Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 480 The Jiang Family

Chapter 480 The Jiang Family
Sissy opened her mouth and said, "Mama, Sissy wants ice cream, strawberry... strawberry flavor!" in a childish voice.

"What?" An Qing thought she had heard wrong!ice cream?Brought back from Bali?
"I want ten!"

"Okay, Dad will take it back for you!"

Ling Yun directly agreed, An Qing still can't figure it out, how to take it?
How to bring it?Ling Yun whispered in her ear: "Go back to Jiangbei to buy it, she has never eaten ice cream in Bali!"

This... An Qing was speechless, it seemed quite reasonable.

Hearing Sissi's lazy voice, An Qing asked again: "Is Sissi still awake?"

"No, Sissy got up, and... drank grandma!"

The little guy said without blushing and without beating his heart.

At this moment the door opened.

Long Jiani smiled and said, "Little princess, it's time to get up, the sun is shining on your ass!"

"Eh!" An Qing's hair was full of black lines over there, so she didn't get up, and she said it so seriously.

"Aha, aha!"

When she was discovered, she smirked, not embarrassed at all.

"Cissy, get up quickly, hang up if you have nothing to do, mom is going to play!"

"Bad Mama!"

The little guy was furious, and heard An Qing say that he was going to play.

It's a pity that An Qing has already hung up and can't hear her.

It must be fun to play with her father, that's what Sissy thought in her little head.

"Little princess? Why are you in a daze?" Long Jiani picked her up and dressed her up.

"Auntie, let's secretly go to your house to play? OK?"

The little guy has been in the villa for the past two days, so he didn't go there, he was bored to death.

Long Jiani refused: "No!"

The little guy curled his lips: "Are you okay?" He clasped Long Jiani's neck and kissed her on the cheek, so cute and coquettish!
Long Jiani still refused, she can't make the decision, Pluto will crush her to death if he doesn't see the little princess when he comes back, let's talk about what to do if something happens there.

Ji Wuxue can't go back to Jade Mercury.

The little guy didn't know the reason, and said coquettishly again: "Auntie, let's go to Wuhun Continent!"

"Wuhun Continent?" Long Jiani frowned!
She doesn't even know where the Wuhun Continent is, how could the little princess know?
This is the first time I heard it from Ren Wuyan. Could it be that Pluto took her there?

The little guy continues to seduce!
But how could Long Jiani eat this set.

"Little princess, when will Pluto come back?"

"Papa? I'll be back tonight!" The little guy was happy!
"Then we can't go!"


"If we go to play, the little princess won't see Hades come back tonight!"

"Huh?" The little guy tilted his head, as if it was oh!
First floor

As soon as Qianqian came out, Long Yanran immediately handed over a bottle of milk powder.

Guilt ah!
Qianqian's breakfast was gone, and Long Yanran didn't make it, because she made it yesterday, so she was disgusted.

The little guy happily sucked grandma, didn't notice it at all, maybe he disliked breakfast.

Da Jinya is bragging at the moment, that is, talking about some of his previous experience of tomb robbery, most of which are his bragging.

But that's it, the three little guys listened with gusto,
"Three children, are you interested in playing chess with grandpa?"

Longshi asked with a deep expression on his face.

Seeing their indifference, Long Shi said again: "Go out with grandpa and have ice cream!"

The three little guys looked at each other!

Long Yanran walked over and grabbed Longshi's beard: "You three, stay in the villa obediently today and learn to dance!"

"Haha! The beard is almost gone!"

The three little guys laughed.

Long Shi only had a few beards left, so Long Yanran simply pulled them all out, making him disrespectful and spoiling children.

"Grandpa, do you really have ice cream?"

"It's not a lollipop, is it?"

"Of course not, don't worry, go out with grandpa, you can buy whatever you want!"

Long and lion continue to tempt them, with such good conditions, if you don't believe them, they won't go!

no!Long Yanran can't let her father take them out, she has to stay in the villa today, dance, and miss her homework.

"Sissy, Aunt Long will also buy ice cream for you, and we will play games with you, what good is going out with this bad old man!"

Hearing Long Yanran's words, Long Shi angrily beat his chest and stamped his feet!

For a while, the three little guys didn't know how to make a decision.

Beibei said: "Auntie, how about dancing in the afternoon?"

It's a good idea. Go out with Longshi in the morning and come back to play in the afternoon.

"No!" Long Yanran refused straight away!
"Aunt Long, my daddy said, I can go and play!"

"Liar! Sissy is not good!"


"No..." The little guy is connected to Lingyun's mobile phone!

And handed the phone to Long Yanran!
"Hey! Brother Lingyun!"

"Let them go!" Ling Yun said in a lazy voice.


"Let Da Jinya listen to the phone!"

Afterwards, Long Yanran gave the phone to Da Jinya, and she didn't know what they said. Anyway, after Da Jinya hung up the phone, he laughed and didn't stop!

"Yeah! Let's play!" Sissy jumped up, and she knew that her father would definitely agree.

"Grandpa, where are we going?" Beibei asked curiously.

"Buy ice cream!" Ji Wuxue gave a divine assist!

Long Shi laughed loudly, in a good mood: "I will buy ice cream for you first, and then I will take you to Jiang's house!"

"The Jiang family?"

The little guys asked together.

"Follow grandpa, grandpa will take you out to see and see today!"

Longshi said while pulling the three of them.

"Dad, they will leave it to you, you can't give them so much ice cream!" Long Yanran still reminded.

Longshi nodded indifferently!

"Sister, don't worry, I will follow them!"

Long Jiani patted her chest to assure her.

Jiangbei City

Two old men are waiting for the dragon and lion at the door!

As for the two teams of bodyguards around, it can be seen that the status of dragon and lion is still there, and people are regarded as guests wherever they go!
Seeing the dragon and lion car from a distance, the two old men smiled with kindness on their faces!
"Old friend, long time no see!"

Longshi greeted them as soon as he got out of the car.

The three little guys jumped down and looked around curiously.

"Brother Long, last time on your granddaughter's birthday, my younger brother let the younger generation go, I think you won't be angry!" Liu Qingshan said.

On Long Beibei's birthday last time, Liu Qingshan sent his son Liu Chenfeng to go.

Longshi waved his hands and said, "Where are you talking!"

"I just said, how could Brother Long be a stingy person!" Jiang Xiaotian gave Liu Qingshan a blank look.

"Come on, let me introduce you, this is my granddaughter!"

"Hey! Three!" Liu Qingshan's eyeballs are getting bigger!

Longshi replied angrily:
"Go, go, what are you laughing at, I thought, but unfortunately not."

"This one belongs to Ling's residence, Sissy! This one is kept in their house, Xiaoxue! Call someone!"

"Hello, two old grandpas!"

The three little guys lined up in a line!
As for Long Jiani, he did not introduce her mysteriously.

(End of this chapter)

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