Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 467 Stubborn Sissi

Chapter 467 Stubborn Sissi

trap?Certainly not, Sissy just wanted to ask him what she wanted, to be cute and coquettish!
But Wang Xiaoming doesn't like this...

"Hmph!" Beibei pouted, looked at Wang Xiaoming, and thought to herself, "If you don't give it, Sissy is crying."

"Little..." Just as he was about to speak, Wang Xiaoming covered his mouth again and stopped talking, almost forgetting that he was out!
It's so frustrating...

"Sorry, I'm sorry, Sissy needs it very much."

With tears on her face, Qianqian was holding a knife and talking to herself, while Beibei and Ji Wuxue were pulling her, she couldn't tell how happy she was laughing in her heart, got it!
Ye Fei's expression darkened suddenly and he said to Long Xingtian, "No.1 has been taken!"

"Ah, then...then...Cici and the others just..." Long Xingtian said hesitantly.

"No way, I don't want to!"

"You, I said you don't know how to hide it better? Now that's all right, let those bastards find the black one!" Long Xingtian beat his chest and stamped his feet, despising Ye Fei with a look of hatred for iron.

And the latter shrugged his shoulders, he also thought, the problem is that Pluto has repeatedly explained, it can't be too complicated, the previous few hid him deeply, and the black knife was thrown casually!

"No, here you are!" Sissy shared the sweets when she was happy, lollipops one by one, and followed the demon blue butterfly in the sky.

Ji Wuxue didn't want it, she shook her head, all she could think about was milk powder.

The demon blue butterfly brought them to a pool...

"Haha, let's play with water!" Beibei clapped his hands.

The golden knife is under the pool, and they don't know it!
That's right, Sissy's Demon Blue Butterfly went looking for the knife, and Beibei's is leading the way, no matter where the knife is!
In the monitoring room, when Ye Fei said that the golden knife was underwater, everyone rolled their eyes at Ye Fei.


How can they get it?
I secretly prayed in my heart that nothing would happen, don't play in the water, I'm sure I can't swim at such a young age!
Sissy pursed her lips and looked around, while Ji Wuxue started playing with the water.

I was having fun playing, but no, I slipped and fell into the water.

"Cough cough, ah cough cough!"

Ji Wuxue didn't swim yet, she was struggling in the water!
The monitoring room was in chaos, Ye Fei finally said, let them calm down...

Beibei calmly took a small wooden stick and pulled it, leaving everyone speechless.

Sissy was so courageous, she walked to the water's edge and pulled it, her small hands were not long enough!

Then she slipped and fell again...


Sissi happily swam twice underwater...

Surveillance officers were so shocked that their jaws straightened!
Ji Wuxue trembled and hugged Qianqian, she was scared, Beibei also jumped down and grabbed Ji Wuxue, said: "Let you be playful!" Still acting like an adult, he flicked her forehead like Long Yanran.

Ji Wuxue is wronged, didn't she say she was playing with water?


Sissy laughed from ear to ear!

Because she saw a knife underwater!

What a surprise!
"Sister, under the water... Under the water! Knife!" Sissy was so excited that she was incoherent.

"Haha!" Beibei laughed too, and finally found another one.

Back to the shore... The three little guys were not wet, and they took fruit out of their pockets.

The monitor is all black...

Ling Yun did it!

He didn't want the surveillance personnel to discover too much of their secrets.

At the same time, in the monitoring room, after Ling Yun's spiritual sense called Ye Fei and Long Xingtian out, a golden dandelion suddenly floated down from the air, erasing their memories just now.

They got the third and fourth pocket knives.

Right now there is only the second one left and no one has found it, and the time is almost up, there are still more than ten minutes.

Ye Fei and Long Xingtian were also worried for them.

Their hope of going to the Wuhun Continent seems to be getting slimmer, No. 1 has been taken by others.

"Sister, woohoo!" Sissy heard what the Six Guardians said to her.

Time is running out!

"Cissy, be good, my sister will give you all the delicious food, and I'll give you ice cream too!" Beibei comforted, but she was also very sad in her heart.

ice cream?Ji Wuxue stuck out her tongue and licked her mouth: "Give it to me, Beibei?"

"No, no!" Beibei shook her head...

Ji Wuxue said again: "Xiaoxue is rich!"

"Woohoo!" Sissy knelt down and hugged her feet, ignoring everyone.

Both Ye Fei and Long Xingtian were worried that she would lose her temper, what if she fell to the ground?
There is a sound in the sky!

It's a red flare!
The military exercise is over!
Ye Fei was the first to go in and take them out!
"Miss, shall we go out?"

"No, no..." Sissy shook her head with red eyes.

"Sister, go out and buy ice cream!" Beibei patted her head.

"Well, buy ice cream, it's a lot, aha!" Ji Wuxue also knew that Qianqian was unhappy, so she coaxed her.

"Yes, I'll let them buy it right away!" Ye Fei said.

"Don't...don't...Sissy needs a knife, Xiao Lanlan said, there's another one!"

Sissy still refuses to...

Ye Fei secretly thought, even if you find it, it's useless!
"Sister, no, the game is over!" Beibei said with a curled lip.

These words made Qianqian even more sad, not only her eyes were red just now, but now she was crying.

The elder sister Ji Wuxue was very caring, she wiped her face with a tissue.

Qianqian slapped Ji Wuxue's hands, she really lost her temper!

Then one stomped his feet and ran away!

Ye Fei was startled, and said, "Beibei and Xiaoxue, you two stay here well, I'll bring Miss back, don't run around!"

Sissy kept running with her short legs, following the demon blue butterfly in the sky, she still didn't give up.

Ye Fei just followed, he knew it, and it was useless for anyone to go up in this situation, unless it was Pluto.

And the Heavenly Demon Sword in Ye Fei's body yawned, just woke up, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Baby boy! Ye Fei, you should teach her a lesson! Whose? Ye Fei, you bring the baby?"

"Shut up!" Ye Fei yelled viciously!

"Really, let me just say, there's no need to be so angry." It was the first time Tian Mojian saw Ye Fei angry.

Pluto is his idol, and his status is much higher than that of Tianmojian!
Ye Fei was so irritable that the Demon Sword was still beeping this day, asking questions!The most annoying!
Beibei and Ji Wuxue didn't know how to listen, they followed by themselves, but the distance was too far, so they came back again.

The little guy walked through the mud pit, got dirty, climbed a small mountain road, and his hands were worn out.

My feet hurt too, but I kept moving forward, wiping away the tears of grievance, one step at a time.

Ye Fei couldn't bear to watch it anymore, and wanted to go up and hug her and fly to the golden knife's hiding place.

more than five minutes later

"Papa, Sissy found it!"

Sissy wiped her eyes again, her small mouth was crooked, her hands were bleeding from grinding, it hurt!
Seeing the golden knives in front of her eyes, Qianqian laughed again, the previous grievances seemed to be worth it.

This knife was put in a rock by Ye Fei, and he stuck it straight in, but the little guy couldn't pull it out, so he directly sucked the rock into her palm, and sighed secretly that she was smart.

"Miss, I got the knife too, let's go back!" Ye Fei laughed, this Sissy smiles beautifully at the moment, he also wants a cute baby!
Sissy nodded, feeling very happy in her heart!

(End of this chapter)

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