Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 472 is up

Chapter 472 is up
This scene made Scar's gangsters unbelievable, their leader, Brother Scar actually succumbed.

In their eyes, Brother Qiang dare not shoot, he has no courage, and Brother Scar is a member of the gang leader, or his cousin from afar, Brother Qiang must look at the Buddha's face if he doesn't look at the monk's face.

Fact they were wrong...

At this moment, Brother Qiang is going to kill Scar!

Even if he is questioned by the gang leader Xingshi in the future, he still thinks it's worth it.

kill him!
It's better than everyone in the Wild Wolf Gang being slaughtered by Ling Yun.

He is not that righteous, but he has to, because he has subordinates, the brothers who are loyal to him, and his brother-in-law, so many lives are at stake.

"Brother Qiang... I was wrong... I was wrong!" Scar didn't finish his begging for mercy...


With the sound of a gunshot, Long Jiani covered the ears of Qianxi and Beibei. The three of them were all focused on eating ice cream and didn't know what happened. Snacks!
"Scar, don't blame me!"

Brother Qiang finished shooting, looked around, saw nothing happened, and let out a big breath.

Secretly, this matter should be resolved, right?
The onlookers all ran away, and no one thought that Zhang Ziqiang would actually shoot.

Scar was shot in the middle of the eyebrows, Brother Qiang was good at marksmanship, he was killed with one shot, and the dead couldn't die again.

"Brother Qiang, please forgive me!"

The few gangsters who followed Scar were so frightened that they begged for mercy.


It's all in vain!

They too are guilty and must die!
"You guys stay with Scar, and go on the road!" Brother Qiang said lightly.


"Bump bump bump"

Xiao Chen and the others seemed to be veterans. Brother Qiang immediately understood with a wink. Right behind them, a few wine bottles were beaten to death.

The fat man was trembling with fright, this business could not go on, and he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"You guys dispose of the corpses and keep them away from the little princess." Brother Qiang directed.

Xiao Chen said to Brother Qiang worriedly: "Brother Qiang, what... what should I do? Paper can't hold fire!"

He thought Brother Qiang was doing this to destroy the corpse!

Unexpectedly, Brother Qiang said: "Xiao Chen, you guys go away, I want to wait here for the police to come, I never thought of running, just now some people called the police!"

After finishing speaking, I sighed for a while. I wanted to live for a few more days, but now it's all right...

But it's okay, it's better to be caught by the police than to be killed by the gang leader!

Xiao Chen couldn't stop him a few times, and one or two brothers immediately said that they would help Brother Qiang to take the blame, but Brother Qiang still shook his head. .

This time, Brother Qiang thought that Sissi was the only child here, so he only bought five ice creams...

The little guy and Beibei had just finished licking one, and Ji Wuxue had already started to lick the third one.

"Aha!" Ji Wuxue laughed while eating, this time it's okay, it's not her watching Sissy eat ice cream anymore.

"Little princess, I've taken care of everything, take your time!" Brother Qiang could barely squeeze out a smile at this time.

"Thank you Xiaoqiang, you have to be good!"

Sissy looked like an adult, and her tone was very serious. After licking her mouth, she said, "Buy five more!"

The corner of Long Yanran's mouth twitched, five more?

Brother Qiang is in a dilemma, he can't leave, but he has no choice but to let Xiao Chen and the others buy it for him.

"no need!"

Long Yanran said coldly, and stopped them.

The three little guys pouted together.

"Thank you very much for helping us, seem to have caused trouble!" Gao Feifei frowned. The police came, but they didn't run away?Why?My mind is full of questions.

"You're welcome, it should be!"

Brother Qiang smiled wryly...

The police came soon. First, they checked the cameras in the store, but found a blur. Brother Qiang and the others have done a lot of things, so they will leave this clue?

After a brief interrogation, take away the murderer, Brother Qiang!

"Shu Shu, what are you doing?" Sissy asked a policeman.

"Hehe, so cute, what's the kid's name? Uncle is a policeman, and he's catching bad guys!" Wang Zhigang squatted down, smiled at Sissy, and first stretched out his hand to grab her braid.

Then he pinched her cheek again, and he couldn't put it down.

"Catch the bad guy? Then? Where is it?" A look of excitement appeared on Qianqian's face, and she jumped up excitedly, which startled Wang Zhigang. Why is this child so excited.

"Kid, don't jump, the bad guy was caught by uncle, it's him!"

Wang Zhigang pointed to Brother Qiang next to the police car.

"Shu Shu, you caught the wrong one, Xiaoqiang is not a bad guy!"

Sissy grabbed Wang Zhigang's thigh to explain, her little mouth pouted, she was really pretty!
Wang Zhigang stood up and patted her head, but he stopped explaining to her.

Seeing that Wang Zhigang ignored her, Sissy babbled again: "Shu Shu, I caught the wrong one, Xiaoqiang is not a bad person!"

cockroach?Wang Zhigang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, isn't it Zhang Ziqiang?
This kid called the strong brother of the Wild Wolf Gang Xiaoqiang!

"Little friend, you have identified the wrong person!" Wang Zhigang suppressed the shock in his heart, and didn't want Sissy to continue talking, lest Zhang Ziqiang would retaliate when he heard her call him Xiaoqiang.

He knew that Brother Qiang hated being called Xiaoqiang the most.

"No, no..." Sissy shook her head with an expression full of grievances.

At this time, Sissy ran up and stopped a policeman to catch Brother Qiang into the car.

How could Sissi be caught by the police, she didn't get the ice cream, besides, in her eyes, brother Qiang was a good person, unlike others who knew how to bully them.

"Little princess, what are you doing?"

Brother Qiang asked curiously, confused, what was she doing to stop the police?

"Xiaoqiang, Sissy wants to eat ice cream!"

The little eyes blinked and looked at him!

"That, that... you can eat it right away!" Brother Qiang smiled slightly, he didn't listen to Long Yanran, and asked Xiao Chen to buy it.

Long Jiani walked over, hugged her, and said, "Little princess, don't make trouble, they are bad people!"

The little guy beat Long Jiani and said loudly: "No, no, Xiaoqiang is not a bad person, they are!"

The little guy pointed to the policemen...

Wang Zhigang couldn't believe it anymore, they knew each other, and Brother Qiang didn't seem to dislike being called Xiaoqiang.

Long Yanran on the other side couldn't stand it anymore, what is Qianqian going to do?
Then she took out her mobile phone and called Long Xingtian. Long Xingtian on the opposite side thought something happened to them, and was covered in cold sweat from fright.

Fortunately not, but since he was helping Qianqian and the others, then Zhang Ziqiang should know Ling Yun. If so, he would not be allowed to enter the police station.

Long Xingtian, who knew the cause and effect, made a phone call to the Chief of Jiangbei Police Station.

After calling one after another like this, Wang Zhigang obeyed the order from above and asked Zhang Ziqiang to be escorted to Jiangbei Military Headquarters.

The few policemen who gathered together were secretly startled. This beautiful woman has such a big background, but luckily they didn't show any embarrassment when they made the statement just now.

Long Yanran called Long Xingtian in front of them, so everyone heard it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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