Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 409 Top Medicated Bath

Chapter 409 Top Medicated Bath
Ling Yun didn't stop grilling, Qianqian shook him again, and helped him wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Wipe again... Qianqian is really sensible..." Ling Yun said with a smile.


Ling Yun made a rough calculation of the time, Blue Star has not been a day yet, judging from the past few visits to the Twelve Domains, the time has changed again, after staying in Aquamarine for three days, returning to Blue Star should be around five or six in the afternoon.

Taking them out this time was really not fun, there were a lot of accidents, Ling Yun felt sorry for her daughter, although they had a good time in Guidao, they were not peaceful.

The Temple of War is over tomorrow, let them have fun, looking at her eyes, Ling Yun nodded heavily, and said: "Sissy and Beibei can play for two more days!"


"Aha, aha, let's play tomorrow!"

Sissy laughed loudly and said, she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, Beibei was very excited, she had heard Sissy said that this place is more fun than Ghost Island.

Xin Zhao and the others can't wait to play for two days, they will be bored when they go back to Blue Star, everyone's faces are blooming, and Long Jiani can stay with Sissy for another two days, so she naturally smiles.

Mrs. Ghost was frowning, and she was going to say goodbye to her goddaughters in two days, so she couldn't bear it.

"Papa, I'll give you a drink"

Sissy put the milk powder in Ling Yun's mouth, Ling Yun shook his head and said, "Cissy, Dad doesn't drink this!" She felt embarrassed after saying that.


Qianqian insisted on asking him to drink without taking it back, Ling Yun opened her mouth to show some meaning.

Then he asked: "Why do you want to drink this for Dad? It's okay if you don't drink it?"

"No, grandma said, papa is not sensible..."

"Uh... What does ignorance have to do with drinking milk powder?" Ling Yun asked curiously again.

Sissy immediately replied: "You will become sensible after drinking..."

"Ahem!" Ling Yun coughed up all the powdered milk in his mouth.

"Haha, Qianqian, look at your father..." Long Yanran couldn't bear to look directly, Ling Yun's face turned dark.

Sissy pouted and continued: "The baby is only sensible when he drinks too much. Papa just said that Sissy is sensible!" Her face was not red and her heart was beating!

"Beibei is sensible now, Dad will give you..." Beibei also gave Long Xingtian a bottle of milk.

Xin Zhao laughed out loud, these two little fellows could make them suffer, and finally it was him who was no longer there, which comforted him a lot.

Ling Yun and Long Xingtian don't take it seriously, this is their filial piety, you single people don't understand, so just go envious!
"Papa, Sissy made a lot of money on Ghost Island..."

"Handsome Shushu, I also have a share!"

"Oh? How much did you earn?" Ling Yun was a little surprised.

"So many, so many, Sissy can't count?"

"One hundred... More than 100..." Beibei tilted her head and said, it seemed wrong, then she looked at Long Xingtian and asked, "Dad, how much is it? You can't lie to the children, you have to be sensible..."

"Xingtian, you have to be sensible!" Ye Fei secretly smiled.

"Brother, Beibei told you to be sensible..."

"Brother Long, be sensible..."

Several of them said to Long Xingtian like this, he can't do it if he is angry!
"Beibei, why would Dad lie to you? 1000 million, I'll give it to you when I get back!"

Long Xingtian even rolled his eyes to Xin Zhao and Ye Fei. He was asked to pay for these two tricks, but the spirit stones were divided together. The problem was that his storage ring was stolen again.

"Wow, there are so many." Ling Yun was a little surprised, pinching Sissy's face.

Qianqian just waited for Ling Yun to praise her, Ling Yun kissed her and said it was a compliment, and Qianqian curled her lips immediately.

"Curse your lips? How about letting me pet your heads more?"

Ling Yun let out a sigh of relief, and made a motion of touching his head. Qianqian curled her lips and let Ling Yun touch her, but it was just a normal stroke of touching her head. Qianqian was so angry that she imitated Ling Yun and scratched his armpit!
"Oh, it's naughty..." Ling Yun laughed and wanted to catch Sissy, but Sissy had already run away, she became smarter.

Long Jiani was fascinated by watching, this little princess and Pluto get along really well.

Ling Yun explained to Xin Zhao that they went to bed early after eating, and took Qianqian to take a bath. After playing for so long, they were sweating all over. If An Qing knew it, she would be angry.

"Sissy wants to take a bath... Papa is telling the baby a story!"

"Tell a story? Take a bath?" Beibei asked strangely, can I take a bath here?Eyes on Long Jiani.

Long Jiani understood right away, and immediately asked the maids to prepare the herbs, which was how they were prepared for the little princess before.

Ling Yun waved his hand, he didn't need these herbs, they were too low-level, so he grabbed them out of his space, and Long Jiani was stunned for a moment, and immediately recovered. In short, don't make a fuss when you see Pluto in the future, this medicine is rare In other words, it is still the top grade, none of which is less than 5000 years old.

How many spirit stones would it take to auction one, and only Pluto could be willful if it was used to bathe the little princess.

Top medicated bath...

After Ling Yun finished everything, the two little guys soaked in it, playing with bubbles non-stop, laughing loudly.

"Papa, we can talk about Journey to the West now..."

"Oh, you can listen again!"

While listening to the dialogue between the two little guys, Long Jiani was thinking, what kind of story is it, Journey to the West?Sounds mysterious!

Long Yanran was originally outside, but when she heard Qianqian asking Ling Yun to tell a story about Journey to the West, she immediately ran in, fearing that she would miss it.

"Sissy, before you talk about Journey to the West, can you tell Dad that you heard it last time?"

"Beibei knows!" Beibei raised her little hand like a student.

Ling Yun quickly nodded and said: "Beibei don't talk about it first, Uncle Kao Qianxi is here."


"Papa, I just remembered, I talked about it, I talked about it...I mentioned it last time... Monkey Sun will be caught making trouble with peaches!"

Sissy was not very happy after she finished speaking, because her favorite grandson monkey was caught.

"That's right, exactly, it seems that Sissy hasn't forgotten, that's good, let's continue talking tonight..."

"Papa, these two times you have to tell Sun Houzi to leave, have to say that he is invincible, and you have to defeat that bad old man who made alchemy, he is the worst." Sissy waved her small fist fiercely in the medicine bucket, and the water splashed. splattered.

Ling Yun's face turned black, and the plot was changed?Of course not, the novel is set by the author, if you are not satisfied, you can imagine it yourself, but Ling Yun thinks it is unnecessary.

So he shook his head and refused, and explained: "Sissy, every story has its own development, and those who listen to the story should follow the author's routine, and do whatever it is!"

After hearing this, Qianqian thought about it, and it seemed to be the reason, so she didn't ask for anything, she nodded a little embarrassed and said, "Then tell me quickly, Dad, it's best to finish telling the number of times the grandson monkey was caught... Then Qianqian You don't have to guess wildly!"

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this Qianqian actually paid attention to this ghost, it seems that if he doesn't talk about five episodes tonight, Qianqian will definitely not be happy.

Sure enough, as Ling Yun thought, Sun Houzi was abused in these two episodes, Qianqian couldn't listen anymore, she insisted on letting Ling Yun continue...

(End of this chapter)

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