Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 424 Ji Wuxue

Chapter 424 Ji Wuxue

As for Sissy, she was licking a lollipop just now. A three-year-old girl blinked at her and licked her mouth just like her, with these two braids tied on top of her head.

She is the twin emperors, Ji Wuxue!
No, stealthily hide for a while, avoid their sight and run over.

"No, here you are..." Sissy took out a lollipop and gave it to her.

Ji Wuxue didn't say a word, she reached out and took the lollipop, but she was embarrassed and didn't take it apart after a long time.

Sissy laughed and said, "Take it apart like this..."

Ji Wuxue still followed Sissi, and when she revealed the same color as Sissy, she imitated Sissy, aha, aha laughed.

Under a tree, two little guys were licking happily, and the kid didn't know how anxious Long Jiani was.

"My name is Sissy, what about you? Sister?"

Qianqian scratched her head and asked, it's been a long time, why hasn't she spoken?
Ji Wuxue shook her head, but still didn't speak...continue to lick the lollipop.

Under another big tree, three youths from the Demon Dragon Clan looked at Qian Qian and then at the portrait, their expressions gradually became excited, and their hearts became even more excited.

These three youths from the Demon Dragon Clan are Lei Ze's subordinates. When Lei Ze returned to the Dragon Clan, he drew a portrait of Sissi and ordered a few loyal subordinates to tell them the news about the future king of the Dragon Clan, that is, Sissi. took them.

It's not... so unexpected, it actually happened here.

When a few of them wanted to come forward to worship...

Two Tianhai Pavilion elders in long robes were talking to Sissi...

The one in the red robe is the elder of the outer sect, Elder Wu.

The one in the black robe is the elder of the inner sect, Elder Zhang.

Sissy licked the lollipop and looked at the two of them curiously. Ji Wuxue was a little scared and hid behind Sissy.

"Elder Zhang, do we want to take them all back?"

"Must, I'd rather miss it than let it go, what if one of them is?" Elder Zhang's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness.

"Then it's decided like this, little boy, come with us? Or should I take you?"

After Elder Wu nodded, he smiled at Qianqian.

"Are you bad old men?" Qianqian hurriedly backed away, knocking Ji Wuxue down.

Then she saw Elder Zhang's gaze, and Sissy pouted, knowing that they were bad old men, she got angry: "Don't come here, Sissy is not afraid of you, bad old men will be struck by lightning if they catch children!"

"Haha, the little boy is so humorous!"

Elder Zhang laughed out loud!
"How could you be struck by lightning?" Elder Wu couldn't stop laughing.

"Huh... Papa said, when you meet a bad old man, just say it!" Sissy pouted, not afraid at all.

Then he dragged Ji Wuxue away slowly.

The two elders were dumbfounded, and left?Stop it now!

"Little boy, don't blame me..."

"Oh! Bad old man, I hate it to death, Xiao Tiandao, chop them up!" Sissy got angry and pointed at them!

"Haha, haha, Elder Zhang, did you hear that, haha... I laughed so hard, Heavenly Dao? Would you listen to this little brat? I laughed so hard!" Elder Wu laughed loudly, covering his stomach, probably laughing It's so funny, after all, how funny Sissy's gesture language is when she said this.


Elder Wu was directly hacked to death, that's right, he was dead, the Nascent Soul was all black, this one was God-killing Thunder, extremely powerful, without armor, and without any preparations, Elder Wu just got his boxed lunch.

Elder Zhang's eyes were full of fear, he looked at Qian Qian, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Aha, bad old man..." Sissy curled her lips after laughing, secretly thinking that her father really didn't lie to her.

She looked at the fallen Elder Wu, his hair stood up, his whole body was smoking, and he didn't know he was dead.

Ji Wuxue at the back smiled and clapped her hands with a lollipop in her mouth.

Tiandao burst into tears... Being threatened by Ling Yun, let Sissy control it a few times, otherwise...!
"Slash you!" Sissy waved her little hand viciously while holding the lollipop.

This action made Elder Zhang swallow again, looked up at the sky, and said in his heart, was it an accident just now?Or is this little girl in control of the Dao of Heaven?

spell?Impossible, Xiaowa is an ordinary person, and there is no real energy fluctuation, which is what she said...

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, and then I ran away...

Qianqian scratched her head, she didn't have enough fun, she licked the lollipop, she didn't know what to think.

Although the youths of the Demon Dragon Clan watched from a distance, they still couldn't believe it. They looked at each other and walked towards Sissi together.

Sissy saw them with her own eyes, she was full of confidence and looked like a little adult.

"Subordinate, pay homage to the king"

Several youths of the Demon Dragon Clan knelt down together.

Qianqian scratched her head with a dazed expression, did she call her that?But she moved her big eyes smartly, and said in Ling Yun's tone: "You guys go and catch the bad old man."

Some young people look at me and I look at yours, but they don't know whether they should go or not.

The last leader nodded.

"Your subordinates obey." After speaking, several young people got up and went to chase after Elder Zhang of Tianhai Pavilion.

"Sister... let's go..."

Qian Qian took Ji Wuxue and walked slowly towards Long Jiani. Many monks had noticed the thunder just now.


"Little princess!"

Mrs. Ghost and Long Jiani were overjoyed, and finally found her, thanks to Beibei's guidance.

"Aha" Sissy stuck out her tongue at them in embarrassment.

"Going to be naughty again?" Mrs. Ghost supported her, and she was speechless to her.

"No!" Sissy hid in her arms, ticking off her little finger.

"Who is this kid?"

Long Jiani looked at Ji Wuxue, another cute baby, whose family?
"I don't know, Sissy picked it up!"

The corner of Mrs. Ghost's mouth twitched, did you pick it up?

"Don't ask so many questions, hurry up and meet Mr. Xu." Mrs. Gui hugged Ji Wuxue with one arm, and ran away.

Long Jiani shrugged, but she didn't know what to say when she saw a few monks pointing at Elder Wu not far behind.

After inspecting it with his spiritual sense, he didn't feel anything, probably someone was fighting, and then he left too, and the slaughter of gods was about to start.

Seeing Qianqian, Long Yanran was a little annoyed, and patted her forehead.

Sissy still had a playful smile on her face, making them dumbfounded.

"Sister, who is she?" Beibei and Ji Wuxue had big eyes to small eyes, and the two little guys were about the same height.

Qianqian shook her head, Long Yanran asked: "Sissi, don't tell auntie, you picked it up?"

Qianqian opened her mouth wide, and immediately replied: "Aunt Long, how do you know?" There was a surprised expression on her face.

Long Yanran knew this was the case, and replied calmly: "The roundworm in your stomach told me."

"Ah? Are there worms?" Sissy touched her belly and asked again, "Why are there worms?"

Long Yanran held back her smile and continued, "I've eaten too many lollipops, and there's also ice cream."

Sissy was dumbfounded, she crooked her mouth and shook Mrs. Ghost: "Yan Mama, is that so?"

Madam Gui watched Long Yanran wink at her, nodded and said, "Yes, I can't eat it in the future!"

This Beibei saw that they were being sloppy, and murmured while dragging Sissy, and then this clown started aha.

"Little baby, so cute, what's your name?" Mrs. Ghost couldn't help but kiss her when she saw the cute baby.

Ji Wuxue looked at them and shook her head.


Several people asked her in turn, but Ji Wuxue didn't speak. Mr. Xu immediately thought she was a poor child born dumb. Wushuang blinked and nodded, probably because she saw Sissy and Beibei eating a lot.

"No, here you are..." Sissy took out a peach and gave it to Ji Wuxue.

Beibei was chewing on it all, without taking her eyes off Ji Wuxue.

Ji Wuxue was not too polite, she was a little familiar with Sissy, so she took it and gnawed it, and she was so hungry that she would gobble it up when she ate.

When a man in black saw Ji Wuxue, he was very happy and pulled Elder Ji Er who was looking at the sacrificial altar.

Elder Ji Er was a little angry and said: "What's going on, don't you know that now is the critical moment? You can see the domain owner soon."

"Second Elder, it's a good thing. Take a quick look...over there...the Great Emperor is over there!" The man in black had an excited face and pointed to Ji Wuxue.


Elder Ji was overjoyed when he saw it, but then he was not calm. This is so dangerous. Neither of them can protect them, and the twin emperors are all finished.

(End of this chapter)

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