Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 464

Chapter 464

After a while...

Sissy and Beibei are sweating!

In the end it was done, Ji Wuxue was all green!
monitor side
Long Xingtian and a group of technicians monitored it together!
"Assistant teacher, look at the start, the first one out is the Leopard team member!" A technician said excitedly.

Just now, their group of technicians was betting on which team would be out first.

Long Xingtian didn't care which team was the first to go out, he just fixed his eyes on his daughter Beibei.

"Ye Fei, what are they doing?"

Seeing the three of them squatting in the grass and unable to come out, Long Xingtian asked curiously.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Ye Fei gave him an angry look.


"Get down! Don't make a sound!"

Beibei is speechless... Can she be as quiet as Ji Wuxue?

Um?It seems that Ji Wuxue fell asleep?
Beibei shook her head, and sure enough she opened her eyes, yawned and said, "Have you eaten yet?"

Beibei is tired, can this get the first place?One knows how to giggle, and the other sleeps at critical moments.

"It's coming, it's coming!! Hush!!" Beibei reminded.

Sissy rolled her eyes, stood up and said, "I'm here."

Beibei and Ji Wuxue were struck by lightning, are they going to be wiped out?

The eyes of the three soldiers on the opposite side lit up when they heard the voice, and then they laughed loudly: "It's that kid, so cute, almost like my daughter!"

"Come on, get her out, that's not where they come from!" said another.


The third body was emitting red smoke, and was hit by Sissy and was eliminated.

"I'm going, quickly hide!"

"Concealment? They're all out!"

Then the other two were also hit by Sissy...

This is too embarrassing, they will never say that they were sent out by the children after they have discussed it and go out!
"Aha! It's fun!" Sissy laughed again, sighing that she was smart.

The corners of Beibei and Ji Wuxue's mouths twitched, is this fucking okay?
Beibei's eyes lit up, she called Sissy back to lie on her stomach, then threw Ji Wuxue out, fishing!

Not to mention, a few teams of dumb soldiers came over after that, and they were sent out of the game in an instant, with aggrieved faces...

monitor room

A group of technical statisticians were stunned. Almost all of them watched Sissy's performance. It was too damn heaven-defying. Although most soldiers looked down on them and suspected that they underestimated the enemy, they were really beautiful.

"Sister, Sissy is hungry!"

"I'm hungry too!"

The two little guys licked their mouths together...

Finally, I took a few pieces of chewing gum out of my pocket...

Qianqian looked at the monitor, her eyes rolled and she wondered what this was?Long so strange?Camera?It's not like, it's too different from what she remembers.

Ye Fei had a bad feeling seeing Sissy staring at the monitor.

Sure enough, he still felt very accurate, only to see Sissy took out her gun and shot at the monitor.


The monitor lens can't see clearly, they can't be seen at all, and there are a few around...

etc?How many more?Ye Fei's face turned black, and Sissy was facing the next one!

Afterwards, the surrounding monitors were also sent out by her.

"Aha, Sissy is the smartest!"

This kid had a great time playing, so he lay down and took out his pocket again. There were biscuits!

Both Beibei and Sissy had their stomachs full and forgot about Ji Wuxue.

Ji Wuxue was digging mud outside, not knowing that the two of them were eating.

"Where's Xiaoxue?"

Beibei rubbed her head, she seemed to have forgotten something.

"Sister Xiaoxue!"

Sissy is different, when she finds it is missing, she yells!

This did not attract another group of soldiers.

When Ji Wuxue heard Qianqian calling her, she hurried over, her little mouth beeping.

"Haha, no!" Beibei was embarrassed, because she forgot about her just eating biscuits, so she had to take out a lollipop and give it to her.

This team of three soldiers, A, B, C!

None of the three are ordinary people like before, they are special forces, and they have participated in the Beijing special forces Wang Dabi in previous years.

It can be said that they are experienced veterans. As soon as they came here, they felt that something was wrong. The leaves had a red powder mist, which meant that someone was out here, and there were too many, which meant that there was an ambush here!

There was a sound just now, but now it's quiet, they all hid themselves immediately, confronting Sissy and the others!

Are waiting for the opportunity!
Let's see who can't stand it first!
Qian Qian and the others were also in a daze, there was a figure just now, why didn't they come out now?Peekaboo?
half an hour later
Sissy asked in a low voice, "Sister!"


Beibei ignored her, now is the critical moment!

Sissy thought of a ghost idea again!
"Aha, come and catch me!" She was lying on the ground, looking up to the sky.

Beibei and Ji Wuxue waited on both sides, watching each other vigilantly.

The special soldier A on the opposite side said: "It's a false alarm. It seems that they are gone, and the kid is here!"

B frowned, feeling something was wrong and unable to speak out.

"Shall we go out and have a look?" C suggested.

I only saw B pointing, let A go up and touch the situation!

Special soldier A walked out cautiously, and asked in a low voice, "Kid? Where are you?"

"Sissy is here! Here! Come and catch me!"

"Okay, uncle will come over right away!" A smiled happily, he is just a kid, why should he be so cautious?

Then they walked to the grass where Sissy and the others were lying on their stomachs.


As soon as he went in, two guns were pointed at his head, scaring him to raise his hand and surrender.

He can't believe everything in front of him, kid?You're a liar, the tricks are really deep, I've been with them for a long time, so it turns out that they gave away the ones who were eliminated before?Incredible.

Waiting for the two special forces on the opposite side is not an option. A has been away for so long and hasn't come back yet. What's going on?
"Look... there's movement!" Special soldier C grinned.

A hand stretched out from the opposite side, signaling them to come over, this side is safe!
B and C relaxed their guard, and after being vigilant for four weeks, they walked towards Sissi!

As a result, they were captured by the regiment!

Looking at the angry eyes of B and C, A bowed his head in embarrassment, he didn't do this, but unfortunately he can't speak now, he can only do sign language!
After knowing what was going on, they also twitched their mouths. Was that a fake hand just now?I want to cry but have no tears. I was played by the children, and I have no face to see others.

Bei Bei shot them one by one, cheerfully sent them out, giving Sissy a thumbs up.

Another ten minutes passed

The little guy was lying down and singing, and a song called "Gourd Baby" sounded all around...

But it didn't attract anyone!
Sissy stretched out her small hand and took out the feeding pill. The monster blue butterfly on her hair immediately flew to her hand, opened her mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

Beibei's eyes lit up, and she thought again...

"Xiaobai, fly up and help us find the knife!" Beibei poked its wings and said in a childish voice.

(End of this chapter)

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