Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 449

Chapter 449

Seeing that both of them were unhappy, Long Yanran coaxed: "You two are obedient, let you be naughty? Brother Lingyun is doing it for your own good. We will buy ice cream this afternoon!"

The eyes of the three little guys lit up and they nodded in unison. They were so happy right away!
Ling Yun shook his head speechlessly, these are all snacks!
"Papa, Sissy is hungry!"

"Handsome sorghum? Is dinner ready?"

"Dinner, dinner!"

Long Yanran really has nothing to do with them...

With Ling Yun's nod, the three little guys started eating, not waiting for Ling Tianyang and the others.

"Little piggy, little tiger is not here, you should eat more!"

Qianqian gave the little piggy all the meat that Ling Yun gave her, which also made Ling Yun drunk.

Ling Tianyang and the others finally came back. Seeing Qianqian's toy car, they breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that they would run around. There would be too many people in the group. arrive.

Ling Yun basically guessed what Ye Qinghan wanted to pay attention to, he just wanted La Xiqian to be trained by the National Security Bureau, Ling Yun definitely disagreed, what a joke!Ability?hehe!

"Son, it's terrible, you don't know that Qianqian has awakened a supernatural power, just now..." Ling Tianyang said everything without hesitation as soon as he entered.

Ling Yun nodded and said, "Sit down and eat!"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, the plot was wrong, and they were still so calm when they heard the news?

Ye Qinghan was trembling when he saw Ling Yun, his back, Ling Yun's back, he couldn't forget that although Ling Yun changed his clothes, with his experience, this clothes just changed, after thinking about it, he became even more restless .

Especially the grove opposite the villa, where he was suppressed the first time he came, all the strange things happened here together, he began to fear, and discovered the secret of who Hades is!
Then Sissi is his daughter, and it is not surprising that she has powerful abilities.

The most important thing is Beibei, and the back just now, let him confirm that Ling Yun is the King of Pluto!
"Ye Qinghan, today is thanks to you, otherwise I'm afraid my old bones will go to hell!"

Mr. Qin said gratefully, and at the same time found that Ye Qinghan's face was ugly.

Continue to ask: "Ye Qinghan, what's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

"No, old man, I... I don't feel well." She said, trembling.

"Uncomfortable?" Longshi guessed that Ye Qinghan knew that Ling Yun was the King of Pluto, that's why it happened.

Qianqian heard that someone seemed to be sick, looked at Ye Qinghan, who was pale, and said to Ling Yun: "Papa, that sorghum suffers from kidney deficiency, can you give him an apple?"

"Eat quickly, this soup is almost cold!" Ling Yun refused to answer her words.

Then he said to Ling Tianyang and the others: "Dad, Mr. Long, Mr. Qin, and this guest, sit down and eat!"

Everyone didn't think about it anymore, they couldn't make up their minds about this matter, and Ye Qinghan was uncomfortable?Old Master Qin and Ling Tianyang didn't believe it, they were injured and were still carrying the corpse just now, so they were so excited to come to the villa.

"Oh!" Mr. Qin, who answered, couldn't bear it long ago.

Long Shi opened a bottle of wine and poured a glass: "In-laws, do it!"

Ye Qinghan remained motionless...

Ling Yun frowned, and shouted: "Sit down!"

"Ah! Oh!" Ye Qinghan slowly approached the dining table, far away from Ling Yun's father and daughter, just with Ling Tianyang.

"Wine! Smelly!" Sissy frowned and pinched her nose.

Long Shi felt a lump in his heart, but he forgot that Sissy hates alcohol.

Then he said: "Cissy, grandpa will finish drinking immediately!"

"Alright then!" Sissy still nodded reluctantly.

"Ling Yun touched her belly and said: "Qi Qian, why did you eat so little today? "

"I haven't eaten enough yet, do you want to drink?"

Ling Yun quickly shook his head, this might be a trap, he can't jump foolishly.

Beibei on the side asked with doubts: "Doesn't Shuai Shuai drink alcohol?"

"Don't Beibei know? Uncle quit drinking a long time ago!"

"I don't believe it!" Beibei curled her lips and replied.

"Papa, Sissy has wine!"

The little guy remembered the fairy wine she had photographed on Ghost Island, and his eyes turned gloomy.

Seeing Ling Yun humming, Sissy said again: "Papa, Sissy has wine, a bottle of wine and a can of milk powder, okay?"

Ling Yun rubbed his nose and smiled, why is this daughter paying attention?

The old man Qin came here these days just to drink Xianniang, Ling Yun nodded, let him do it, I guess he can have a sip later.

"Cissy, go to the kitchen and take it out. Daddy will exchange a can with you. Daddy has no money to buy a bottle!"

"Yeah!" The little guy happily ran into the kitchen, and after taking out the fairy wine from her palm, aha ran out with nothing in his hand.

Mr. Qin was excited just now, but now he is very disappointed.

"Papa, it's so... so heavy, Sissy has no strength!"


Ling Yun forgot that this fairy wine weighed more than five catties, and she couldn't move it without using that strength.

"Mr. Qin, the wine you want is in the kitchen, go and move it yourself!" Ling Yun doesn't know how to do it, this Mr. Qin must be the most positive when he hears it!

After hearing Ling Yun's words, Mr. Qin was so excited that he almost jumped up.

Ling Tianyang shook his head, it's not necessary, is it?Isn't it just wine?
Ye Qinghan looked at them, is this really Pluto?Why are you so casual and gentle?

"Haha, that's right, it's this wine. My boy, there's still such a big pot in stock!" Mr. Qin laughed loudly in the kitchen, and the aroma of the wine wafted out.

Long and lion licked their lips and shouted: "In-laws, in-laws, move out quickly!"

"That's right, old man, what are you doing in there?" Ling Tianyang couldn't calm down anymore!
After Mr. Qin brought out the fairy wine, everyone swallowed their mouths and secretly said good wine!
"Can't drink yet, can't drink..." Beibei jumped down and covered the mouth of the jar.

"This... Beibei, don't make trouble!" Old Master Qin said angrily, this is the wine he has been waiting for for a long time, and now he can't hold back the alcohol bug in his stomach, and his alcohol addiction has completely fallen.

"You can't drink it yet, especially grandpa!" Beibei still didn't let go, but Qianqian didn't know it, so she cooperated with Beibei and covered it together.

"Me? I... why can't I drink?" Long Shi asked, pointing at himself.

"Grandpa can't get drunk, you still owe us twenty cans of milk powder!"

"No...not right..." Sissy rubbed her head, this is not the right number.

"Oh, it's 21 cans!" Beibei only realized that there was one more can, and it almost leaked, her grandpa was dishonest.

"Haha, Beibei, Grandpa can't let this matter go, don't be in such a hurry, right?"

"No, you have to pay, let Shuai Shuai buy it later!"

Beibei shook her head, as if they were not allowed to drink without paying.

Long and Lion had no choice but to ask, "21 cans of milk powder, Beibei has a good memory!"

Long and Shi praised it, and asked, "How much is it?"

"Handsome Shushu, how much is 21 cans?" Beibei didn't understand, and turned to ask Ling Yun.

Ling Yun thought to himself, the two live treasures stole another 21 cans, it's terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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