Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

Long Yanran was helpless, it turned out that she had run out of photo rolls, so she had to take out her phone and asked Long Jiani to take a picture, hurry up and finish the photo, Sissy ran away again.

"Aha, sister, come to me..." Sissy shouted while running.

Ling Yun is standing on the tombstone in the center of the flower field at the moment. He has just finished setting up a few formations, and he has really turned this place into a taboo, and most people cannot enter.

It's not like Mrs. Ghost and Beibei didn't come in.

Sissy was still looking around foolishly.

This taboo is that monks over [-] years old cannot enter, and all cultivation bases inside will be suppressed to the Nascent Soul Stage, and must not be destroyed at will, otherwise divine thunder will fall from the sky.



These few sounds mean that some monks destroyed the flowers and plants and were struck by lightning.

"Huh! Papa?"

Sissy ran over with her short legs and saw Ling Yun from a distance.

"Sissy, why are you here?"

"Well...Sissy saw a lot of people coming, so she came."

"Hehe, why are you alone?"

"Auntie, auntie is gone... my sister is gone too!"


Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry, she was the one who abandoned Long Jiani and the others, and went to find Beibei by herself...

"Papa, what are you doing here? Are you really waiting for Sissy?" Sissy smiled from ear to ear.

Ling Yun shook his head, and didn't lie to her anymore, and replied: "Dad, think about it here!"

"Huh?" Sissy scratched her head, not understanding, with a cute face.

Then Sissy saw the tombstone and read the words on it: "Hua Xiyan"

"Papa, what is this?"

"Don't ask so many questions, kid, let's play!"

Sissy pouted: "No, no..."

It looks like I won't go if you don't tell me, it's so cute.

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it's better not to go, just stay here obediently.

Qianqian still couldn't bear it, and asked again: "Papa, what is this?" She pointed to the tombstone again, waiting for Ling Yun to explain to her.

Ling Yun smiled: "Oh, are you being naughty?" As he said, he wanted to scratch her armpit!
Seeing this movement, Sissy ran away, stomping her feet in anger.

"Qi Qian, why are you running so far? Come here!" Ling Yun waved at her.

Qianqian was afraid, so she would not be fooled, leaving Ling Yun speechless.

"Papa, are there monsters here?"


"Do you have pets?"


"The baby won't pass..."


Long Jiani and the others finally came, sweating profusely. It seems that it was hard to find this treasure.

"Qiqian, everyone told me not to run around!" Long Yanran was so angry that she searched for it for a long time.

"Then there is..." Sissy curled her lips, but refused to admit it.

"Aunt Long, have you seen my sister?"

"No, Beibei is not here!"

"Little princess, we've all seen it, but it's gone!"

"You don't need to look for them, they didn't come in." Ling Yun said directly.

"My sister didn't come in? Then I'll go and pull her in, this place is so beautiful!" After saying that, Qian Qian wanted to run away, how could Long Yanran make her wish come true, no, he grabbed her by the braid.

The angry Sissy pouted...

Ling Yun pretended to be angry and said: "Qi Qian, don't make trouble, if you are obedient again, I won't want you anymore."

Sissy was aggrieved and sat on the grass, ignoring everyone.

Qianqian was unhappy, and Long Jiani couldn't coax the two of them, mainly because she lost her temper and didn't speak, they were afraid that the child would be overwhelmed.

In the end Ling Yun sighed and threw out a token, it didn't make any difference, let Long Jiani go out and bring Mrs. Ghost and Bei Bei in, otherwise Sissy will keep making trouble.

Ling Yun knew it all, she just wanted to share the flowers and plants with Beibei and play around.

"Cissy, come here!" Ling Yun shouted.

"No, no..."

Long Yanran still tried to pull her up, but she just refused to do it, and muttered: "Bad baba, who wants to grab my feet again, so I can't be fooled..." After speaking, she pursed her mouth and turned her head away.

"If you don't come here again, Dad will beat you!"

"Bad papa, I want to tell Ma Ma that you bullied the children! Woohoo!" He rubbed his eyes as he spoke.

Long Yanran was stupefied, this Qianqian is playing tricks!

Ling Yun's face turned black...

Then he really walked over, lifted Sissy's feet with one hand, and slapped her buttocks twice, making her cry out in pain!
Long Yanran quickly stopped her and grabbed Ling Yun's arm: "Brother Ling Yun, what are you doing beating her? At least wait until she's older!"

Ling Yun looked at Long Yanran, could he still owe him?Wait until she grows up?

"Ahem, Sissy, Dad is playing with you. Who told you to be disobedient? Your mother told me that if you are disobedient, I will spank your ass. You can't blame Dad!" Ling Yun blushed. Jumping said, she pushed everything on An Qing, secretly thinking that it would be a big deal to go back to make up for An Qing, and let her bear the blame, anyway, An Qing has a dark history.

"Bad mama, bad papa!" Qianqian kept patting Ling Yun with her hands upside down, struggling unconvincedly!

Ling Yun smiled, and scratched and scratched at her feet!
"Aha, aha..."

Sissy suddenly burst into tears...

Ling Yun turned her around and hugged her, and said to her: "Didn't you ask me, what is this?" He said while walking, and pointed to the tombstone!

"Yeah!" Qianqian wiped her tears and nodded in response, looking at Ling Yun curiously.

"How about Sissy being her daughter, even though she's dead!!"

"Daughter? Dead?" Sissy grabbed her hair in a daze, the braids were messed up by her.

Ling Yun continued to say: "Yes, Qianqian is the most in need of a godmother, and I don't care about having one more!" Then he helped her re-comb her hair.

"Then! Then let her do it for a while, Sissi will be numb..." Sissy said in embarrassment, thinking how to pick another one?
Do it for a while?Ling Yun is embarrassed, can this be done for a while?Also speechless.

Then he explained: "Not for a while...just like Qin Lan, understand?"

Sissy nodded, but she had doubts, she asked Ling Yun, "Papa, what's her name? What's Sissy's name... what? Why did she die?" A series of questions came out.

"What's her name? Didn't Sissy read it out just now? Well! You can call her Mother Hua!"

"Hua Mama? But, where is she? Why is she gone?" Qianqian rubbed her head and looked around, but there was no one except Long Yanran who was looking at the flowers.

"Just die, Sissy just remember it!"

"Dead? Then Papa wakes her up! Okay, then Sissi can see her!"

wake?Ling Yun smiled wryly, he also thought about it...

"If you die, you can't wake up!"

Sissy is stupid, dead means falling asleep, doesn't falling asleep mean dead?You can wake up when you are asleep, but you can’t wake up when you are dead?Then why can her Aunt Long do it? At this moment, her mind is in a mess!
(End of this chapter)

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