Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 420 Reorganization of the Temple of War God

Chapter 420 Reorganization of the Temple of War God

Qianqian hugged Ling Yun's thigh angrily and said, "Bad papa... bully Yan Mama!"

Ling Yun's face turned dark, he didn't say anything, right?

"Okay, Yan Mama can say it, my daddy knows it's wrong!"

"Ahem!" Ling Yun still reminded him while being embarrassed.

"This... Sissy and Beibei... Godmother thinks... Forget it! You go and play!" Mrs. Gui finally didn't tell them, because it was a bit cold around, she knew that Ling Yun was threatening her.

Sissy pouted, and whispered softly in her ear: "Yan Mama, tell me!"

"Boom, stop talking, let's go play!" Mrs. Ghost waved her hand and let them go to play, but the two live treasures will not go now.

"Godmother, let me eat it for you." Beibei took out two apples, gnawed one by herself, and gave the other to Mrs. Ghost.

Long Yanran flicked her forehead, pretending to be unhappy and said: "Beibei will forget about aunt when she has a godmother, and it doesn't matter if she has food or not."

"Aha!" Qianqian directly covered her eyes, she couldn't bear to look directly at her, this babe was scared by Long Yanran, her forehead turned red.

"Bad aunt, I'm ignoring you!" Beibei protested angrily.

"Alright, let's go out..." Ling Yun turned around and said.

"Papa, shall we go catch little pets?"

"I won't go, I'm tired, Dad wants to go back to sleep."

"Handsome Shushu, don't you want to go?"

"No, sleep, sleep!" Ling Yun waved his hand.

"Then shall we go?" Beibei asked.

Ling Yun directly refused: "No, just go back to Zhao's house!"

Sissy and Beibei grumbled dissatisfiedly, Mrs. Ghost was holding an apple in her hand, secretly thinking that it was a life-saving thing, so put it away immediately.

After simply taking a few photos of Qianqian having fun, Ling Yun picked them up and went back to Zhao's house.

Ling Yun told the two of them not to go out to play, and went to sleep in the room.

Of course not to sleep, but to go to the Temple of War!

Sagittarius Star Field Pluto God of War Continent Temple of War.

This planet was renamed by Hua Xiyan, the whole planet is only one continent, so all the people living here belong to the Temple of War God.

Ling Yun's figure appeared in the hall, and the inside was empty, without the usual hustle and bustle.

"Who dares to break into the Temple of God of War?" The second protector shouted out of confidence. There are not many immortal emperors in this continent now, and the Temple of God of War exists in name only!
He was kneeling outside just now, and he already knew that the person who went to Aquamarine was dead, and even the palace master's life card was broken.

"You're the only guardian left?" Ling Yun didn't turn his head, and returned with his breath.

"Subordinate, pay homage to Lord Pluto!" The second protector knelt down tremblingly, quite familiar with this breath.

Pluto actually came, so he killed the Temple of War God?Is it also ruinous to come here at this moment?My heart trembled with fear.

"Get up, I will leave after a few words!"


"Call Longhua and Ren Wuyan over!"

"Yes!" The second guardian didn't have any doubts, no matter what he didn't have the strength to resist!

I wonder why Pluto called them here, they are all people who betrayed the Temple of War, and they are prisoners!

after a while

Seeing Ling Yun, Long Hua knelt down directly: "Master Pluto, Long Hua has let you down!"

Ren Wuyan on the side also knelt down with injuries all over his body, but he had nothing to say!

The eyes of the second protectors are all big. They seem to be working for Hades, which is embarrassing.

Ling Yun shook his head, looked at the seat on the high platform of the main hall, and then said: "Second Guardian, Longhua, inform the Twelve Domains that the War God Temple belongs to the power of this king, so there is no need to continue to hide it. Although the identity of the Hades is dead now, But who dares to commit the crime? Kill it with all your strength, and the Temple of War God will be taken over by this king! The most important thing is not to tell the truth that this king is not dead, whoever leaks it will end it on his own."

The second protector was shocked, and his heart was excited!
Is Pluto coming back?Unify the twelve domains?This idea popped up in his mind instantly, but he didn't even care about what Ling Yun said later, he wouldn't be so thoughtless.

Long Hua was also very excited in his heart, and thought to himself, if he still belongs to the Temple of War God, the Temple of War God will be more prosperous than before!
"The Temple of War God must change its previous style. It must be the early stage of the Immortal Emperor to absorb new blood. Remember that it is better to be short than to be indiscriminate!"

"Is this requirement too high?" Ren Wuyan asked.

Long Hua didn't feel that he and the second protector looked at each other and nodded.

Ling Yun ignored Ren Wuyan's words, and continued, "I won't bother with matters big or small. You can handle them yourself. What I want is that the Temple of God of War is always there!"


The three of them asked in unison and knelt down on one knee.

"If you have time, check the whereabouts of Hell Blood, Longhua and the second guardian should retreat first!"

Longhua and the second protector agreed and left, leaving Ren Wuyan with a confused face.

Ling Yun turned his head and looked at Ren Wuyan, his scalp was numb from staring at him, just when he was about to ask...

"I remember correctly, you are from the Wuhun Continent, right?"

"Return to your lord, yes!" Ren Wuyan replied sweating profusely, but he didn't dare to wipe it off, because he heard that Pluto's tone was not very nice.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm just asking, are you afraid of a ball?"

"Oh... I'm not afraid... I'm not afraid" Ren Wuyan tried hard to calm himself down, his injury was a bit serious.

Ling Yun didn't help him repair it either, and then continued: "Wuhun Continent, Wu family, do you know?"

Ren Wuyan thought for a while, then shook his head, Ling Yun asked again: "The Yan family?"

"I know, the strongest martial spirit family!" Ren Wuyan nodded readily this time.

Ling Yun chuckled softly and said, "I'll give you a task this time, to collect and sort out all the information about the two families, and by the way, also collect the history of that continent. Next time I come here, I will..."

"The subordinate understands!" Ren Wuyan nodded, his mind was full of why he wanted these materials.

"Protect the Temple of War God..." Ling Yun left behind this inexplicable words, and he left. When he disappeared, he left behind a jade slip that floated into the roof of the palace!

Zhaojialong Jiani's yard
"Sister, my daddy is sleeping..."

"Don't go, don't go, I'll be spanked!" Beibei replied a little scared as she rubbed her little butt.

Long Yanran told her that Sissi was disobedient and was spanked by her handsome uncle, if she and Sissy were together, next time they would be spanked together.

Sissy's little face was flushed, and Mrs. Ghost covered her mouth and smiled, and said to herself, "Hey, so cute..."

Beibei suddenly said to Mrs. Ghost: "Godmother, do you have something to say?"

Mrs. Ghost looked around, and summoned up her courage to say: "Well, Godmother wants to take you to Wuhun Continent, to see Godmother's house..."

This is what Ling Yun does not allow. Wuhun Continent is the most mysterious continent he considers, with a relatively high risk factor. He cannot let her daughter go with her.

Ling Yun could more or less guess the reason, Mrs. Ghost just wanted to help the two living treasures test what kind of martial spirit they had in their bodies.

The inability to cultivate in the Twelve Domains is no different from waste, and they are just mortals. This is what Mrs. Ghost does not want to be. She checked their spiritual roots before, and there is no one. That's why Mrs. Ghost thought of the martial spirit in her hometown. The soul walks the way of martial arts.

Before Cici's magic lightning ball, she attributed it to the power of the magic wand.

(End of this chapter)

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