained this baby voice, and she is also a little girl with a story." Ling Yun said softly. For him, tens of thousands of years are just a nap. !
Long Yanran didn't dare to ask any more, because she was afraid that if she asked other people, someone with a few hundred thousand years would come out.

The Sword Master of the Four Seas stuck his sword in the ground, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at the ghost queen opposite him indifferently, with a mocking smile on his lips.

"Ghost Empress, abolish your cultivation, you are no longer my opponent, I have figured out your weakness!"

"The people of Guidao will never admit to being cowardly!"

The ghost queen's baby voice made Long Yanran cover her mouth and start laughing.

"Really? Then it should be over!" After the Sword Master of the Four Seas finished speaking, the ground under his feet cracked.

The Queen of Ghosts was also beaten to death and became more energetic. The Sword Master of the Four Seas didn't look like he was joking.

"Hey, hey, that little ant on the opposite side, just hit it if you hit it, don't make the smoke and dust billow around me, I can't even see what my daughter is doing." Ling Yun pointed to the Sword Master of the Four Seas, kindly reminded.

The Juggernaut of the Four Seas frowned. Room 324 was the focus from the beginning of the auction. Is the leader of their group the person wearing the mask in front of him? But isn't it too crazy to say that?Who is the name of the little ants?
"Hey, are you meddling in your own business?" The Queen of Ghosts didn't want to involve Ling Yun and the others, so she wanted to get rid of them. She didn't think that Long Yanran was the only one who could defeat the Sword Master of the Four Seas. After all, in her eyes, Ling Yun was just an ordinary person.

Long Yanran didn't even know what strength Ling Yun had, and she was still a little worried that she wouldn't be able to beat him. She knew Ling Yun was powerful, but she didn't know how good Ling Yun was, so she came to the Twelve Domains for the first time.

Seeing that Ling Yun still looked calm, the Queen of Ghosts was furious, and the Sword Master of the Four Seas laughed directly: "Queen of Ghosts, save your drool, this person's brain is probably not working!"

The Sword Master of the Four Seas could tell that Ling Yun was just an ordinary guy.

Then the Sword Master of the Four Seas continued: "I will let you die together, there is a companion on the way!"

"Sancai Sword Formation - Now"

"This empress, I will never retreat, boy, hurry up and go!" After the ghost queen finished speaking, she waved the long sword in her hand, and circles of sword waves formed a shield around her.

The Sword Master of the Four Seas' Sancai Sword Formation is divided into three magic circles, and shoots out sword shapes in the void, which is extremely destructive.

Not only did he despise Ling Yun's words, he rolled the smoke and dust around him, and he also produced so many dazzling lights.

The ghost queen basically helped Ling Yun block it in front, but it was a little difficult, and she kept retreating.

"go to hell!"

The Sword Master of the Four Seas shouted loudly, the Sancai sword formation flashed violently, and the number of virtual swords shot out was doubled.


The ghost queen couldn't resist anymore, the corner of her mouth was bleeding all the time, but she just didn't stop.

"If you have character, why bother!" Ling Yun sighed, what's so good about Ghost Island?You have to work hard for it!
Ling Yun could tell that if he didn't make a move, the ghost queen would definitely die, so...


The air in front of Ghost Queen was twisting, distorting the shape of the sword shot by the Sword Master of the Four Seas.

The mouth of the ghost queen is so big, what the hell is this?

The Sword Master of the Four Seas withdrew his sword formation, his brows were tightly frowned, thinking that the senior broke his sword formation?

"It's been a long time since I've seen disobedient ants, the Sword Master of the Four Seas, right? Do you regret it?" Ling Yun was unhappy, because he couldn't see what Qianqian was doing because of the smoke and dust just now!
"You?" The ghost queen gasped, trying to recover as soon as possible, and swallowed a few pills.

"Who are you scaring? After I kill the ghost, the next..."


The Sword Master of the Four Seas hadn't finished speaking when he saw Ling Yun walking in front of him. His eyes didn't respond, so he couldn't speak. His neck was stuck by Ling Yun, and his body was lifted in the air.

The back of the ghost was soaked, and he didn't say a word, staring at Ling Yun who was stuck in the neck of the Sword Master of the Four Seas, his legs were shaking.

The Sword Master of the Four Seas kept slapping Ling Yun's hand, but was horrified to find that Ling Yun's hand was in a state of nothingness. He didn't even have time to think about it. He felt pain, the zhenqi in his whole body couldn't fucking work, and his physical skills were ignored.

Ling Yunshi stuck his neck and then pressed down on the ground. There was a burst of light on the ground, and an explosion resounded through the sky.

A gust of wind blew past the Queen of Ghosts, and then she turned around abruptly, and found Ling Yun sitting on a chair, drinking a cup of tea. She felt like a dream, her scalp was numb, and now she was clenching her fists with her teeth clenched in fear. Facing Ling Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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