Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 398 Enemy Attack

Chapter 398 Enemy Attack
Long Jiani nodded when she heard Sissy said that she had run away. It seems that the god of robbers really came last night, and even stole the magic weapon of the big and small princesses!

"Auntie, did he steal it? Hurry up and help Sissy get it back, hoot!" Sissy shook Long Jiani's skirt and looked at her with tears in her eyes.

Beibei has been crying in Zhao's mother's arms, her voice is low, she must be tired!
"The little princess is really smart. We'll catch him later and bring him back for you. Be good and don't cry, okay. When you cry, Auntie will be in a bad mood!"

Sissy sniffed, trying not to cry, but couldn't help it, Long Jiani wiped her tears away!
"Jiani, who did it?" Xin Zhao exclaimed angrily, his sister actually knew who stole it, his grandma must not let him go!
Ye Fei was taken aback, why did this young lady cry so hard, it's just that the magic weapon is missing, at worst, let the adults make another one, anyway, it can be refined at will, and then he thought of the key, big eyes!
While looking at the unnatural Ye Fei, Long Xingtian piled up and asked, "Ye Fei, what's the matter, his face is so ugly!"

Ye Fei looked around and gave Xin Zhao a wink, Xin Zhao understood immediately.

"Hurry up and notify Patriarch, and go there after I deal with this matter!"

"Young one, let's report!" The guard bowed to Xin Zhao and Long Jiani, and then withdrew.

"Ye Fei, it's time to talk! What's the matter, look at this frightened face!"

Xin Zhao half-joked, still laughing out loud.

"Lao Xin, when I tell you, can you calm down about my surname and your last name!" Ye Fei still had the same unnatural expression on his face.

"Haha, okay, I will hold back my words to you!"

"Okay, I hope you can bear it!" Ye Fei nodded and continued: "Miss is crying so hard, I see her beloved ghost beads...!"

Then Ye Fei stopped talking, because Zhao Xin really couldn't calm down, he was completely dumbfounded, his mind was full of ghost beads and turned into a third eye!
"Fuck, Ye Fei, why didn't you say it earlier, it's over, it's over, brother Yun will definitely hack me to death." Xin Zhao kept walking back and forth.

Long Xingtian and Xu Le also grabbed their hair like crazy, Long Jiani didn't understand what happened to them one by one?
"What's the matter, are you all like this?" Long Jiani asked.

"It's okay, you can't help, you tell me who stole it, we'll get it back right away!"

"Uh..." Long Jiani thought, if you can get it back, the other party will no longer be called Thief.

Then he turned to Zhao Dao. : "Brother, it was made by God of Thieves, hurry up and get it back!"

"What? Stealing God, I'm going to fuck, this lingering thing!" Zhao Xin was about to explode when he heard the words. Last time, he stole the record crystal, which made him go to the Temple of War. Longhua and Ren No words, life and death are unknown.

Ye Fei muttered to himself: "The God of Stealing? I've never heard of it, so awesome?"

Then Zhao Xin briefly introduced a few things about Thief God, because Thief God is really mysterious...

Mrs. Ghost sighed, walked in front of Sissy and said, "Cissy, don't cry, godmother will help you get it back!"

After finishing speaking, he kissed her a few times, and watched her reluctantly for a long time.

"Wait a minute..." Long Jiani called to Mrs. Ghost who wanted to leave, and then whispered in her ear: "The God of Thieves is most likely in the Hanhai Kingdom, you'd better go there to find it! Be careful, it's the Temple of War God!"

Mrs. Ghost nodded to show that she understood, then glanced at Qianxi and Beibei, and went straight to Hanhai Kingdom without staying.

"I'll ask the Holy Church to inquire about it!" Xin Zhao left behind these words and left!

Long Xingtian patted Beibei's head, said a few words of comfort, and planned to leave. He wanted to buy a storage ring with Ye Fei again, and now he was waiting for Ye Fei.

A moment later, outside the courtyard, a sinister face smiled, it seemed to be Xin Zhao's father, Zhao Gang, he walked in...

"Jiani, Patriarch asked you to go there..."

This Zhao Gang raised his head and looked at everyone in the yard!

"Huh?" Long Jiani frowned. What happened to his father?

"I see, I'll pass later!"

Long Jiani noticed something unusual, and watched very vigilantly.

"Well, hurry up"

After Zhao Gang responded and turned around, a figure suddenly appeared behind Long Jiani. Long Jiani quickly swung a fist, and this Zhao Gang suddenly turned around and punched down on Mother Zhao's side.


"Mother, little princesses!"

"Damn it..." Ye Fei and Long Xingtian were blown away by the force, smashed into the wall, and fell to the ground, bleeding from their mouths.

Xu Le and Long Yanran relied on Zhao's mother who was closest, and Zhao's mother was unable to protect the two of them. She just tried her best to protect Qianqian and Beibei. She herself was seriously injured, and both Qianqian and Beibei were knocked out.

"Damn it, who are you?" Long Jiani became furious, and instantly smashed the figure, only to realize that it was a puppet.

"Haha, let's see how your Zhao family dies this time!" Zhao Gang looked up to the sky and laughed, seemingly very satisfied.

After the smoke dissipated, Long Jiani turned pale, and hurriedly shouted, "Enemy attack! Where are the guards?" Her father was not in front of her.

Her mother lay unconscious in the pit, and the little princesses were thrown to one side, also unconscious, but fortunately they were all alive, and she knew Xu Le and Long Yanran were already dead... They hugged each other tightly. together!
"Haha, exciting..." Zhao Gang's voice turned into a woman's!

Long Jiani punched him, not daring to be careless, for fear of being fooled again, the guards outside rushed in row by row, but unfortunately they were all scum, and they were killed with one fist.

The ancestor of the Zhao family came from the sky, followed by Xin Zhao and other elders, all of them were frightened by the situation in front of them, the ancestor of the Zhao family fell from mid-air again, something happened to those two little children, Hades will slaughter their Zhao family, right?He thought so.

"Damn it, damn, if something goes wrong, Brother Yun will be angry..." Xin Zhao was in a bad mood, he didn't fight the guard, but hurried to Sissy's side, checked, and found that she was fine, just After fainting, I breathed a sigh of relief.

But he still didn't calm down, because Ye Fei and Long Xingtian were seriously injured, and Xu Le and Long Yanran died, which scared him into a trance. Before coming here, he patted his chest to promise, now, accidents happen again and again, He is ashamed of Ling Yun.

"Old Ancestor, Great Grandpa... Stop him, don't let him run away, or his anger..." Long Jiani said angrily while hugging Qian Qian!
"Haha, wait, I said a few words and left. This is my appetizer for you, okay? Haha!"

"Who are you, tell me your name?" Xin Zhao's momentum changed, his anger was dead, and the ice came out!

He didn't think this man was his father!
"Me? Look again..."

This Zhao Gang covered his smile, his body shape changed, his appearance also changed, and he became Xin Zhao, but his eyes were fixed on the ice of the real Xin Zhao, and he said to himself: "It's terrible, it's really ice, Pluto is sure to die You have it!"

This made everyone dumbfounded, the two Xin Zhaos became the patriarchs of the Zhao family again after a short while!

One of the Zhao family elders suddenly said in shock: "You are, Lord of Thousand Faces!"

(End of this chapter)

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