Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 436 Jiangbei University

Chapter 436 Jiangbei University
back to the villa
Ling Yun was busy with dinner, An Qing and Long Yanran helped them take a bath, it took a lot of time to take a bath, it was Ji Wuxue who fell in love with taking a bath.

Xu Le sorted out the information, he must recruit new people tonight, otherwise he would have to go to work tomorrow, neither he nor Ling Yun wanted it.

Lin Qiuyan and Ling Tianyang are back from playing...

Not seeing Qianqian and the others, Lin Qiuyan asked Xu Le, "Where are the three of them?"

"Going to take a shower."

"Why did you take a shower so early today?" Lin Qiuyan was curious, and walked to the bathroom while muttering.

Long Xingtian didn't know where he went, but Long Shi was here, and now he really planned to retire here, play chess with Mr. Qin during the day, and come back after dinner, life is leisurely and leisurely.

Ling Tianyang walked into the kitchen mysteriously, looked at Ling Yun's cooking and said, "Son, when will you find time to return to Ling's mansion."

Ling Yun's head was big when he heard the words, so he could only shake his head and refuse.

"There's been a lot going on recently, so let's be late."

"Go back and have a look, those relatives may be helpful to you!"

Ling Tianyang thought that Ling Yun was an ordinary person, and now he needed a backer to gain a foothold in Jiangbei, but he couldn't be his backer for the rest of his life, and the Bai family was still there.

So he is looking for a good way out for Ling Yun.

Ling Yun also knew his father's kindness, but he really couldn't reveal his identity.

But Ling Yun said, let him not worry about it, nothing will happen to him in Jiangbei.

Ling Tianyang smiled, and that's right, Pluto is in Jiangbei, and ordinary young masters in the alchemy realm would not dare to come.

So in Jiangbei, Ling Tianyang thought his son was still safe.

After taking a bath, Sissy was dissatisfied with the hairstyle An Qing gave her and lost her temper, but Lin Qiuyan couldn't coax her.

An Qing was so angry that she wanted to spank her little butt, but thinking of what happened before, she didn't dare to spank her again.

Ling Yun came out busy, muttered a few times, Qianqian laughed out loud.

An Qing asked with a smile: "Ling Yun, what did you say to our daughter, look at her!"

Sissy didn't ask for a hairstyle change anymore, she looked at herself in the mirror with a smirk on her lips.

Ling Yun smiled mysteriously, and whispered in An Qing's ear: "I told her... Sissy's hairstyle tonight is so beautiful, she's just like this!" After speaking, before everyone looked over, he kissed An Qing.

An Qing's face was red, and she thought to herself, is this okay?It seems that she really lacks experience and doesn't understand Sissi anymore.

after dinner

Qian Qian was waiting for Ling Yun at the door...

An Qing couldn't laugh or cry, could it be that her father wouldn't run away?

"Aha, aha!"

Qianqian waited until Ling Yun started the car, and dragged Ji Wuxue into the car.

Bei Bei in the back urged Long Yanran, but Long Yanran picked her up angrily, this Bei Bei wanted to take the toy car with her, it was definitely not possible, Long Yanran flicked her forehead and didn't know what Bei Bei was thinking.

Jiangbei University gate
Lin Yueyan waited and stomped back and forth...

Song Song on the side smiled and said: "Yueyan, don't walk back and forth, let's wait, isn't it time yet?"

"Stinky cousin, I'm so mad!"

Bird of Paradise stood quietly on her shoulder. It knew that Ling Yun was coming soon, so it said, "It's almost there, it's almost there!"

"Look, if you don't believe me, you should trust Xiaocai. You have experienced its sixth sense before. Brother Lingyun must be here soon!" Song Song said, poking the beak of Bird of Paradise.


There was a sound of brakes, and Ling Yun arrived. The exhaust gas made Lin Yueyan and Song Song cough non-stop, causing them to scold.

This is Ling Yun deliberately teasing the two of them...

"Smelly cousin, you are acquainted." Ling Yun smiled when Lin Yueyan saw it.

Ling Yun frowned and asked, "Why don't you look happy?"

Lin Yueyan was taken aback, the secret passage was discovered, she shook her head and thought it was impossible.

"No, I'm happy." Lin Yueyan concealed it, but how could she hide it from Ling Yun.

Needless to say, Bird of Paradise trembled.

Ling Yun, who knew what was going on, got a little angry. What a toad wants to eat swan meat. How dare he chase his cousin like that?
It's okay to chase, just be upright, Ling Yun is not angry, the problem is that guy actually threatened his cousin, the road is really narrow, the one who chased his cousin Lin Yueyan was actually Li Qingmin's younger brother, Li Qinghua!

After parking the car, the three little guys came down together. Song Song's eyes were so cute that he couldn't hold each other, they were so cute.

"Auntie, aha, Sissy is here"

Lin Yueyan pinched Qianqian's face, looked at Ji Wuxue and asked curiously: "Cousin, whose family does this child belong to, it can't be..." He covered his mouth in amazement.

"What are you thinking about, her name is Ji Wuxue, my friend's child, please take care of me for a while!" Ling Yun was speechless, why did everyone think Ji Wuxue was his daughter?Really that like?
"Okay, cousin, are you ready for the show?"

Ling Yun looked as if he had guessed it early, nodded and said: "I won't perform, let your niece play for me!"

"Oh why?"

Lin Yueyan can't wait, now her niece is famous.

"Your cousin, I plan to recruit some singers in your academy, how about it? Any suggestions?"

"Ah!" Lin Yueyan was dumbfounded, what kind of singer could there be in her school?
"Is there a problem?" Ling Yun asked, there is no need to make a fuss.

"Cousin, I advise you not to look for it in our school, there is no one with technical content!"

Ling Yun gave her a blank look, what does she know?

"Okay, you don't need to worry about it, take us in quickly, the party is about to start."

Then Lin Yueyan and Song Song took Ling Yun and the others straight to the backstage of the party.

Ji Wuxue was curious about the baby, looking around, her eyes were dazzled, it's so beautiful here at night.

"Look, it's a big and small princess!"

"that is true!"

"Why are they here?"

"so cute."

"Go up and take some pictures!"

"I didn't expect to see two cute babies here, no, it's three, the other one is so quiet, just as cute!"

Backstage, a bunch of female students surrounded the three of them and refused to let them go.

"Sister, don't pinch my cheek!" Qianqian waved her little hand angrily, becoming dissatisfied, her face was red and swollen from being pinched.

Lin Yueyan yelled angrily: "Go away!" As she spoke, she helped them pile up.

She is really angry, Sissy is not happy anymore, still pinch?Who do you think they are?
Beibei yelled angrily: "Auntie, play your violent female image!"

Long Yanran actually nodded and admitted, she couldn't stand it anymore, this group of female students are not sensible anymore.

As soon as he went up, he slapped the female student's hand off, and then said angrily: "What are you pinching? I want to pinch myself to give birth to a child, but I didn't see that the little princess was pinched by you?"

A group of female students are ashamed...

Sissy was still angry, feeling that her hairstyle was messed up, she must not be pretty anymore, her mouth was crooked and she wanted to cry.

Song Song didn't know what was wrong with her, and comforted her repeatedly: "If Qianqian doesn't cry, her little face will be full of tears!"

Lin Yueyan did the same, imitating Ling Yun to pat her head was useless, she looked like she really wanted to cry, she immediately stared at the group of female students, blaming them all.

(End of this chapter)

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